
Jin took a deep breath amd closed his eyes to meditate. "The demonic instinct within me is being malicious towards that blood. Don't worry, I will control the feeling." He reassured the wary looking Will.

Will nodded with some reassurances. Seeing Jin being so frank, he understood that this person wasn't being malicious towards him. But he was suspicious towards the Life Wheel. Just what exactly is it? How could the Life Wheel become a birth vessel for demons? And the red impurity was actually turning a demonic instinct crazy.

"Could all life wheels have this thing? Is it what makes it possible for a demon to incubate within a life wheel?" Will was thinking. The more he thought about it, the more wary he became of the common energy absorption practice using the Life Wheel. He suddenly developed a renewed desperation towards quickly melting away the entire Life Wheel.

"What exactly is the Life Wheel? How can demons make use of it?" Will asked Jin, since he seemed to have some experience in this regard.

"I too have often wondered about this question. I suspect the truth is probably buried somewhere in history. The Life Wheel is too peculiar. Have you heard of the view that the Life Wheel emerged during the end of the Galactic Dark Ages?" Jin asked.

Will nodded. "Yes."

"I suspect that is probably the case. May be the life wheel has something to do with the galactic war against demons. We know too little about that era to speculate. Most of the information is sealed by the upper echelons of the human race." Jin sighed.

Eventually Jin looked at the watch. "I must make my way out now. I have to report to the army. I wish you luck in finding a way out with your condition." Jin said as he left.

Will looked at the silhouette of Jin disappearing, deep in thought. "I need to melt the Life Wheel as quickly as possible. Purify my body of this malicious blood like substance."

Eventually, Will made his way to meet Bull. When Bull saw him, he was surprised. "I didn't think you wanted to see me so soon?" He laughed. "You did a good job lad."

Will couldn't care about these pleasantries. "Can you get this blood tested in the lab? I want to know what it is." Will asked.

Bull had now obtained control over Newman groups labs and industries, so Will decided to hand over the matter to him. Bull saw the cotton swab of blood and didn't find anything out of the ordinary about it, he nodded and sent it for testing.

Will returned to the garden, performing the exercises for a couple of hours. He was constantly improving at his accuracy of repeating the exercises, being able to do three of the exercises in tandem. The red sun gently shined over his body, melting away the Life Wheel. Once again, Will saw that the red impurities began appearing along with the molten gold life wheel.

However, under the pressure of the sun's energy, the red impurities were immediately pushed out of Will's body. Once again, his entire body was caked in a blood like substance. Will went home and washed up. 30% of his life wheel had now melted away.

Will was clearly starting to see the effects today, as he could feel his body was clearly becoming healthier. He stamina seemed to be approaching ordinary human levels again. A small smile adorned his face, as he thought about how he would soon be relieved of this conundrum.

At that moment, when he left his bath he felt an extremely dizzying hunger. He quickly began eating the E grade nutrition packs, but they seemed to be useless. He felt like he would die of dehydration. Will felt a little fear in his heart and without thinking much, quickly unsealed the D grade nutrition pack, quickly sucking out all the paste within it. Instantly a huge energy entered his body, full of nutrition. However, it disappeared in the blink of an eye as his cells desperately absorbed the energy and then calmed down.

Will sat down, still in fear of what happened. He looked inwards and found that his cells seemed to have slightly changed. They seemed extremely vibrant and energetic, like little stars. He found that the Life Wheel seemed the same as before, with around 70% of the wheel still intact.

"It seems my cells evolved somehow. The golden liquid evolved my cells. There is no increase in strength, but I suddenly feel like my potential has increased drastically." Will thought.

He then remembered that when humans warrior potentates like Maya underwent gene therapy, they would undergo a similar process called sublimation, where the cells would change and the potential of the person would increase.

"The gold liquid acted like a gene modifier. Or was it perhaps returning the cells to its former state?" Will pondered over the mysteries of the Life Wheel.

Later at night, Will received a call from Bull. "Lad, where did you find that blood?"

"What is it?" Will asked.

"We don't know. Our labs are too primitive to detect what it is. However, we found one thing in it which was very interesting." Bull smirked.

"What did you find?"

"The blood seems to have an inherent poisonous quality to it. The moment it came in contact with human blood, the blood curdled!" Bull said with shock in his voice.

"Warrior blood?" Will asked.

"Yes, even warrior blood." Bull said. "However there is more. When we tried to put it in contact with a demon's blood we recently acquired, it almost caused the demon to regenerate!"

"How do I find out what it is?" Will asked.

"Don't worry, I have sent the sample to a reliable contact of mine in the silk route. He should be able to find out what it is." Bull reassured Will. "But lad, how did you find such a dangerous thing?"

Will shrugged. "I just came across this thing. Even Jin Sola was going crazy when he saw it."