
When Will opened his eyes, he found himself in the body of Gilgamesh. He was standing beside a lake at the center of a forest. He looked at his rugged and dusty hands and the wild shoulder length rough black hair on his head and was surprised.

Will bent down to lift some water in his cupped hands when he saw his reflection in the lake. He was Gilgamesh, but his body had an extremely wild and animalistic aura, in contrast to the tyrannical majesty of Gilgamesh that Will had observed in his earlier vision.

"Child." A booming voice exploded in Will's ears. With shock and astonishing reflexive reactions, he turned around to see a gigantic face contorted from the deformation of the sky itself. When Will saw this scene, he felt an absolute suppression of power that terrified his mind and stunned him into shock.

"Who are you?" Will heard himself speaking.

"Child, my name is Anu, the ruler of the sky." The gigantic face spoke plainly. "The people of Uruk have prayed to the Gods for twenty days and twenty nights to rid themselves of the tyranny of the one known as Gilgamesh.

I created you, the twin of Gilgamesh, to one day defeat him in battle. You shall be called Enkidu."

Then the face in the sky disappeared. The suppression vanished and the man who Will was possessing, whispered. "Enkidu. My name is Enkidu."

Will lived as Enkidu for a long time. Although he couldn't control Enkidu's actions, he could see how Enkidu freely befriended eight animals during this period of time. Each of those animals were extremely unusual. A wolf, a bear, an eagle, a tortoise, a rabbit, a snake, a tiger, a monkey and an elephant.

Each of these animals were exceedingly powerful. Enkidu himself was born with an incredible body. Will could feel that even without practicing any special techniques, Enkidu's body would equally match up with the tyrannical body of Gilgamesh.

Will spent a year in Enkidu's body, just living with these eight animals, traversing the mighty jungles. Each day, Enkidu would spar with these mighty animals and he would integrate some of their characteristics within their moves. Will, was someone who was literally watching and learning the process first hand. Over time, Will had lost sight of who he was and had completely integrated with Enkidu, the wild man with a crazy animalistic aura. Every moment of his had the hints of one of these eight animals.

One year later, Will suddenly woke up from the reverie, finding himself back in his small room in the poor residential district. For a long time, Will did not speak as he spent time in a daze, before finally coming to himself.

Will was stunned. He had spent so long as Enkidu, he had almost forgotten himself. Suddenly as all his memories rushed in, he recollected himself and felt a little fear in his heart as he thought about the dangers of the mysterious blood colored wooden box.

He felt hungry and walked to the kitchen to grab a nutrition packet, when he realized to his surprise that every minute movement of his had the hint of the eight mysterious animals around Enkidu.

Will realized that he had gained the muscle memory some kind of martial art which incorporated the eight animals. To his shock he had already completely mastered it, but from observing Enkidu, he knew that these moves used an incredible amount of physical power and durability to use. His body hadn't even completely absorbed his Life Wheel into his body yet and healed his condition. So he didn't dare to practice these moves, because he was sure to dislocate some joints or break his bones.

However, this did not change the fact that his aura had become extremely wild and Will even felt that he had become somewhat temperamental, behaving more instinctively than rationally as he was usually prone to do. This made him fear the wooden box within his mental space.

He remembered the singular sight of Anu, the self proclaimed ruler of the sky and the creator of Enkidu. Did he clone Gilgamesh? That being, was it a human? It was hard to say. It proclaimed that it was a God. When Will thought about that face, he the only potential rivals to that being he could think off were the absolute echelons of humanity and other Galactic species.

Although he had never seen these echelons act in person, he had heard some of the propaganda about their exploits and only those exploits seemed to rival the majesty and aura of the being called Anu.

The next few days were simple. The box never activated again and Will continued to practice the Clean Body Tablet's exercises, but he discovered an odd peculiarity. Whenever he practiced these exercises, the aura of the forms of the eight animals formed a perfect synergy with the moves and Will discovered that he could perform all the nine exercises in one go.

He also found that the Life Wheel melted even faster. In just a week, he had finally melted and absorbed a total of 66% of the Life Wheel, when he felt the terrifying feeling of his cells sublimating again.

Will was stunned, this was a second evolution, so quickly! In just a week since his first sublimation, his cells rapidly evolved again as Will desperately consumed three Grade D nutrition packs. The cells became even more active, the nuclei started showing slight changes and Will felt his mind broaden and his body become healthier and its potential expand vastly.

At this point, his body had become well toned. His cells had become compact and his physique showed hints of a slim muscularity. The paleness had all but disappeared and Will had the instinctual feeling that even if he didn't practice exercise anymore, he should be able to love for another 100 years. However, he wasn't satisfied with just that.

"First sublimation when 33% of the wheel was absorbed, second sublimation at 66%, then a third sublimation will occur at 99%?" Will wondered. "Just what is the Life Wheel?"

The same question once again pounded Will again.