
Some time later, Will received a phone call from Bull. "Kid, you need to come meet me. It is about the blood you provided me to test earlier." Bull's voice sounded urgent.

Will had a bad feeling when he heard the tone of Bull's voice. What exactly could have happened? Will still hailed a cab and went to the black market with haste.

In an office Bull was pacing around the room in worry, when Will arrived. He looked at Bull in surprise.

"Why do you look so worried?" Will asked.

"Where did you get that swab of blood?" Bull asked with a dignified look.

"Why? What did you discover?" Will asked.

"That blood belongs to a primordial demon. Do you know what a primordial demon is?" Bull asked.

"No, this is the first time I am hearing of it." Though inwardly, he was absolutely flabbergasted. 'How could his Life Wheel have the blood of a primordial demon, whatever it is?' He thought with shock.

"The demons have a myth that they all originated from a Primordial Demon. There are six clans among the demons and each clan is said to have a Primordial Demon as a progenitor. The blood you provided me to test comes from a Primordial Demon." Bull explained patiently.

"That is impossible." Will flatly denied it. "How can you even verify such a thing?"

"Didn't I tell you that the blood seemed to be help regenerate Demons from the blood? Well the person I sent it to test had a captured demon and interrogated it about the blood. The demon replied that it was the blood of a primordial demon." Bull replied.

Will was stunned into silence. "My Life Wheel contains the blood of a primordial demon?" He wondered? But the very premise sounded absolutely ridiculous to him.

"It is imperative for us to know where you found this blood? If a primordial demon is hiding on Oa, it will be an absolute disaster. Primordial demons are 9 star warriors!" Bull was extremely anxious.

Will thought for a moment. This was a dangerous conundrum. He couldn't let anyone know that he had secreted out the blood of a Primordial Demon.

"I found this drop of blood at the Newman Group's headquarters. At that moment, I actually thought it was a gemstone, but it actually turned out to be a drop of blood. I found it suspicious, so I swabbed it with this cotton." Will quickly made up a story.

"Newman group..." Bull wondered in confusion. "Indeed, how did they acquire the Red Crown Crystals? Could they have been colluding with demons? I need to inform the governor immediately."

Bull ignored Will, who sighed in relief. He did not wish to stay here any longer and quickly left. He felt the urgent need, more than ever before, to quickly melt the remaining bits of his life wheel and get rid of all that primordial demon blood!

As Will was leaving, Bull spoke again. "Oh, you should not leave the city. I think the Army will send a Major to investigate this event, so you better be available."

When Will heard this, his expression turned even more serious. If a major investigator comes in, the fact that he made up the story regarding the origin of that blood will become extremely apparent. Will once again felt that he was very weak.

"No, I have to leave this city. With my experience as Enkidu, I can easily live in the wilderness. I need to sneak out as quickly as possible." Will made up his mind. He had too many secrets on his person. He couldn't afford to be in the eye of this storm.

He quickly returned home and discretely transferred all his money into anonymous accounts, packed up all his necessities including nutrition packs. He decided to make his way out of the city tonight.

As he packed his things, he got more worried with every passing moment. How would he leave the city without the Black Market finding out?

"Maybe I should just sneak out by road." Will thought to himself, as he quietly picked up his bag. Just when he opened the door to leave, a woman appeared in front of him.

"Aria...?" Will asked in confusion.

" seem to be leaving this place...?" Aria asked in confusion, but then she saw the mess in the room behind Will and the large bag on his back.

"I... have to make an urgent journey." Will said. He didn't know why this girl was suddenly hear or even how she found his flat, but it would only mean trouble.

"Are you going to leave..." Aria observed. "I'll drop you by my car. You are ill and are carrying such a large bag."

Will was very nervous and irritated at this moment, but he calmed himself down. "I won't be taking a conventional route..."

"Are you hiding from someone?" Aria's mind worked overtime.

"I am going to the wilderness. A gamble." Will finally made up an excuse that wasn't too far from the truth.

"I'll take you there. You want to leave the city right? I'll drive you out." Aria said with determined eyes.

Will sighed and after some hesitation, he nodded. The two quietly entered Aria's car. It was not an expensive luxury car, but an ordinary work horse. It would do the job.

Will had already charted out a way and Aria began driving around until they came towards a secluded route into the forest, right outside the city.

"You can drop me here. I will head into the wilderness from here." Will said after sighing. If he was quiet enough, he could escape through the wilderness here.

"Wait..." Aria suddenly said.

"..." Will was speechless. Why was this woman behaving so erratically? He barely even knew her.

"Are you looking for a way to heal your Life Wheel?" Aria asked.

"Yes." Will rapidly replied. He was getting impatient.

"Then I'll come with you." Aria suddenly said, to dumbfounded looks from Will.

"It will be dangerous. I am planning to cross to the opposite side of the planet via the wilderness. How can I ask you to join me? I am going in knowing my life is on the line." Will tried to reason with this irrational woman.

Aria suddenly released a pressure from her body. "I am a 1 star Warrior. I'll protect you. Don't say no."

Will was shocked. Wasn't this girl the same age as him. "Why aren't you at the Warrior Academy? You are stronger than the trio who entered the academy."

"It's a long story." Aria said while blinking. "Can I come or not."

"You are an adult, I can't stop you from doing anything. But this trip will be dangerous." Will warned.

"It doesn't matter."