
"So are you just going to abandon your car here?" Will asked.

Aria shook her head. She activated the automated driving software and the car quietly drove back home. Will was surprised.

"Cars have automated driving now?" Will asked.

"That is my teacher's car. It is a custom built model." Aria shook her head.

In the wilderness, Will had once again regained the wild atmosphere and feeling of oneness he felt with the wilderness, when he integrated with Enkidu. Enkidu's intuitive understanding of the land came flooding back, and he quickly began rushing through the trees. Aria was following him.

Aria seemed to be equally comfortable travelling through the wilderness which surprised Will. But that was not that high on the list of surprises compared to that of Aria being a 1 star warrior.

As the two raced through the forests through the night without stopping. With Aria along with him, Will realized that he didn't have to avoid the wild animals since they mostly avoided the two.

After an entire night of travel, the two found a large tree with a thick canopy to plank themselves on. Aria was tired from the constant night of travel and she saw that Will was also very tired physically, but he didn't seem to be mentally exhausted at all.

Aria observed that Will's movements were extremely fluid and practiced, almost as if he was a person who had lived entirely in the forest. His movements almost always had hints of animals, and Will gave out the feeling of almost being an animal.

Aria was resting on a branch, as she saw Will near a clearing and perform an extremely complicated set of exercises with terrifying proficiency. However, moments later, he was rolling around in intense pain and Aria could see that his body began to ooze out blood. When she saw this she was shocked and quickly jumped down and arrived near Will. But he already got up panting, his body covered in bloody sweat.

"What happened just now?" Aria asked in shock.

"Nothing, I'm fine." Will sighed. And he began performing the exercises again. Aria noticed that while he performed the exercise, the sun's rays began to concentrate towards Will and he began glowing just slightly.

After the exercise, he was once again in extreme pain, but this time Will did not roll onto the ground, but tolerated the pain while standing, to avoid causing Aria to panic. However, his pores once again sweated out the blood colored gooey substance, with the texture of tree gum.

"Is this blood? Is your illness acting up? Why are you exercising in this condition?" Aria began scolding.

"This is blood. But it isn't my blood." Will said with a sigh.

At that moment, a voice suddenly rang out. "Oh, you already seem to know?"

When Will heard that voice, his eyes turned cold because he immediately knew who the voice belonged to.

A man suddenly walked out from behind a tree. Aria was shocked, because she never managed to detect him at all. It was a man with a very young appearance, but his true age was over a hundred.

"Jin Sola, did you really give into the demonic instinct?" Will asked coldly. He realized that Jin had probably been following him since some time.

"Give in? No. I made a deal with him. With that blood you secreted out, I will be able to quickly raise my strength and become stronger!" Jin Sola said with an evil grin.

Aria looked at the man with vigilance. She could tell that this man was stronger than her. Perhaps he was a 2 star warrior!

"I even faked your death for your disappearance. I didn't expect a girl to follow along with you, and she a 1 star warrior. There truly are too many secrets around you." Jin Sola said with a hideous smile as if everything was under his control.

"Why are you trying to kill me? I did not do anything to you." Will replied, while he was thinking of a way out.

"You can count yourself unlucky. It is truly a mystery how you are able to bleed out the blood of a primordial Demon. This blood is irresistible to a blood cultivator like me."

"Blood of a Primordial Demon?" Aria asked in a stunned voice.

"Why did you think this boy is running away? A major is coming to Oa to investigate the source of the primordial demon blood! Who could guess it was being bled out by a crippled human who is about to die?" Jin Sola laughed as he twisted his hand and all the blood collected into his hand.

"Good. This is enough for me to upgrade to a second grade Blood Demon." Jin sola said. "How much more can you bleed?"

He looked cruelly as he suddenly swallowed the sphere of blood in his hand and rushed towards Will to capture him.

At that moment, Aria suddenly tackled Jin. The two immediately entered into a close combat battle, but Aria was quickly put at a disadvantage. A demon was inherently stronger in the same grade. Even if Jin was still a human, but as a blood cultivator he was stronger than Aria and after consuming the blood if was in the process of evolving.

Will was too weak. He still was essentially a cripple, even if he was healthy and there was no way for him to interfere in this battle.

"Will, take the time to escape. I will hold him back!" Aria yelled.

However, Will did not move. He was calculating his options. Aria would be unable to hold it against Jin unless she had a secret art. In that case, running was simply turning himself into a lamb for slaughter. The best option of survival was to stay here and wait for the right opportunity.

Aria grit her teeth and a tear came out of her eye when she saw that Will didn't run away. Suddenly, her determination increased a magnitude and she began to disregard her own life as she fought with Jin Sola while giving her all.

Will frowned. It seemed like Aria did not have any secret art, in this way, he had only one option. He carefully observed the battle.

Jin Sola was initially laughing, but he became serious. This girl was not ordinary! She was only a 1 star warrior, yet she could compete with him and even put considerable pressure on him, even if he was at an advantage, this did not sit well with his psyche.