Home Ransacked

Cancer' Snap 7th 2047, 9:54 Dharkonic Twilight

9 Santavea Mews Halls Head, Western Australia

I arrived back home from Perth, I got off my Tron Motorcycle, parked it and walked towards the front door "it's good to be back at home, I have to head back to Perth for my RBT shift just started around 4:12 Dharkonic Twilight and finished around 6:19 Dharkonic Twilight and it was long drive on my Tron Motorcycle but finally I'm home but I was confused on why the hideout gates were still opened anyway I better check my home" I said, I grabbed out my house keys and was about unlock the door, suddenly the wind slowly open the door I looked at the door slowly open "what the… the… the door is open. But how I thought I locked the doors and while I was at the city… something doesn't add up" I said as I looked at the front door closed by itself via the wind. I closed my eyes and kick the front doors open and I opened my eyes and immediately walked in with my trusty Rainmaker out "hello! Is anyone there" I shouted, but no-one answered, "strange… eerily quiet I better check upstairs" I went up the stairs, once upstairs I looked at the room on my left to where AGER, Chief Kyle and Jordan would usually be… they weren't there "AGER, Chief Kyle and Jordan have a gig today at one of Scarborough's many nightclubs… I better keep searching" I said. Next I looked at my bedroom "this is my room so nothing new… I better head downstairs" so I walked back downstairs and turned around to see the lounge room and my heart skipped a beat.

The lounge room was trashed and messy "oh my… good gravity. The lounge room has been trashed so if I wasn't home that means… oh SHIT! I was targeted but why! Someone or something ransacked my home, but where's everyone I better check my Life360 app" I said so I grabbed my IPhone 7+ out of my bikini bag and looked at the Life360 app… I was baffled and saw multiple dots scatter across the globe "what this doesn't make sense!" I shouted then I looked at the table to see a digital recorder on the table "a digital recorder but why is it doing here on the small table? I grabbed the digital recorder, walked towards the trashed lounge room, sat on the sofa and started playing the digital recorder.


This has to be one of the worst days of my life… Why today was the day that this event scarred us and our family… While you're gone your home was targeted by a gang called the Sexual Attackers, everyone was taken including all of the members to the Panty Savages Gang, your Arcana Legion, the kids from the Hopeful Protection Shelter, all the refugees and our big family… please you must stop the Sexual Attackers Gang please… before… BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! LET ME GO!" I stopped playing the recording and my heart sank at the same time I started to cry "oh… my… great splatters… my legion friends, my gang, my kids from the shelter and my big family were taken by… the Sexual Attackers! But I didn't know that gang before… oh my god… the Sexual Attackers… I have no information about them… no information about the leader nor any information on their goal… what should I do" I said with a heartbroken tone. Suddenly I heard my front door open. I turned around to see two police officers looking at me "Senior Constable Arnold what happened here?" said the officer "Officer Freddy and Officer Kosei, what are you doing here?" I asked "we came to see you Senior Constable Arnold, what happened here" said Officer Kosei I got up and walked towards them and gave them the digital recorder "Officer Freddy and Officer Kosei you might want to hear this" I said.

Minutes past and Officer Freddy, Officer Kosei finished listening to the recording they looked at me drying my face with a towel "Senior Constable Arnold I'm sorry your family was targeted" said Officer Kosei "it's okay, Officer Kosei anyway�� let's get straight to the chase" I said as I sat on the sofa "does the police forces across the globe know a gang called the Sexual Attackers" I asked "Sexual Attackers, do you know any info about that gang Senior Constable Arnold?" Officer Freddy asked "sorry officer I have no info about the Sexual Attackers Gang it's new corrupted gang I only know the Panty Savages Gang not the Sexual Attackers Gang" I said "that's okay, Senior Constable Arnold. I believe we do come Senior Constable we have a mobile police station just right next door to your home" said Officer Freddy "that's good to hear, come officers we must save my family, my gang, legion and my kids from the shelter and put a stop on the Sexual Attackers" I said. Suddenly we were interrupted by the sound of a rock hitting the window "Senior Constable Arnold what was that?" Officer Kosei asked. "Someone threw a rock on the window, someone wants our attention!" I shouted "but who?" said Officer Kosei "only time will tell" I said so Officer Kosei, Officer Freddy and I walked towards the kitchen screen door, opened it and went outside.

Officer Freddy, Officer Kosei and I were outside. I looked up at the Earthian Skies and saw a golden star bright as a supernova shone in the night sky "sigh Planet Harmony… my twisted desire, my creation" I said Officer Freddy and Officer Kosei looked at the golden star at the Earthian Skies "Planet Harmony, Arnold's pride creation anyway Senior Constable Arnold we must focus remember someone or something threw a rock to hit window and he or she wants our attention" said Officer Kosei "that's right Officer but who would do that?" I asked myself, Officer Freddy saw my bikini pocket glowing "Senior Constable, your bag, it's glowing" Officer Freddy shouted I looked at my bikini bag "it's glowing… but why?" I grab out my custom tarot card out of my bikini bag to see it glowing "my tarot card, but why?" I asked "put your tarot card in the air Senior Constable" said Officer Freddy, I put my custom tarot card in the air suddenly I saw one tarot card glowing white and it was coming from the pier I walked towards the pier, I look back at Officer Freddy and Kosei "Officers check your surroundings and keep an eye on me okay" I said "why Senior Constable?" Officer Freddy asked "just in case if anyone tries to ambush me" I said "okay Senior Constable" said Officer Kosei.

I walked towards the pier, put my knee down and grabbed the Persona 4 tarot card and looked at it "XXI… this is "The World" Tarot Card, the final card in the Major Arcana Series" I said "really Senior Constable do you know about the Tarot deck?" Officer Kosei asked "I do, according to the information from a website called Labyrinthos the Major Arcana Series is part of a 78 card Tarot deck. All Tarot decks have a total 78 cards, 21 cards are Major Arcana Cards while the rest are Minor Arcana. The Minor Arcana has 4 suits each suit has 14 cards, the 4 main suits in a tarot deck are Wands, Swords, Pentacles and Cups while the rest are Major Arcana. According to the information from Labyrinthos Tarot decks can be used in card games but most commonly they are mostly used for Tarot Card Readings if the cards are upright it's positive in contrast if it's reversed it's negative. Professional cartomancers mostly use these tarot cards widely as a device for seeking personal advice and spiritual growth." I said

"So that's the purpose about tarot card decks but do you know vital information about every single tarot card within the tarot deck?" Officer Freddy asked "actually yes Officer Freddy, I have been researching tarot decks and the meanings behind all 78 tarot cards not only that I was friends with the Arcana Legion and their names are similar to the Tarot Card names but they are in latin… anyway I know all the tarot cards positives, negatives, it's astrology and its element." I looked at the Persona 4 World Tarot Card "Major Arcana Tarot Card No,XXI, The World. The World symbolizes when both worlds inner and outer become a single entity this state is also described as enlightenment or nirvana. If it's upright it symbolizes Fulfillment, Harmony & Completion if it's reversed it means Incompletion, No Closure & Emptiness. This tarot card's astrology is Saturn while it's element is Earth according to the Labyrinthos Academy Tarot Info Sheet" I said "wow you know your tarot card info all too well but do you have a tarot deck of your own?" Officer Freddy asked "I do Officer Freddy" I said and I grabbed my tarot deck out of my bikini bag "I have the Second Edition of the Golden Thread Tarot deck also I have my Tarot Journal & Workbook from Labyrinthos" I said as I grabbed out my Tarot Journal & Workbook out of my bikini bag.

I opened the Tarot Journal & Workbook and put my Second Edition of the Golden Thread Tarot deck in its tarot socket "there" I said at the same time my Tarot Journal & Workbook began to glow a beautiful metallic gold colour "okay that's new" said Officer Kosei "I know anyway I been writing on my Tarot Journal & Workbook for long time and it's filled with information on tarot card cartomancy, tarot cards, positives and negative you name it… it's in this very book" I said as I put it back in my bikini bag. Then I walked back towards Officer Kosei and Officer Freddy. They looked at the pendant around my neck it was showing a friendship flame, above it was the roman numeral XXII and surrounding it was a tarotcardic clock compass the pointers on the compass North, South, East & West were the four suits North was the Wand symbol, South was a Sword symbol, East was a Pentacle symbol while West was a Cup symbol also it moves during my daily walks while the outer ring is showing the Major Arcana roman numerals "did the Arcana Legion made that pendant?" Officer Kosei asked "yes Officer Kosei, Orbision was the one that made this pendant the Arcana Legion were very friendly to me and today I'm still part of the Arcana Legion group but… they follow my friendship footsteps" I said.

Suddenly the roman numerals XXI on my pendant glow a white colour "what the… roman numeral XXI is glowing white is there someone nearby?" I asked suddenly a fireball zipped past me and hit another pier just metres away "WHAT THE FUCK!" I shouted "language Senior Constable!" Officer Kosei shouted "my apologies officer" I said Officer Freddy saw the pier in flames I looked at the blazing pier, I closed my eyes and started to use my waterbending after that I looked at the damage of the pier "the damage is minor anyway my apologies for my language officers" I said "it's okay Senior Constable just try not swear okay" said Officer Freddy "I will" I turned around and saw a flame I pointed my flashlight at the floating flames and glowing Heterochromic Fiery Red and Icy Blue and I was surprised to see an inkling boy with white hair, fair tone skin and wearing Eminence Cuff, Milky Eminence Jacket, a White Bikini with Blue accents and Milky Enperrials the inkling that was in bindings was struggling to break free "Officers I found one of the legion members" I shouted "nice Senior Constable come on Officer Freddy let's help him" said Officer Kosei so Officer Kosei, Officer Freddy and I tried to break him free I looked at his scared Heterochromic Fiery Red and Icy Blue eyes "officers stop, he's scared also his memories are gone so try to pin him down" I said Officer Kosei put his left arm down while Officer Freddy put is his right arm down "we pinned his arms" Officer Kosei "good I'm going to cut bindings off!" I shouted but as I was about to do that I was kicked so hard it knocked me back and hit the wall "Senior Constable Arnold!" Officer Freddy shouted Officer Kosei saw Dharkonic Blood oozing out of my left eye "his left eye" said Officer Kosei I looked at the two officers but my vision is blurry and my left side was covered with my Dharkonic blood "coughs" I tried to get up but I was immediately sat back down. Officer Kosei began to aid "Senior Constable Arnold you have been hurt very badly" said Officer Kosei

I looked at Officer Kosei "get… the paramedics…" I wheezed "sure Senior Constable" said Officer Kosei so Officer Kosei notified the police station via walkie talkie "calling all officers Senior Constable Arnold is injured, I repeat Senior Constable Arnold is injured, over" Officer Kosei began to hear Commissioner Mabrina "is Senior Constable Arnold is still okay, over" Commissioner Mabrina "he is but he's clinging on to life Commissioner over" said Officer Kosei "what's location?" Commissioner Mabrina asked "9 Santavea… Mews Halls… Head. Commissioner" I said "Senior Constable Arnold!? Are you okay over" Commissioner Mabrina asked "I am… commissioner, but I'm injured also I have… dealt a heavy blow to my… head" I said "I see don't worry Officer Samuel just called the paramedics and they are on route to your location over" after that Officer Kosei looked at me "Senior Constable Arnold the medics are on their way to your location" said Officer Kosei "thanks… Officer Kosei" I looked, Officer Freddy still holding the white inkling on the ground "Officer Kosei, I must do something… about that… white inkling still in bindings" I said "sure Senior Constable Arnold" said Officer Kosei.

I got up and walked towards the white inkling and grabbed my knife and started to cut his bindings off, the white inkling started to struggle but I began to calm him down "Orbision… don't be scared… cough… I'm trying to set you… free" I coughed, when Orbision heard my voice he was amazed Orbision nod his head in response then I started to cut his leg bindings "Orbision why… why did you kick me… I'm not… I'm not a Sexual Attacker Gang Member" I asked him. Orbision muffled with a depressive "you didn't… mean it?" I said to Orbision, he nodded his head.

I already cut Orbision's leg bindings "can you try… to move to your side… I'm going to cut your arm bindings" I coughed Orbision moved to his side and I started to cut his arm bindings. I looked at Orbision's Heterochromic Fiery Red and Icy Blue Eyes tears building up "what's wrong Orbision… " I asked Orbision muffled with a depressive tone "it's okay Orbision… you thought that I was… a Sexual Attacker Gang Member… but… cough… I'm not, I'm a Panty Savages Gang Member okay" I said once I cut Orbision's arm bindings I remove the ball gag covering Orbision's mouth "there… it's done" I said. Suddenly Officer Kosei, Officer Freddy, Orbision and I began to hear blaring sirens just kilometers away "the paramedics… they're here" said Officer Kosei. Orbision looked at me and I collapsed to the ground "Amicitia!" he shouted and my vision went black.