Arcana Legion's Forbidden Love

Cancer's Snap 9th 2047, 8:30 Galeemic Light

Location: Royal Perth Hospital

I woke up in a medical room "ow my head" I said as scratch my head I looked around at my room "looks like in Royal Perth Hospital" I said then I looked at Officer Kosei and Officer Freddy talking to Commissioner Mabrina "Officer Kosei, Officer Freddy and Commissioner Marbina?" I said with confusion "oh morning Senior Constable… Senior Constable you did very well saving Orbision, although you were injured during that time you still managed to free him well done" said Commissioner Mabrina "thanks Commissioner… but I have one question I just wanna ask, who are the Sexual Attackers?" I asked "that's a good question Senior Constable Arnold, the Sexual Attackers Gang is a corrupted gang that has one goal, is to commit sexual crimes or worse kill people. Right now I'm holding your equipment, I can't believe this piece of equipment is from the compartments from Futuristic Inkopolis located in Planet Harmony… so advanced anyway" so Commissioner Mabrina got up, walked towards me and gave it to me thanks Commissioner" I said then I put on my equipment my electronic arm keyboard and put on my electronic virtual reality glasses and turned both of them on.

"Right I'm in" I said so I started looking at the archives about the Sexual Attackers Gang "here we go, the Sexual Attackers Gang… Officer Kosei, Officer Freddy and Commissioner Mabrina you might wanna hear this" I said so Officer Kosei and Officer Freddy sat on their chairs right next on my bed while Commissioner Mabrina sat on my bed "so Senior Constable do you have anyway information about this Sexual Attackers Gang?" Officer Kosei asked "I do have info about them, it's said that the Sexual Attackers are one of the most feared gangs of the underworld. The Sexual Attackers Gang can attack victims by sexual means making the victim traumatized in minutes als they can torture their victims for hours and making them injured or worse kill them, right the Sexual Attackers Gang committed 300 sex crimes and counting also… the Sexual Attackers Gang hate members who… joined the Arcana Legion!? Now that's new is there anything else about the crimes they committed" I asked myself then I tapped a folder said "Crimes: Sexual Attackers Gang" the folder I tap showed me CCTV security footage of the crimes they did from 2020 to 2024 "strange this folder is showing only 22 CCTV security footage videos but this might be some vital info about them" I said

I looked at the first CCTV security footage to see a family being attacked by a Sexual Attacker Grunt, I turned the volume up. I was shocked to see the whole thing unfold "Father, Mother, Orbisite and Orbinight! Please answer me!" he shouted but no answer. Then I saw him sleeping with his dead family. Moments later I came into view to see his family "Orbision's family… they're dead, Karuji it's Arnold I was too late… Orbision's family is dead , I was in tears "who's family we saw?" Commissioner Mabrina asked "that… that was Orbision's family. I know their names. Orbigation was the name of Orbision's father, Orbiblight was Orbision's mother, Orbisite was Orbision's old brother while Orbinight was Orbision's younger sister… I can't believe that the Sexual Attackers hate the Arcana Legion members and my family is next so they were planning this for a long time so I that's why they hate Arcana Legion members" I said. Suddenly I saw Orbision came in and sat on chair near the window "Orbision?" I asked "Amicitia… I… I have been hiding my secret for a long time, and now you found my secret Amicitia while you're busy with your gang. My family and friends' families were killed by the Sexual Attackers Gang… I… I tried everything to continue on without my family… but I couldn't. Then my precursor's soul just kicked in and the legion and I wanted to kill you… so… my legion and I fought you 21 times but your powers alone were far too strong. I lost… my family when I was seven years old and I wanted nothing but revenge for the death of my family and my friends' families so I thought you're the one responsible for the death my family" said Orbision tears building up.

I got off my medical bed and walked towards Orbision "Orbision… I wasn't the one responsible for the death of your parents and I know that, I didn't killed your family I was trying to save your family but when I arrived at the scene I was too late they were killed, I did same thing with your friends' families as well but I was always too late so I was trying to save your family and your friends' families okay but now the Sexual Attackers Gang got my family, my kids from the Hopeful Protection Shelter, your Arcana Legion friends and my Panty Savages Gang Members and they are planning to kill them to and I don't want a rinse repeat of what happened okay Orbision besides your family and your friends' families are very nice to me before they were killed" I said Orbision looked at my face but my left side was covered in bandages due to what happened two days ago "Amicitia, your face I'm so sorry" he said as he got up and hugged me "it's okay Orbision you were just scared that's all" I said Orbision and I broke the hug and looked at each other. "So you didn't kill my family and friends' families… you're trying to save them but you're too late and that happened back in the years 2020 to 2024… when my legion friends and I were seven years old." said Orbision "but Amicitia tried his best to save our lives and your friends' families" he said Orbision and I turned around to see the spirits Orbigation, Orbiblight, Orbisite and Orbinight. Orbision's family

"Orbigation, Orbiblight, Obrbisite and Orbinight. Orbision's family" I said I took a knee and said "it's good to see again, Orbigation" I said "father… mother… older brother and younger sister… what are you doing here!?" said Orbision, tears building up "we came here if you're okay Orbision my son" said Orbiblight. Orbision looked at me, I looked at him then we looked at Orbision's family "Arnold, you did your very best to save my family but your timing was sluggish right" Orbision asked "yes Orbision my timing was sluggish and also why did say my real name instead of my agent name Orbision" I asked Orbision looked at me then licked my tongue I looked at Orbision's family laughing at me. I was amazed to feel Orbision's tongue licking my tongue so I closed my eyes, embraced it and started to lick Orbision's tongue. Orbision's family were smiling happily "I can't believe little brother did that" said Orbinight.

"This… this love I'm feeling right now resonating from Arnold is very different to… my friends' love but why Arnold… I… I can't stop thinking of this" said Orbision mentally "I'm very surprised that Orbision started licking my tongues… but I'm not mad because the Arcana Legion have a lovely romance on me… Orbision" I asked him mentally "what is it Arnold…" said Orbision mentally "is it true that you and your legion have a romance on me?" I asked him mentally "yes Arnold… the legion and I have a romance towards you and… sorry if I started licking your tongue suddenly do you… do you love me?" Orbision asked me mentally "yes Orbision I do, I love you Orbision" I said mentally "I love you to Arnold" said Orbision mentally. Orbision and I stopped licking our tongues and looked at each other then looked at Orbision's family "sorry if that happened suddenly" I said "it's okay Amicitia we are not mad sigh we just want the legion have a real family just you have and your family is big and we are bit jealous about it" said Orbisite "I know Orbisite but you don't have to jealous about it you know that" I said "okay then right we better head off now I just put my created Arcana Legion Protection Charm Bracelet, your upgraded X-Blade and my created Arcana Legion Hat just for you and also Amicitia can you come here" said Orbigation I walked towards him and took a knee then Orbigation put his hands right in front of my eyes and said "Arnold Pontilan Alivar II aka Amicitia, you did your best to save us and our friends' families now it's our and our friends' families turn to save your family so I'm giving you the Tarotcardic Eyes as token of eternal gratitude for trying your best for saving us and our friends' families" then Orbigation removed my bandages to reveal my fully healed Dharkonic Eye and saw my pupil aka Dharkon was emitting colourful aura and the same thing goes for my Galeemic Eye "thank you Orbigation… I won't let you down and the same thing goes for your friends' families" I said.

"Okay until we meet again" said Orbiblight then Orbision's family slowly faded away Orbision and I waved goodbye as they faded away. I looked at Officer Kosei, Officer Freddy and Commissioner Mabrina next I looked at Orbision then looked at my upgraded X-Blade, my Arcana Legion Pendant Charm and my Arcana Legion Hat on my bedside table I got up and walked towards my bedside table put on my Arcana Legion Hat and my Arcana Legion Charm Bracelet and put my upgraded X-Blade in my weapons slath and walked towards Orbision "to be honest Orbision do I embarrassing in my Panty Savages Attire?" I asked Orbision looked at my Panty Savages Attire "well you are but in good way Arnold anyway let's head to your home, we have long day ahead of us if we want to stop the Sexual Attackers Gang" said Orbision "I agree Orbision it will be a long day for us to stop the Sexual Attackers Gang but don't worry we have police support okay" I said "that's good to hear but must do anything to save your family… the Sexual Attackers are brutal attackers but they can sneaky as well so we better be careful" said Orbision "I agree Commissioner who is the leader of the Sexual Attackers Gang?" I asked Commissioner looked at the Sexual Attackers Gang Info "Arnold the leader of the Sexual Attackers Gang is Corona Virusknife" said Commissioner

"Corona Virusknife… wait I heard that name before" said Orbision "yes Orbision I heard that name before Corona Virusknife is Emperor's older sister. She escaped Futuristic Inkopolis Prison, the most secure prison in Planet Harmony and now she's here at Planet Earth with the Sexual Attackers Gang sexually assaulting anyone if they encounter them. She was the one responsible for Operation: Covid-19 Lethality back at Planet Harmony" I said "that's right during the Global Unity {Revamped} storyline and I can't believe that Corona did this but she pissed off the wrong person besides you destroyed her operations" said Orbision "yep but with a bit help from our friends Orbision anyway since I know her a lot and she pissed off the person who created Planet Harmony anyway, Corona I know was manipulated by Gagalim aka Seraphim Galeemblight and Azathoth Dharkonheight now she's free from Seraphim and Azathoth's grasp. Corona has a criminal record of stealing offenses, drug trafficking, speeding, assaults and many more right now at the top of head Corona Virusknife has a total of 478 offenses and she escaped her prison 25 times so catching her will be hard." I said

"Right come on Arnold let's head to your home and stop the Sexual Attackers Gang for good" said Orbision "okay Orbision but… why are you calling me by my name instead of my agent name?" I asked "look Arnold you heard what my father said our legion wants a family, a real family just like yours" said Orbision "wow Orbision but your legion have twisted desires long ago but everything changed when I joined… I can't believe you have a change of heart. Do you still have the Precursor's soul within you?" I asked "I do but your Precursor, not mine anyway enough chit chat let's head home is it fine if I still call you Amicitia?" Orbision asked "sure Orbision" I said, so Orbision, Commissioner Mabrina, Officer Freddy, Officer Kosei and I left my hospital room and walked towards the front door but as Orbision was about open the door Orbision and I can hear talking outside "Orbision don't open the door… there are Sexual Attacker Grunts behind that door" I whispered "okay Arnold" Orbision whispered I looked through the window and saw my Lamborghini Terzo Millenio and a Lamborghini Centenario "dammit Arnold is there another way to leave the hospital" Orbision asked "Commissioner we can't go through the front door, there are Sexual Attacker Grunts behind that door is their back door somewhere in this hospital?" I asked

"There is Senior Constable Arnold come on" so Orbision, Commissioner Mabrina, Officer Freddy, Officer Kosei and I walked towards the back of the hospital. Once we arrived at the back door I slowly opened the door and we walked out and walked around the building. Once we arrived near the front of the hospital I saw the Sexual Attacker Grunts kick the door open and went in "quick now is our chance!" I shouted then Orbision, Commissioner Mabrina, Officer Freddy, Officer Kosei and I ran towards our rides I immediately jump in my Lamborghini Terzo Millenio, Commissioner Mabrina, Officer Freddy, Officer Kosei jumped in their police car while Orbision jumped in his Lamborghini Centenario "Amicitia is this car for me" Orbision asked "yes Orbision, I brought 22 best cars in the car market and used my money. That Lamborghini Centenario is yours I put the keys in the car" I said Orbision grabbed his car keys "Amicitia… thank you" he said "you're welcome Orbision anyway let's get out of here before the Sexual Attacker Grunts realize we are gone" we turn on the engines of our cars, and we drive off to my home.