
Not far from the forest, you could see a modest small house, in one of its rooms, a woman was lying on the bed deep asleep , her body was thin and weak, her face was pale, from time to time she frowned because of the pain in her body, she used to be one of the most beautiful women in the capital with her bright green eyes and her shiny brown hair, nobody can help but look at her, she moved the hearts of many people, men and women but see her now devastated by the disease will make anyone doubts this truth .

Suddenly a shadow appeared in the room , she walked towards the bed and stood beside the woman .

The little girl , looked at the woman with her cold eyes but if we look more attentively we can see a hint of sadness in it .

_" You have worked hard to insure a peaceful life for your daughter , to protect her from this cruel world , and this bitter reality ,but don't worry now I will be the one to protect you ,

The girl put both her hands on the bed and kneeled on the floor her head lowered

_" If you could please , grant me this selfish favor , to accept me as your daughter , I'll be grateful to you.

The room become quiet , the girl didn't expect a reply anyway , but suddenly she felt a warm hand cover hers , she rose her head and looked at the women , who was still deep asleep, but she could hear the faint words that came from her mouth ;

_" Evelyn …"

A beautiful smile appeared on Evelyn's face , she took her mother's hand with both hers and replied with a soft and gentle voice :

_" I 'm here mother , I'll be always by your side , I promise that from now on I won't let anyone hurt you , and for those who did I'll return their hospitality by ten folds ."

A flash of a beautiful light blue tainted the green of Evelyn's eyes , but it disappeared the next second it appeared .

_" But first let expulse the poison from your body "

Evelyn get up to leave the room and directly she headed back to the dark forest with the dagger in her hand .

The Morning of the next day ;

Dahlia opened her eyes , and looked arround her, she was still in her room , yesterday , she wasn't feeling well , her illness has come up again , so she rested all the day in the bed , but what surprise her is to find all the pain and tiredness she felt before gone , her fever also decreased , she was confused how can she recover so quickly in just one night ? Then she looked at her right hand ,somehow yesterday , she felt the presence of her daughter beside her , but that was strange was that really Evelyn ? She emanated a majestic and dominating aura not like her childish and naive little girl .

(I must found Evelyn )

With this thought in her mind, she got up from the bed and headed to Evelyn's room , but her daughter wasn't there , anxious and worried , she hurriedly went down stairs , to inspect all the rooms, but she couldn't find her , panicked , she rushed outside . Under one of the tree , a little girl was sitting there , "playing" with a bunch of herbs before her , Dahlia was relieved , her heart calmed down with the sight of her daughter .

Evelyn looked up and saw her mother not far from her , a bright smile appeared on her face , then she rushed to go hug her mom .

_" Mother …."

Dahlia smiled at her daughter , and hugged her even more tightly .

_" Little girl ,you always make your mother worried ? I was so scared when I didn't found you in your room "

Evelyn lifted her head to look at her mother worried face .

_" Sorry mom , I woke up earlier this morning ,to prepare a big surprise for you "

_" A surprise?"

_" Yeah , a big big surprise , but first you should take a bath , your clothes are all wet mom ."

Evelyn was right , she didn't realize that her clothes were all wet until now . Did she sweat a lot at night , because of the fever ?

_" Let's go mom , I prepared your bath ."

Evelyn pushed her mother in the back , and led her before the door of the bathroom .

When dahlia opened it , she smelt a sweet and refreshing smell of herbs , that made her whole body relax .

She turned to Evelyn to ask her :

_" What is this smell ?"

_" Do you like it mom ? Master gives me those herbs , he said it will help you recover from your disease ."

" Dahlia frowned ;

_" Master? Which master ?"

Evelyn ignored the frown on her mother's face , and continued smiling with her eyes full of joy like an Innocent little child .

_" MY master" she said pridefully

_" Can you explain to me "

Evelyn nodded and replied :

_" Yesterday , when I was playing in the garden, I met master, he was really gentle to me he gave me a delicious candy , and stayed with me all the evening ,We talked about everything , and then I told him about mother's illness, that why he gave me an elixir and some herbs to help you recover ,"

Dahlia kneeled on the ground to look straight into her daughter eyes ,

_" Evelyn , what did I told you about talking with strangers ? You're still a child you can't tell if someone is dangerous or not , imagine if you have met some bad people it will be terrible "

In fact , she already met them , but she will not say that out loud to her mother .

_" I know that mother ,but master….is really nice , he even taught me a lot of things about alchemy"

_" he taught you ? "

The little girl nodded , and looked at her mother with a sad expression.

Dahlia sighed , and patted gently her daughter head .As any other mother she can't bear to see her child sad .

_" Fortunely you met a kind person , but you mustn't trust everyone ,in this world there is also many dangerous people , do you understand ?"

_" I understand , mom".

Dahlia smiled and hugged Evelyn tightly .

_" And where is your master now ?

_" He left , he just happened to pass by our village"

_" Such a pity , I won't be able to thank him properly for healing me ".

Evelyn didn't say anything she just rushed her mother to enter the bathroom , and quickly headed to the garden.

Dahlia took off her wet clothes and sat down on the bathtub emerging her whole body in the water , she looked at the herbs in her bath , there were some leaves and little red flowers , she couldn't recognize them, she wasn't familiar with herbs , but she trusted her daughter and that hot water made her feel very comfortable and relaxing , Dahlia slowly closed her eye to enjoy more intensively this amazing feeling .