
Meanwhile , Evelyn was silently sitting leisurely and elegantly on a chair in the garden , her back at the small house . Her childish and innocent aura from earlier has now changed into a majestic and cold one . She was alone now , she didn't need to act like a child anymore . For the first place , she started acting because she didn't want to tell Dahlia that her only daughter has been sacrificed by a kingdom from another world for the only purpose of getting rid of their enemy . That why she must continue pretend to be Evelyn until her mother find her happiness and become much more able to accept the bitter reality .

That why Evelyn will rest by her mother side and protect her , it is the only thing she can do to appease her sadness , Evelyn felt responsible for what happened , although it all the fault of that greedy kingdom in the west , but she could not stop herself from feeling guilty towards Dahlia .

Sitting on the chair looking at the green grass on the ground , She started mumbling some words under her breath ;

_Blood circulation good , temperature normal ,….Mmh, good .

When Evelyn hugged her mother ,she took the opportunity to check her body . She was the one who stayed all the night healing her mother , the story about her master is just something she made up to not be suspected .

(Mmh…it seems that all the poison has successfully been expulsed , but some nourishment is necessary for a complete recovery , also herbs are helpful , it is not as effective as healing magic , such a pity if I can use magic it will be much easier , Sigh …. This body is disabled , the poison must have been injected in Dahlia's body while she was pregnant , that why it also infected her daughter , one of Evelyn's meridian is malformed and block the mana from circulating in her body ,Meridian are very important in a world leaded by magic if your meridian are broken , your body become weak and you'll get a status even lower than an animal , and unfortunately the herb I need the most for the antidote can't be found in this forest , troublesome )

Evelyn frowned and crossed her arms .

(Next problem , This body can't handle my soul , that was expected , how can a weak ten years old girl's body host completely a dragon 's soul , currently , half of my soul is integrated in it , the other half with all my powers, I sealed it before opening my eyes in this forest , otherwise , this body would have been destroyed from the inside. The only solution is to strengthen it , with herbs , exercises and magic , I can start the first two ,but for magic it must wait until I heal the meridian )

When Evelyn reincarnated in this world , she received the memories of the owner of the body but this girl was ignorant , she doesn't know anything about the world , she wasn't even interesting in learning anything , she spent all her days playing around , so useless ! Now Evelyn must find a way to get more knowledge about this world and about the correct way for a human to cultivate mana .

Evelyn sighed , and got up from the chair , there is a lot of things to do , she directly headed toward the kitchen .


Two hours later,

Dahlia left the bathroom , and was about to head to her room , when she suddenly smelt a sweet smell coming in the air , she went down stairs and when she arrived in the kitchen she found her daughter sitting at a table full of dishes , when she noticed her mother , Evelyn went to hug her .

_Mother , do you feel better after your bath ?

_Yeah, it was so relaxing , and sorry I didn't think it will take me so long .

Evelyn shook her head and said :

_ Master say , you may stay as long as possible for a better effect

_I'll , nest time ..... And what is all this ?

Dahlia pointed at the table , Evelyn hurriedly went toward it and turned around to look at her mother with her arms wide open .

_Tadaaa, this is your surprise .

Dahlia looked at her daughter surprised :

_Did you prepare all that on your own ?

Evelyn nodded and invited her mother to taste the food , Dahlia sat at the table , and took a bite of the dish before her, her eyes were wide open when she turned to her daughter .

_ Delicious , how come I didn't know that my daughter was such an excellent cooker?

_ Hehehe….I trained in secret to prepare this surprise , I also added some herbs to strengthen our bodies , my master gave them to me , I should show it to you later, now let's enjoy the meal.

After she said that , Evelyn started eating with her mother , they talked about random topics and laughing with each other .