80 Broken Through

The air in the cavern was dry, the walls were covered in a weird slickness but other than that everything seemed to be plain as hell. There was little light, except for what Morick brought with him, and what Donis created using his fire magic.

The walls seem to have held no secrets, nor did they come across anything weird in their entire time here. No ones senses lent them any sort of solace here, as everything told them they were inside a regular tunnel. Though they knew better now.

The entire group decidedly sat down. Donis had no real clue what it meant, but if it was anything like he imagined, he's at a loss for how to get out of here. The "Dimensional Corridor" didn't look any different to Donis, even with his [Void Sense]. For all he knew, he was in an incredibly long tunnel.

The rest of the crew sat down because they'd been walking for hours, and needed some rest to be at peak shape, just in case.

Rona paced back and fourth though, unable to let this go. Jimmy saw his chance and hit her where it hurt.

"So, Rona. How does it feel to be outsmarted by someone from thousands of years ago?"

"Me? A trapmaster getting trapped and outsmarted? Impossible! Either their traps are somehow hidden via unknown means, or they're just geniuses to come up with answers for all of the flaws of a dimensional corridor," she belted back, unabated.

"So what are the flaws of one?" asked Striga.

"Well normally they're so easy to see even someone who'd never seen one would be weary in coming through one. Another one is they're easy to break out of if you know you're in one! Like, all you have to do is walk in a path that it doesn't allow for, like sideways in the case of a tunnel-like corridor for us... but," said Rona as she slapped the stone walls.

"Ah yeah, small problem. Plus we don't really know where this will lead us on the other side, we must be careful. Donis, does your conjured platform allow for multiple people?" asked Striga.

"Hmm, I've never tried multiple people, but it also just barely holds me for 1s. Do you think that's enough for everyone?" replied Donis while leaning against the wall, realising his back is getting slicked up.

"Good enough, should be enough time to reorientate if need be," said Striga, clapping her hands.

"What's your plan cap'n?" asked Jimmy.

"Well, if we need to disrupt the flow of the corridor, we just smash through the walls and make our way out of here, no?" she said with a grin.

"Ah, the simplest solution," sighed Rona.

Without further ado, Striga cocked her arm back, and proceeded to break down the wall with her bare fists. The rest tried helping, but with her being the strongest there, they weren't much use.

"Ah cap'n, why even bother using your fists? Why don't you just use Earth Magic?" asked Donis.

"Try it smartass,��� she said as she continued to punch down stone.

As soon as Donis tried using Earth Magic, his entire sense of the spell became twisted. Everything felt numb. It was like a limb had fallen asleep and he tried to move it dextrously. Sure he knew it was there, but it couldn't be done.

"Ah, okay..." he laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah, not just a muscle-head over here Donis," said Striga.

"Yeah alright, alright I'm sorry!" said Donis defensively.

Striga continued punching the walls with great vigour, ready to leave the place at a moments notice. The crew were getting anxious to leave, yet no one could think of a better way to help her right now outside of some morale boosting cheers.

"Go cap'n go!" cheered Jimmy.

"Punch them rocks, show em who's boss!" joined in Donis.

The two had a wonderful time just blasting her with cheers, though Striga didn't show that she was enjoying the berating, she did have a hard time withholding her laugh. It was starting to leak out of her, but as soon as she was about to give up, a light broke through the cracks in the rock.

The image of a white and blue light pierce the rocks she was just punching sobered her up immediately. She ushered everyone over and continued punching, her fists bleeding but she didn't care. With each punch a slab of the wall would fall, and a new source of light would be made.

The team was becoming more and more excited for the upcoming event. They didn't care what happened next, they just wanted out of here.

As soon as a hole big enough for a person to walk through was made, Striga turned around and smiled at the crew. Everyone but Donis smiled back, who looked beyond bewildered when Striga just jumped through the dimensional light in front of them.

Donis saw the "wall" behind the rocks. It was made of a dancing show of white and blue lights, constantly whirling and whirring just like the whirlpool inside the main room, but at a far faster pace. So many questions rose and fell with each second, yet he knew he couldn't ask them right now, as everyone was waiting for him to jump through.

With a fearless step, he was through.

It was like the initial step he took to get into the Temple. He felt no change, no variance, nothing. Though when he opened his eyes, he knew that he definitely was out of the trap, and into the mouth of the beast.

The room unlike the other one wasn't a calming, serene scene, but it was a horrific show of what animalistic instincts and no way out can do to anything.

A large room, 20m upwards, and 40m long and wide was right before them. With each second passing by more and more of the crew had made it through, though nothing Donis or Striga could say would prepare them for what's ahead of them.

"This... is new..." sighed Striga questioningly.

The room was like the personification of the weird edgy kid people grew up with. There were black leather straps everywhere. Metal studs, and black chairs, black table covers, and black curtains. It was like taking a peek inside a very edgy bdsm love-room. Yet there were hints of a dining hall here, with banquet tables, and chairs filling everything in sight.

They weren't sure if they were being welcomed, or if they were going to be stuck inside a kink fetish. There were paintings of nude monsters and people in the most awful and weird machinery, positions and covered in liquids Donis didn't want to know the origin of.

A single humanoid figure was sitting atop the throne at the back of the room, clearly unaware of the intruders existence, just happily whistling away as it played with itself in the nude.

"No, this cannot be real?" said Morick.

"Oh but it is dear friend, it is," said Jimmy, horrified.

"Do... do we interrupt it?" asked John, clearly still shook.

"What, the fucking thing over there that's playing with himself?" snarled Rona in a hushed tone.

"No, the fucking chairs, who else?" quietly barked back Cypher.

"Okay calm down, we need to figure out what to do with that stupid little green thing over there!" commanded Striga.

"Can... can I do it?" asked Jimmy.

"You want to stop that thing from yanking his chain?" asked Rona confused.

"Duh, this will either be the worst death imaginable, or hilarious, and I like my odds right now. He's tiny! He's short too!" Jimmy laughed a little too hard.

"Uh.. go for it," laughed Striga, taking a seat on the hardwood floor, which was also black.

Jimmy cleaned up his clothes a little bit, walked around the benches all quietly and pulled himself a seat. Upon placing his butt down, and his feet up, he cleared his throat and got the attention of the green goblin looking thing.

"Oh great wanker, your constant rubbing of the magic lamp has summoned me, Jimmy!"

"He's actually the dumbest man I've ever met," sighed Rona.