2nd Date pt 2 & War

After Alex and Jessica separated Alex already encountered her first person but it was an entire squad of people she quickly aimed her laser gun fired and missed so she ran to a broken down wall wondering why she missed

'Host you have talent not instant mastery you still need to learn how to do anything naturally'

(Okay then I should practice luckily there is an entire squad to practice on.)

She looked out from her cover just to be almost shot luckily for her she saw their fingers move and moved her head back after that she went and jumped up to grab ledge of the wall and flipped over it just as she was about to get hit again by the entire squad she ran toward the closest person fired at them at point blank range and used them as cover before she jumped over them and fired all around her effectively hitting a few people and killing them so she ran into a small building and decided to try and aim and fire again starting to get the hang of it when suddenly she got shot and flashed so she had to go back to her base to respawn

"Hey Alex how are you doing so far?" Jessica

"Not great honestly I thought it would be easier." Alex

"Well it isn't that hard you're just a beginner against elites I'm honestly surprised you lasted this long." Jessica

"Well I took some down but I wound up dying right after I hid in a building" Alex

"Huh so you actually got some? That's a amazing how did you get them?" Jessica

"Hmm well I used my physical fitness to my advantage and sneak attacked them." Alex

"That's still amazing I didn't get any kills my first time here but my dad taught me how to be more efficient and my brother taught me where to hide and what to watch out for." Jessica

"Huh well I'll get better with practice." Alex

'Host having a teacher helps even if you are talented'

"But I wouldn't mind some help every now and then like some pointers or how to aim and fire quickly without missing." Alex still

"I can help with that come over here and aim at something." Jessica

After a minute or two Alex got the hang of firing fast practically on instinct which she needed immediately as suddenly they were surrounded by enemies on all sides

Alex and Jessica started firing and zig zagging around Alex used her speed and kinetic vision while Jessica just used finesse while they fought their enemies Alex was getting better and better but couldn't keep up with Jessica with all her own excessive movements and realized she was likely going to lose the bet but didn't feel too bad instead she was having a blast fighting with her and after they were the only ones left with hardly any health but big smiles on their faces

"You're beautiful when you fight like this." Alex

"Well I have a lot of experience and this isn't over yet I may have the lead but they will respawn soon so you might catch up not that I'll let you" Jessica

"Ha I won't give up so early I'll master this game and beat you." Alex

"Good luck with that Alex *kisses* let's kill some more" Jessica

"Yeah let's do it together this time it's a lot more fun and easier" Alex

"Sounds good but you will have it harder since I'll kill everyone." Jessica

"Not if I kill them first" Alex

Jessica and Alex proceeded to destroy the competition with little trouble eventually yellow and blue just fought for second and tried to run from the red demons not that they let them escape it was an overwhelming victory for red and Jessica won the bet she was originally winning overwhelmingly but Alex started gaining on her near the end but by then it was too late

"Alright Jessica you win so what do you want me to do?" Alex

"I will tell you after our date we aren't done yet so come on we are going to this great cafe near here that we can walk to *grabs Alex's hand* come on." Jessica

"Okay Jessica." Alex

After a few minutes of walking they made it to this homely looking cafe for a snack and drink

"Alex you have to have try their blueberry muffins." Jessica

"I do like blueberry muffins so I'll do that. I'll also get a coffee with creamers and sugar on the side." Alex

"Kay I'll go get it you sit here and wait for me *winks*" Jessica

After a few minutes Jessica came back with two coffees and two bags

"Here's your coffee the creamers and sugar are in your muffin bag." Jessica

"Thank you *laughs* what did you get to eat?" Alex

"A new treat they created its like a multi muffin with different flavors in each bite or so they say." Jessica

"Sounds weird and possibly gross." Alex

"*bites her muffin* ew this is disgusting." Jessica

"How bad is it? You seem devastated." Alex

"You won't believe me just take a bite. *hands muffin to Alex*" Jessica

"*takes bite and nearly vomits* how can they sell this it's not a different flavor in every bite it's a mash of every flavor in a single bite who wants to taste chocolate pistachio blueberry banana nut peanut butter strawberry hazelnut cinnamon apple birthday cake corn and key lime pie all mashed together it's vomit inducing." Alex

"Err yeah but for some reason I want another bite to make sure it was actually that bad" Jessica

"*laughs* that's how they get you let's split my muffin instead of getting a new one oh and tell Chris and Tayler it's amazing so they come try it." Alex

"I will *laughs* let's hurry up and eat our snack we still have other things to do." Jessica

"Alright." Alex