2nd Date pt.3

After the cafe Jessica took Alex to go shopping with her. At first Alex thought they were going to shop for clothes which they were just after they shopped for something else.

"Hey Jess where are we going I thought we were getting clothes." Alex

"We will after but today there is an underworld black market event. It's pretty cool and have neat stuff you can't purchase usually." Jessica

"Well uh okay but isn't it kind of unsafe here?" Alex

"Nope because if you cause trouble here you're blacklisted and if you're blacklisted you get a target on your back to get a good relationship with the black market group leader" Jessica

"Hmmm well okay I'm also curious about the black market." Alex

"Well they have stuff you won't believe and they do lie and scam so watch out." Jessica

"Uh thanks I will so what are we looking for?" Alex

"Anything for now but there is an auction in 2 hours that we should go to don't worry I'm a VIP so we get to go up in the private stands Uh but there might not be much to buy oh and also there is drugs and other not really great things being sold there like people." Jessica

"Wait what how is that okay?" Alex

"Well it isn't but sex slave trafficking makes a lot of money I'm just glad my family is wholly against the idea." Jessica

"Those people are sick." Alex

"Well yeah they are but let's forget about that for now and enjoy ourselves until the auction. There probably won't be anything too disturbing at the auction considering this is a blind eye auction instead of a fully hidden one." Jessica

"A what?" Alex

"Blind eye auctions are black market auctions that are sold openly and officials just turn a blind eye while fully hidden is fully hidden." Jessica

*ding* 'host unlocked underworld knowledge tree'

"Uh yeah that's good." Alex

"Huh you suddenly got in a good mood." Jessica

"Well uh I'm just happy to learn something new. Show me around." Alex

Jessica did show Alex around they found a few things that interested them Alex ancient books ancient weapons and new smut books while Jessica found some cool guns illegally modified and nice knives they both ended looked at the guns and knives since Jessica wanted Alex to have a gun too.

"Alex! Come look at these you were great at laser tag and these guns don't have a big recoil so I thought we could get matching pistols *picks up two glock .45 with extended magazines* you can't go wrong with a Glock these have no tags and an extended mags so they are pretty illegal as far as pistols go but they are nice and handy" Jessica

"Huh? Do you have a gun already Jess?" Alex

"Yes I do and she's great but not a concealed kind of gun I have a full automatic machine gun the FM P90 without the extended barrel and as I said full auto you can't get that at the gun shop" Jessica

"Hm I think I'll just get two Glocks both .45 with extended mags." Alex

"Hmmmm... I only want one Glock .45 extended mags." Jessica

"The price is next to the guns just grab pay and leave. If you don't have cash we do bitcoin." Stall owner

"Uh thanks... Jessica you got bitcoin? I'll pay you back." Alex

"Hmmmm.... yeah but you don't need to pay me back or anything." Jessica

"Ah well thank you *kisses cheek* I probably shouldn't have bought all these books and old antique weapons with my cash." Alex

"Well you are kind of weird for doing that but it was cute. Why'd you buy those old weapons anyways? We should also buy a knife or two while we are here." Jessica

"I bought them to study maybe I can learn something cool from them or just organize it in a room." Alex

"Hm... well to each there own what type of knife do you want? I recommend this long dual sided knife it's only illegal because of its length but it's a solid knife I will be getting a long one sided knife" Jessica

"Alright I have enough for the knife with me." Alex

"Alright now let's look at other things before the auction." Jessica

"Alright let's do it Ah wait we should buy holsters." Alex

"Hm? Ah don't bother my dad knows a guy he makes great holsters and sheaths." Jessica

"Well carrying all this is pretty annoying... hey Jess can you keep a secret for me?" Alex

"Hm? Sure." Jessica

"Okay find us an empty area with no cameras" Alex

"Oh there is this place that's always empty over here it has a bad smell so I hope we don't stay too long." Jessica

When Alex and Jessica arrived they smelled a horrible stench that was hard to describe but it was an empty area which was good.

"Alright now Jess don't freak out *puts all their things in her ring*." Alex

"Ohhhhh are you a magician? My dad knows a few but space magic is rare." Jessica

"Uh I am a magician kind of but the ring is the space magic (though I could imitate it with the inventory or try and learn it I didn't lie) but I'm surprised you know about magicians" Alex

"Please perks of family there are all kind of things hidden from the public but the underground has its ways." Jessica

"Hm well please don't tell anyone." Alex

"You don't even have to ask but you should just say you can do space magic if someone sees not mention the ring because they might try to steal it. Be careful showing people stuff like this though people might try and silence you oh and let's look around more then head to the auction this stench is killing me." Jessica

"Yeah let's go." Alex