Chapter 3 The Sleeping Wolf Inn

As The Six walked into the Sleeping Wolf Inn they saw that the Inn had a large desk at the front with a middle-aged woman who was wearing a green dress she looked at the group and said: " Hello welcome to the Sleeping Wolf Inn how may I help you?"Ralingar cleared his throat and said " we are the Greatwolfs and would like a room? How much is that going to cost?" the woman replied dryly " it is seventy credits per person and one hundred and fifty per room."Adam was amazed at how expensive it was and then remembered they don't have any enough credits to pay for all of them they were about to leave when a tall man wearing a dark black hood put a sack of credits on the desk and said in a husky voice " put this group of travelers on my tab and any food or drink they buy is on me."the woman nodded and said, " here are the keys to your rooms." She gave Ralingar a set of seven keys as they were walked towards a table the man stopped them and said " I need to talk to you. Follow me." Luke said, " wow that was timely, and we get free food." Nina turned to him and said, " really don't you think that he is a bounty hunter and will turn us over to Zargorwarth or worse kill us!"Adam shook his head and said, " no he is not evil." Kai'la asked Adam " how do you know that?" Adam replied " all of the evil that we have encountered have a dark and evil heart that gives them Dark Kai this person has a heart of good his Kai is pure as is his soul. So, I think that we can trust him.Plus, he would have just killed us when we walked into town." The man replied " yes, I have been following you and I am not your foe. Although your friend is right I could have killed you the second you entered the town"with that in mind they sat down at a table in a dark corner of the Inn. " thank you for buying us a room at the inn." The stranger replied, " it was nothing." He leaned close to the Six and said: " I am a friend and I know who you are." The Six did not know what to say, they did not know where this man was telling the truth or not.After a couple of seconds of stunned silence, Adam asked the Stranger " what is your name and who are you?" The Stranger took off his hood to reveal that he had long black hair, his eyes were light blue and above his right eye was a long scar and he had long elven ears. The Stranger said, " I am the Ranger Tyran and I know your names because I am that has the ability to see through any illusion or false identity."Ralingar asked Tyran " what is that you need to tell us?" Tyran's face turned grim as he said " I know that you are being chased by the Red Lady and she is not a force to be taken lightly. Her powers are far stronger than anything I have ever seen, and no one has even come close to killing her."Luke was confused with typical but in this case, so was everyone else Luke asked Tyran " what keeps her alive?" normally this would be a dumb question if it were referred to something like a human and then Nina would bonk Luke on the head but this was relevant so she decided that it was not a dumb question to ask what keeps a person that can't dye alive would be a perfectly logical question to ask.Tyran shrugged his shoulders and said, " no one knows they are all killed before they can find out how to kill her." Tyran paused and " you Six are second people to escape The Red Lady and live to tell the tale."Adam asked Tyran " who was the first?" Tyran replied " me." Tyran froze and said, " you need to leave right now!" Adam asked him " why what is wrong?" Tyran replied, " The Red Lady has tracked you to this Inn and is looking for you right now." Tyran got up and said, " I need to leave if she finds me she will kill me."Nina asked Tyran "why what is special about you?" Tyran replied " I am the bounty that she had lost.