Chapter 4 The battle with the Red Lady in the Sleeping Wolf Inn

Just like Tyran had said The Red Lady came into the Inn and once they saw her the whole Inn froze in terror. The Lady behind the desk looked at The Red Lady and said timidly " how may I help you tonight?" The Red Lady replied coolly" oh, I am just looking for a few people to talk to." She smiled darkly as she laid eyes on the Six, Adam, and Tyran as she said: " prefect I have found exactly what I am looking for." She walked calmly over to the table that the Six and Tyran were sitting at Adam looked at Ralingar and he nodded meaning " go ahead and fight here." Adam stood up and thought " my first form did not do any good on her, so I need to transform into my second transformation" Adam looked at the rest of the group and mouthed the words " I need to transform." The rest of the Six knew what to do so before The Red Lady could reach them they slipped their Rings on and pointed them at Adam as they did he was engulfed in light. The Red Lady lunged at them but there was a protective shield around them as Adam transformed into his second transformation. The Red Lady was in awe as golden lighting sparked from his body as the golden energy lifted him into the air. The power of Adam's transformation was so strong that the whole inn was shaking. Tables were breaking apart; glass was shattering to pieces. After several minutes of the tremendous shaking, Adam was lifted back down to the ground. Adam was completely different his whole body was cracking with golden lighting, he was about six feet and his muscle mass has increased, and just like his first Transformation, his hair was golden blonde. Tyran looked at the rest of the Six and said " you need to leave this battle it will get rough. I will come if you need help and if you happen to want more info on me and what is going between me and the Red Lady my sister owns an Inn down in Binvorgar and she will be able to tell you more just tell her that Tyran sent you."The rest of the Six all agreed that they needed to leave and made their way out of the Sleeping Wolf Inn but could not leave without Adam, so they stayed and watched Tyran leave out the back door. Adam looked at the Red Lady and said, " you want to kill me?" the Red Lady replied " yes I do I have been paid by Zargorwarth the Demon Lord to kill you and your friends"Adam drew his sword and said " well then I guess you tell Zargorwarth you can't complete this kill. Because I am going to kill you!" The Red Lady shocked at this said " why you little worm! I will give you to Zargorwarth in a body bag!" The Red Lady drew her blade and said: " I must warn you no one has ever killed me."Adam replied " there is a first time for everything" as with blazing fast speed landed a blow to the Red Lady's chest making her drop her sword. She fell to the floor " such power and speed. No mortal man has that much power to acutely hurt me" The Red Lady said, " I am no mortal man." Adam said as he lunged at The Red Lady delivering a flurry of blows " I am the Warrior of Light!" The Red Lady drew two long sharp blades and throw them at Adam's head "let's see you dodge this" with blazing fast speed Adam grabbed the knife and throw it into The Red Lady's right shoulder and the other was embedded in her lower chest.Adam came up to her and with two fingers ripped her arm off. The Red Lady screamed it had been ages since she had felt real pain. The Six saw a large blood pool on the floor as well as an arm Adam said to the Red Lady " why are you not dead?" she replied weakly " ha you are good. I will show you why no one can kill me!" she ripped her dress off to reveal that her skin was not human but cybernetic with long Implant tubes that were connected to her arm all from her wrist to her neck. " what the hell are you" Adam said The Red Lady replied " I am an Android and I a normal person would have died from having their arm ripped off and two knives embedded in their skin." The Red Lady said as she was leaving she said" I can only tell that much, and it was fun fighting you Adam, but I must leave. I would like to kill you, but you seemed to have disarmed me for the moment. but I will be back." The Red Lady then disappeared in the woods once she left Luke drew his blade and said "she is hurt we need to follow her"he turned and looked at the rest of the group. Victor shook his head and said" we can't follow her. we have to leave we've made ourselves too vulnerable and besides, we need to make our way to the Swamps of Balgar"" But Victor, she is wounded, and we can get rid of her now if we move quickly," Luke saidTyran replied " No, that is a foolish idea. Even the greatest warriors know when the battle is lost."Victor nodded and put his sword away. The group set up camp nearby as the sun was sitting Kai'la walked over to Luke who was hitting his sword against a tree." Damn them. We could have gotten her!" Luke said as the tree took a third blow. " Luke please don't hurt the Alum'ki she does not like it." Luke put his sword away and said: " hey Kai'la, do you need something?"Kai'la motioned to sit they both sat down on the grass " yes Luke, I think you were right we could have taken her for she was weakened, but at what cost, would she have killed Nina or even Adam. Is taking down one person worth the life of one that you genuinely love?"Luke paused and thought about it if they did attack The Red Lady she may have been able to kill Nina if so then Luke could never forgive himself for causing the death of his sister."Luke replied, " no I guess not."Kai'la placed a hand on Luke's leg " if you learn what battles to fight and what to run from you will be one step closer to being a great warrior."Luke was surprised to hear that " am I a great warrior?" Luke asked Kai'la" Yeah, I can sense a warrior's spirit inside of you."