Chapter 10 The Zargorwarth the Demon Lords new body

The Dark Spider King was scared as the doors to the tube opened for he did not know what would step out. Out stepped Zargorwarth he was wearing golden armor he had long sharp claws and he no longer had a tail. He had a face ventilator and many cybernetic implants. His skin was green, and all of the cybernetic implants were embedded into his body. His hair was long and blood red on the top of his head was a metal plate that covered his right eye with was a dark red.The Dark Spider King was speechless for a few minutes but then said: " you look unbelievably evil." Zargorwarth spoke with a deep evil voice and said as he looked at his new body " yes this transfusion with my general and with the foot soldier of the Planet War worked I have unbelievable power and as a bonus, I have the power to create an Army of Black Webbed creatures" Zargorwarth focused as he did two fifty-foot metal wings extended from his back. The Dark Spider King marveled at this Zargorwarth stood about eight feet he towered over him as Zargorwarth said: " I really must be going I have five Dark Ring Fragments to find before the Six destroy this one as well." Zargorwarth then exited the Castle and flew out of the Spiderverse he then focused his Kai to sense where the next Dark Ring Fragment is." ah, the Second Dark Ring Fragment is in the Realm of Nilgar. That is where the Six are heading right now perfect." Zargorwarth flew towards the City of Binvorgar he knew that is where the Six would stop first for sleep. since Zargorwarth was now part robot he did not need to sleep, eat, or need to feel any type of emotion like love, pain, sadness, or mercy. So Zargorwarth with his new body lighting speed to Binvorgar to pay the Six a visit and to show them his new body and the true meaning of terror