Chapter 11 The Red Lady seeks the aide from Cybernetics specialist Cybore

As the Six made their way through the tunnel that led to the City of Binvorgar The Red Lady was running through the Forest of Balgar holding her chest where the knife was embedded in her. at this moment she did not care about the bounty on The Six's heads all she cared about was to find the only person who could fix her, and that person was Cybore the Cybernetics Specialist. She finally reached a large wooden house the Red Lady walked up to the door she reached out with her left arm considering that Adam ripped off her right arm. As she knocked on the door blood gushed from her right arm and a pool of blood was forming on the porch of the house. A panel opened up on the door and a man with a brisk voice said: " who are you and why have you come?" The Red Lady said, " Cybore it is me The Red Lady and I need your help." Cybore did not respond The Red Lady yelled out" for God's sake Cybore do you think I would come to you if I was not close to death's door!" there was a brief silence then The Red Lady heard the unlocking of bolts as the door opened.The Red Lady entered and saw a tall man who wore a long dark blue Demon Skin Jacket, he also wore a tight-fitting shirt Cybore had long black hair, his eyes are coal colored. His right hand is made out of a Cybernetic Biomorphing Exoskin. Cybore led The Red Lady into his workroom and motioned for her to lay on a large metal table.He looked at her and saw that her right arm was gone said " my Gods what in Over-World happened to you! The last time this happened you were fighting some ranger and he nearly killed you!"The Red Lady glared at him " Yes, Cybore I remember." Cybore looked at the wound " you will need to undress, for me to fix the wound."Red Lady sighed " you just want to see me naked again." She said as Red Lady unzipped her dress and stretched her shoulders her skin was created from Microcyber plated skin. Red Lady sat in front of Cybore in her bra and panties" You can ask all you want but my bra and panties stay on." Red Lady said in a low menacing voice. Cybore nodded he could sense the anger in her voice " As Cybore looked at the wound he paused and asked The Red Lady " tell me who were you fighting? Because they have exceptionally good aim" The Red Lady replied, " I was fighting Adam Jackson the Warrior of Light."Cybore then said, " he has very good aim if he throws the knife two inches over he would have hit your central vein killing you at once."Ref Lady gritted her teeth as Cybore connected two long black wires into her wound. "But luckily he just ripped your arm off killing you a bit more slowly."Cybore then asked The Red Lady " why were you fighting The Warrior of Light?" the Red Lady replied, " I am hunting the Six of Legend, The Warrior of Light and Ralingar the middle son of King Raz."Cybore now knowing who she was hunting said: " I can fix you but to make sure that this does not happen again I will bind some very powerful armor to your body as for the knife have removed it and have given you an arm that can morph into any weapon you chose."The Red Lady was pleased by this and said: " thank you." Cybore gave her a white pill and said: " take this pill it will make you sleepy and after a few seconds go to sleep thought out the whole time I am working on you."The Red Lady took the pill and once she did she could instantly feel her eyes getting heavy. The last thing she saw was Cybore putting a white mask on her and then she found herself in a bed with Cybore sitting by her side. She blinked her eyes and said, " did it work am I upgraded?"Cybore responded, " that would depend." The Red Lady replied, " on what?" Cybore said " if you can feel pain. I took all of your pain sensors out of your body so if you feel any pain then I have failed." The Red Lady picked up a knife and said, "let's find out." as she stabbed herself on the left side as she did Cybore cringed as he saw dark blue blood drip down her side. The Red Lady did not even flinch even when she pulled the knife out of her side and saw that knife covered in blood.Cybore was pleased with himself The Red Lady throw the knife on the floor and said: " good I can't feel pain." She looked at her new body in the mirror and said: " it seems that you have added an extra layer of Exo-Bio Skin." Cybore responded " yes it is my new prototype called Bio-Armor it will mold itself to your skin and it is less for you to get hurt and you will have increased speed, power, and agility. I also put an extendable blade in the knuckles of your hands. As for your right Arm, I made your Right Arm a Bionic Exo Bio Morphing Omega Arm. It can shapeshift into any weapon you chose." The Red Lady put on her dress and said to Cybore "thank you this will help me destroy my bounty." She then exited the house and headed towards the Swamps of Balgar but she knew that she had taken to long getting to Cybor's house so the only City that was nearby was the City of Binvorgar so she decided that she would go there first to see if the Six were there and if they were then she would kill them and she would start with Adam for almost ending her life