Chapter 14 The death of King Mingkai

It was the middle of the night the three moons Kin'gi, Al'luna and En'dra that shone over Tylingariea bathed the throne room in a milky white glow King Mingkai sat on his throne channeling his Kai he had foreseen this day and knew that Zargorwarths power was growing, Zargorwarth already knew where the second Dark Ring Fragment of the Ring of Pure Evil was.

King Mingkai heard the door to his treehouse, he dared not move, in an instant, the door burst open and a group of six figures walked in.

King Mingkai knew them to be the Elites. Shadowblade walked calmly over to King Mingkai and said: " I know that you can read my mind so tell me what am I going to ask you?" King Mingkai replied, " you are going to ask me where the Six of Legend are?" Shadowblade clapped his hands and said, " this one has some brains he knows not to toy with me!"

King Mingkai stood up he towered over Shadowblade and said in a deep and menacing tone " Mortal, do not intend to hand over the guardian of light to your master nor to the one that is called Kit."

Shadowblade glared at Mingkai and said grimly Mingkai felt a massive wave of dark Kyi push him down, Mingkai let out a cry of pain as he fell out of the treehouse and onto the ground.

Shadowblade floated down and watched as Mingkai stood up weakly. "If you want to die then I will gladly kill you myself!" Shadowblade paused and looked at King Mingkai who was struggling to stand Shadowblade said to King Mingkai " how about this if you can knock me down then we will leave."

Mingkai stood up and said, " what the catch?" Shadowblade replied " I will try to kill you without using my hands. So it clear you knock me down we leave and I kill you without my hands." Mingkai lunged at Shadowblade. just as he got near Shadowblade Jess jumped out and punched Mingkai in the chest breaking all of Mingkais ribs and sending Mingkai into the wall, Grey Fox then throw a long dagger into Mingkais shoulder King Mingkai screamed in pain Jess lunged at Mingkai and pounded his head into the wall.

Shadowblade walked over to King Mingkai and leaned close to King Mingkai and said slowly "where are they? I can make the pain go away or make it hurt even more!" King Mingkai glared at him and said "go to Under-Hell! You demon spawn! "

as he spat dark red blood in Shadowblade's face Shadowblade pulled out his sword and was about to thrust it into King Mingkai's heart when a dark shadow appeared and took the form of Zargorwarth the Demon Lord.

Shadowblade put away his sword and said " you are growing in power my lord" Zargorwarth the Demon Lord replied to Shadowblade " go outside I will take care of this worm." The Elites bowed and left Zargorwarth to deal with King Mingkai. Zargorwarth lifted his hands into the air as he did King Mingkai floated into the air Zargorwarth said to King Mingkai

" where is the Second Dak Ring Fragment?" King Mingkai replied, " I will never tell you!" Zargorwarth smiled and said, " you think that you are in pain I will show you pain that you have never felt before." Zargorwarth eyes glowed red and from his fingertips, a long stream of blood-red energy flowed into King Mingkai.

King Mingkai let out a horrible scream his eyes rolled back in his head, his skin was covered in dark red veins " my gods!" Shadowblade said as he watched Zargorwarth torture King Mingkai. King Mingkai finally screamed out " the second Dark Ring Fragment is in the Forest of the Monkey King." Zargorwarth replied, " thank you for your help you will now die."

All of King Mingkais flesh was ripped off of his body and all that remained was his skull with Zargorwarth crushed after Zargorwarth left he told the Elites were to go and then Shadow Teleported ahead of them and said to himself " I will not allow the Six of Legend to destroy this Ring of Darkness this time. Adam, I am getting stronger every second as well as you are getting stronger with every second. I will not be overshadowed by a mere Terrain! I have the right to rule! I am a king! It is my birthright to be Tylingarieas rightful ruler