Chapter 15 Dusk leads the Six of Legend into the Monkey Kings domain

Adam awoke and saw the fourth sun of Tylingariea named Zengar the Destroyer of worlds raise high in the sky bathing the sky in a beautiful ray of colors of orange and purples even though the darkness shone through it added the sunrise with variety of reds and greens Adam could see the beauty in the morning light even with the corruption flashing red and green lighting across the sky.

Adam walked over to the magic barrio and saw Dusk and the rest of the Six of Legend as well as Ralingar and Mariea who were standing at the edge of the magic barrio Dusk said to Adam quickly " come we must hurry I fear that your Arch-foe has tried to cross this barrio and get to the Monkey King and get the Dark Ring Fragment"

the Six passed though the Magic Barrier and into a long hallway that was made out of trees. The Six followed Dusk down the hallway and Adam asked Dusk

" when Zargorwarth the Demon Lord gets the Dark Ring Fragment of the Ring of Pure Evil will he kill your brother and then slander the Monkey Men in an evil blood lust rage?" Dusk replied " that will not happen the stories that Mingkai told me that my brother when he unlocked dark magic he created a powerful spell that made him able to take any blow, jabs and he will regain his heath making him unable to die.

He also cast this spell on his Amy but to keep them safe he cast a different spell that entombs them in a magic statue form making them unable to be destroyed in this statue form but come alive at night."

Dusk finished they entered a large throne Room to see a huge vortex of shadows twisting itself around The Monkey King this vortex had red, green and purple lighting flashing from the vortex. The vortex stopped and took the form of Zargorwarth the Demon Lord Zargorwarth was holding The Monkey King by the throat in one hand and in the other hand he held a Dark Ring Fragment Zargorwarth the Demon Lord let out an evil laugh as he said: " I now have two of the Dark Ring Fragments of the Ring of Pure Evil!"

he looked at Adam who was impressed with Zargorwarth's new power " so you like my new power! That is good be amazed my power is growing far faster than yours ever will and since I have two of the Dark Ring Fragments of the Ring of Pure Evil I will be even stronger" Adam grinned and said " I don't care how powerful you are! I will still defeat you!"

Zargorwarth the Demon Lord grinned as he transformed his arm into the Bloodsword and said darkly " good you have a fiery will to fight. Use it to fight me!" Adam drew Bailfire and cried out as he did an aura of golden energy engulfed Adam turning him into pure light Zargorwarth the Demon Lord then leaped into the air and turned into shadow there was a crack of red and gold lighting as Adam and Zargorwarth spun around fighting each other there power created a vortex that began to rip apart trees as well as the earth beneath them

Kai'la created an earth shield Kai'la screamed to Victor " what are they doing?" Victor hollered " my best guess is that Zargorwarth is testing Adams powers by making Adam mad." Victor looked up and saw golden lighting light up the sky " Kai'la you need to calm him down or Adam will destroy the planet!" Kai'la hollered to Adam " calm down please stop!" Adam did not hear her inside the vortex

Zargorwarth the Demon Lord said, " we have spared enough this has been fun but I have more Dark Ring Fragments to find until we meet again." Zargorwarth then shadow teleported away from the vortex thereby destroying it Adam floated to the ground and into Kai'la La'gars arms Adam said: " I am sorry." The Monkey King stood up and said in a hoarse voice " I thank you for saving me from that monster he was doing awful this to me with dark and ancient magic." Dusk asked The Monkey King " what did he do to you?" The Monkey King replied, " he was draining the life out of me as you entered."

The Monkey King was older and worn with age he looked to be a thousand years old he wore a long tattered purple rob the same one he wore when he was cursed Dusk asked the Monkey King " there will soon be a finial Battle will you lift the Seal so that I can come to call upon your Monkey Men to help us when they are needed in battle." The Monkey King replied, " I will lift the Seal." He raised his arms and said in a loud and commanding voice

" Be gone Seal of Zengar the Destroyer of worlds and the God of the Ancient Monkey Men. This is the Monkey King left your Seal so these Monkey Men may be free from my grasp and may this power be transferred to Dusk so that she may have control over your subjects. So the Monkey King Speaks so it shall be!"

the seal broke and a green light engulfed Dusk and on her chest, a star with a monkey's head was burned into her chest right below her breasts. " you now have the power to summon the Army of the Monkey Men. I must tell you that the third Dark Ring Fragment of the Ring of Pure Evil is in the City of Celesteaah the city of Angels and the Dark Ring Fragment is located in the Palace of Angels" as the Monkey King said