Chapter 27 The Aftermath

Once the sky cleared and became blue once more, Adam fell to knees and wept not just for his fallen friends but for all of the life lost. Morgone stood next to him and prayed for his brother journey to Overworld

Kai'la saw him crying and could feel his pain, the suffering that he had to endear the death of Ralingar, and what he had to do to Jason.

Kai'la bit her lip " damn now I have to tell him that his best friend is dead."

All of the sound became silent as Kai'la sat next to her lover Adam to speak with him. Morgone watched from afar his hands clunched tightly. Nina and Victor stand next to him saw a trail of blood run down his wrist.

"If i knew then that my lust for power would cause the deaths of both my brothers. I would have never have seeked out such power." Morgone said

Adam returned with Kai'la he stopped in front of Morgone and embraced him " I am sorry for your loss my friend."

Morgone was stunned by this action of kindness from a person who he has taken almost everything from.

After several months on wartorn roads of Tylingariea the group stopped at Palingar to pay respects to Luke. Nina bent down at his grave Kai'la stand next to her she was about to place her hand on Ninas shoulder but stopped and held back a cry of amazment.

Kai'la could see Ninas right arm with was torn off and all along her arm was dark blue runes that emited a dark blue fire.

" By the All Mother." Kai'la said softly as Nina stood up her hair had streaks of dark blue and her eyes had changed to a light sea blue.

Nina looked at Kai'la in a instent Nina let out a srecam of angeny as she did a massive pillor of fire emitted from her body shooting into the sky liting up the night with dark blue fire that took the form of a massive phoinx.

Morgone stood on the balcany of Palgar castle watching the flames Adam stood next to him

Morgone smiled and said " inceable to think i have lived to see Kara the Goddess of Life and Wisdom of all things send down the guardion spirts of reality to bind with a mortal child. many pepole call these beings Jai'tare, some call them Bringers of death but only a few call them by there given name Aluna meaning child of the Ashen King."

Adam replied " Should i be worried? i mean this child could be evil and cause a second Great Colllaspe ust as the last one who weilded one of those sports in anger nearly destroyed all of the Multiverse."

Morgone paused he had remembered hearing stories of the Great Collospe a war that spread though the whole Mulitverse all races and relams were involved. the cause of the war was lost to time, but many still remember stories that were told of the Great Collospae and the effect it had on the eniter of the Multiverese

Morgone said " I don't think so. The guardian spirts normally bind to a unborn child and as they are born the guardian spirt will become part of them. so how there powers are used will depend on time and how these six children grows and the envierment ."

Nina back to her normal form and passed out Kai'la caught her and placed her on the ground.

Morgone paused for a moment

"well friend that will have to seen with time. i don't think so." Morgone said his eyes returning the phoinx who was shirking into a small ball of blue light that shoot into the sky pentearting the Fabric of Reality. after a few minutes there was a loud snap as the beam broke into thousands of smaller rays of light that speard all across the Multiverse.

"But there is a chance that your friend has set many things in motion angering and awaking certion powerful pepole in the Multiverse unfortley there are beings in the vastness of the Multiverse that are far stonger then i and most of them can not be redumed." Morgone said

Adam replied " why what do you mean?"

Morgone did not speak for a few minutes but when he spoke Adam could sense a bit of fear in his voice

" there are three beings that seek out children with unnatural, cosmic or supernatural powers or ability not given to any mortal. around a hundred years ago these pepole could be found far more then now. though very rare are still exist. they have been given the name Jao'taree"

Adam nodded " yes i have heard of them. they are masters of the blade and other unknown powers."

Morgone nodded "the Xeno orgization run by a powerful man called Iven Young. he finds Jao'taree and forces them to work for him to be in his ellite task force i have also heard that he expermits on them as well.

the second is the Terrain Empire." Morgone paused and looked at Adam

who nodded " yes, you do not need to say much about them, i know what they would do." Adam said his hands clunched rembering all of his work with the Terrain Empire and the darkness that was brought because of it.

Morgone nodded " the third i have only heard his name but he goes by Kyle Rider and may be a allie."

Adam nodded " when Nina awakens tell her everything you told me. i feel she needs to know this information."

As Morgone began to leave he stoped and looked at Adam

" Why save me? you could have let me die but you chose to save me. Why?" Morgone said

Adam replied " because you did not desrove Zargorwarths fate. so i chose to give you a second chance."

Morgone could not speak for several minutes his mind racing with thoughts and emotions. He looked at Adam and for the first time saw the image of Draco Dra'ghoul a man of great power who looked out for his friends and cared for his emenys but had the resolve to destroy those who stood in his way.

" Adam, there is one more thing i must tell you." Morgone said at last Adam turned to him and replied

" Yes. what is it?" Adam said

Morgone paused and then said

" A thousand years ago the worlds were thrust into a Era of Darkness by a power even greater then Zargorwarth the Demon Lord." Morgone paused for a moment then said

" Ralingar told me a story of a man named Draco Dra'ghoul. He, Ralingar and a group of his allies journeyed from the City of Farcry to destroy the evil Lupine Riddle." Morgone paused

Adam nodded " yes i have head of that Draco used a sword called Demonsong to destroy Lupine.'

Morgone replied " not really Lupine was defeated and his cosmic form imprisoned inside a crystal prison inside the fabric of time." Morgone paused his fist clinched " i fear in my lust for power i may have weakened his chains and he may soon be set loss upon this world yet again."

Adam placed a hand on Morgones shoulder and said in a calming voice

" then we shell face him together. my friend." Adam said