
Ten years have passed since the day that Zargorwarth was defeated and the realm of Tylingariea was thurst into darkness. Adam reflected on those days, the times he had spent with his friends.

The allies he made and the emenies he had defeated. Adam turned when he felt a warm friendly touch on his shoulder " Adam." Morgone said as he stood next to him

They both stood there in compentive silence " Ten Years. Ten years." Morgone said his voice breaking " It has been ten years since you saved me from the darkness with in me and i am thankful for that every day."

Adam nodded " and now you and i are best friends." Adam said as he felt a tug on his cap turning around he saw a small girl who was ten she fair skin and bright orange hair her saphire eyes behind her was a young boy that looked just like her and was also ten.

" Mommy wants you" the girl said and let out a giggle as Adam picked her up the girl " Thank you, Emma."

Adam walked with Emma to the Playroom were Nina and Adam and Kai'las children were Nat and Lucas. Adam carfully put Anna and tuned to Nina " thank you. i am sorry she came and got you and told me i needed you,"

Adam nodded and smiled " that is fine, it is always nice to see you." Nina nodded Adam could tell she was uspet " i am sure that he would not want you to be sad today."

Nina smiled "your right." she said and paused

"Adam when i think my children are ready i am going to have a long time friend teach them how to be Ja'taree "

Adam replied " does he still live in the Temple?"

Nina shook her head " No, he left and did not tell me why. he has told me that he is glad to tell me but i don't want to know. if i ask him to come to live here in Castle Raz that ok?"

Adam nodded " Yes, i would not mind learning the ways of the Ja'taree myself."

Nina smiled and said " thank you Adam."

after composing herself Nina said " I am going to Palingar to pay respects to Luke after sundown." she paused " you should do the same for Ralingar." Adam nodded he planed to

. Morgone turned to Adam looked at Emma who was playing with her twin brother Kyle and Adams oldest Luas who was eight at the far end of the playroom.

Adam and Morgone could sense from Emma great power within her pulsing and untamed but held back by a kind and gentale soul.

Adam and Morgone left the playroom stoping down the hall

" Emma has great power inside of her i think in time she could become stronger then you." Morgone said to Adam who did not respond for a moment

" yes, but i could also sense something else inside a tiny flame of darkness waiting to be set ablaze."Adam said

this issue was long forgotten by the time the sun had gone down and Morgone, Adam and Kai'la teleported to the location that Adam buried Ralingar and all of those who died at the Battle of Darkness. Morgone stood silently for seveal minutes

" i should not even be here. I dishoner his persence by even standing near his resting place." Morgone said tears filled his eyes Kai'la placed a hand on Morgones shoulder " but you did not kill him Jason Blackheart did."

Morgone replied " but i was the one who told him to and made a deal with him with caused my brothers death, i not only killed my younger brother but the brother who was wiser and more mature then me. he knew of my evil and wished to end it but i ended him first."

Adam paused and placed a hand on Morgones shoulder " i am sure he forgives you."

Morgone stood up his concsie cleared

Adam kneeled before his friends grave " rest in peace friend"

Kai'la placed a cemornal flower that will never die on Ralingars grave.

" Now King Adam, bring forth a new age of peace to this world." Morgone said