
Why am I in the air? What's going on? Why's it going on? It shouldn't go on. This is wrong. This is an illusion. This sucks.

"Now, do tell me, where will be a quiet place for our business to go smoothly?" the woman asks in a plain voice as she turns her head in all directions.

Wait! Quiet Place? Business? Go Smoothly?

"What do you plan to do to me?" I ask in a hyper voice while covering my chest with my hands as if some anime heroine trying to get away from a creepy pervert.

"What did you expect me to do when you summoned me?" She says with an "Hmph!" at the end like some kind of low-key tsundere. "Stop wasting my time and answer me."

As her voice is quiet commanding, I am forced to answer.

"W-well, my house might be a nice place. I live alone after all." I say while still trying to stay cautious and getting away from the woman that literally is the only reason I haven't fallen to the ground yet. Yeah, smart me.

"Perfect, where is your house?" her commanding voice does not go away and so I meekly direct her towards the direction where my house is.


Here I am, sitting on the chair with my shaking hands (not because I am nervous but because the author couldn't think of anything else for me to do here) on the table.

"So, uh …" I try to start a conversation as it's been a minute since I was brought … to my own house.

"Right, we should get down to business." The woman says in her usual commanding voice.

"What? Already? Shouldn't we, like, get to know each other better first?" I ask a pretty logical question to be honest. No, it's not logical because it is what every anime protagonist would ask in this situation. It is logical because … yeah I guess, it's because that's what every anime protagonist would ask in this situation.

"I don't have time to get to know you better. Besides, it's not like we'll be meeting again and again anyway. I doubt I'll ever see you again after this." She says in a slightly annoyed voice as if to usher me to hurry up, and 'usher' is putting it mildly by the way.

Ah! I see. So it's a one-time deal, huh? Good, Shinji rip-off.

"Hah!" Trying to summon all my courage, I sigh and with a face as serious as Jotarou Kujo from JoJo's Bizarre Adventures, I say, "Hai! It'll be my pleasure."

"What are you waiting for? Start already." She says with her right hand on her cheeks and her elbow resting on the table as she is sitting in front of me facing me.

"Uh, I thought you were going to start." I say as I stood up.

I really did think she would start. But well, I guess everyone has their preferences. It's fine. It's fine. I'd start. There's no reason to not take charge when your partner insists.

"Well, shall I start from the top or the bottom?" I ask in a calm and collected voice with a face that has melted down a little from Jotarou's to now become Kakyoin's.

"Huh? Top? Bottom?" The woman stares at me as she tilts her head, not understanding the meaning of my words.

Why? Is there something wrong? I am not misunderstanding anything, am I? But then, dismissing all my worries, the woman says,

"Ah, so that's what you mean. Start from the top. I don't have much experience so it wouldn't be wise to start from the bottom."

I see. That's understandable. I'll take up on that request then.

"Now," as I mentally prepare myself for what's about to come, I bow down and, "Please forgive me, I know nothing of what is going on and would like a clear explanation. Furthermore, I did no summoning. I don't even know what that means. That monkey-like-man was probably the one who summoned you. Now, what are you?"

What? What did you think I was gonna do, you freaking degenerates!?

"I-Is that so?" the woman says, taken aback by my response. "I see. Please stop bowing."

She puts a hand on her forehead and sighs in exasperation. I, who has stopped bowing, says nothing as I look at her.

"Well, since I roped you into this, I should probably explain to you what's going on as an apology." She says with her voice softening from the commanding tone before to now a very sweet and melodious tone.

Well, as far as roping people in goes, you roped pretty much everybody who was there at the time you landed on the road. Not like I am going to actually say something like that to her face.

"First of all, I am an Angel." She says quite frantically.

"You do look like one." I say while looking at her now folded wings, which obviously are not present at the back of every girl. Well, it's not like I have seen the back of every single girl but you know … whatever!

"Yes, there are many types of Angels and I am the Emerald-type." She continues her explanation unaffected by my compliment-like sounding statement. "There are lots of complicated systems involved but the gist of it is that some humans who know magic can summon a Demon or an Angel from Hell or Heaven respectively. That's what happened to me. I mistakenly assumed you to be my Summoner and started to ask you about the purpose you'd have for summoning me."

And just like that, everything has been cleared up. And because that has happened,

"I can kind of guess what that monkey might have summoned you here for." I say with a cool gesture of having my hands on my chin as if I am thinking, even though I am not.

"And what might that be?" she asks curiously.

"He would probably ask you to be his girlfriend, as an Angel might be someone who isn't swayed by someone else's charm." Yes, that's what it seems like to me.

"Ew, jeez, now I am glad I didn't stay there." She says with a disgusted face. "Hah! I guess I should follow the process and refuse his request and then go back."

And so, she decided what she should do.

"By the way, I'm Irium Glice." I tell her so I can ask to return the favor. "What's your name? Or do Angels don't have names?"

"Angels do have names." She smiles before replying and then says, "My name is Roswaisa."
