Irium [dropped]

Irium [dropped]

Fantasy163 Chapters366.3K Views
Author: Zyanide100
Table of Contents

"What do you say? Want to have a dance with the darkness?"

-Dues ex machina

The 'god' told him that the world was lost without her, she told him so right after she destroyed everything. But he, Irium Glice, denies what she says.

So she gave him a proposal - a chance to prove his point - to see everything that she had seen and then deny her words. That is what began the journey through the darkest corners of the world, a journey that would change everything forever.


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76 Reviews
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Well, people do say that laughter is the best medicine, and this novel contains heavy doses of it, which is certainly not bad for health, is it?! If you're an anime fan, then this already enjoyable book will become much more entertaining, cause it's full of references from all those popular anime that you people love. The protagonist-kun is in a league of his own. His meme making skills and monologues (which is his 'special skill' and mind you, don't underestimate it) are frankly epic. He's complemented by an equally amazing cast of characters, whose interactions are downright amusing. I could never get enough of them. The way I see them, they are like the colors in a rainbow -- vivid, vibrant, different and yet play off each other really, really well and as a result, making this such a colorful book! Honestly, it's the type of story that just keeps on improving with each new chapter and is VERY enjoyable and addictive! Trust me, you can't read even a single chapter with a straight face. The comedy is balanced by some tragic elements as well, and those too make an equally big impact on the reader. If anything, I feel like the tragedy is done even better than the comedy, even if the book inclines more towards the latter category.. It took me a while to actually begin to like Irium, but I do love it now, albeit not as much as author-san's other book, which I simply adore to no end. (Gomen ne author-san, gotta be honest here, haha) But anyway, personal preferences aside, Irium, in itself, is definitely a worthy read! If someone is put off by the slightly off-putting nature of the book during the first dozen chapters or so, I HIGHLY recommend you to continue reading, at least until volume 2, to see the true potential of the story. And after that, I don't think anyone can stop reading it, as everything connects and blends in together so well ever since the reader reaches that point. It just shows how multi-talented our author-san is, to be able to write two completely different stories and making them both so amazing. Great job!

5 years ago

On account of having the second volume of this book completed, I feel the need to give a review once again. Memes, references, goid character dynamics - that is first volume of the book in a nutshell. However, that is only what it looks like on the surface. Believe it or not, story and character writing has been carefully hidden beneath all that. And no one ever noticed. But with second volume, the mysteries start coming on the surface and they bring with themselves the realisation that this story is far more complicated than it seemed. All characters, as a fellow reviewer said, arelike colors in a rainbow and their dynamics are, for that reason, great. But these colors are not present on them for no reason because beneath those colors are fictional creations who feel less fictional than you would expect them to. We are still only getting into the story,but i can already tell it's going to be great.

5 years ago

By reading A Psychic's Scarlet Dream, I had found supernatural, mystery, action, character writing and so much more. I felt like I had read a story that had everything, everything except one - one thing that I felt that author may not be that good at. Well, it was comedy. And by reading this, I have been proven wrong. It's too early to say too much but this is definitely one of the best ones I've read in a while.

5 years ago

WITHOUT ANY BIAS... IT IS 5.0 for me! Why? It's not every day you get to read in first-person and it's not every day you get an MC like this one! Quite frank yet philosophic and that, makes him a complete savage! Not to mention the name 'Irium' is something that made him seem a byproduct of a higher civilization, which he isn't... At first, I was at a loss seeing how fast-phased it was, but, A BIG BUT, it contributed a peculiar charm in this novel so it should be okay. Author-san Fight on! (Especially with the humorous anime mentions HAHAHAHHAHAA) God bless now! We'll be waiting for the updates!!!!!!!!

5 years ago

The only reason I'm writing this review is because I didn't expect such a book to be to my linking but, AbhaySingh, you have done it again. I have one more book now that I will keep following as the days go on and the world panics with corona. Stay safe, author-san! And keep the greatness coming!

5 years ago

Writing Quality - 5/5 The reason I have given this score is because despite the fact that the author is trying make this comedy, he doesn't make this overly ridiculous by doing bull****. There is actual writing put into it. Stability of Updates - 5/5 This only started yesterday. There is no reason to cut marks here. Story Development - 4.5/5 So far, story is not what this is about. Therefore, it doesn't matter that story development is not perfect. But, because of the author's other novel, I think we might get some interesting stuff down the line here too. Character Design - 5/5 Jokes aside, character design is well done and you can feel the uniqueness of all the characters. World Background - 4.5/5 So far, so good. I expect something more down the line though.

5 years ago

Rarely would you find a book that does comedy well. It was an absolute blast to read, even from just the first 3 chapters. The protagonist, Irium, is a really funny character and the dialogue with Danny is voluntarily made cliche to make fun of it, which I really liked. I will look forward to more.

5 years ago

I love how the MC memes at things. It's quite hilarious and well done. I really like him. Also, Roswaisa and Danny are two really fun characters too. I just hope this never turns into one of those harems whose only purpose to fulfil men's stupid fantasies.

5 years ago

Alright, first things first: this novel is hilarious. The author writes in a farcical style so natural that this reviewer is a hundred and one thousand percent jealous of how smoothly the bullsh*t flows. By that, I mean this story is a mass of disjointed references, memes, and jokes that for some reason qualifies a story. But that's not what gets me. What really gets me is: whoever edits this thing is good. Do you know how long I spent looking for ten sins so I could come down on this baby like fire and heavenly vengeance on Sodom and Gomorrah?! (There are actually spelling errors and such, but not more than once every few chapters - eh, lets call those negligible sins. *points at you seriously* I am not a saint.) The main male character is the unholy love-child of the Merc with a Mouth and Kyon of monologuing protagonist fame. He's thrown into a situation that is Oh! My Goddess in reverse, twisted into a ton of Angel/Demon-slash-Goddess/Devil summoning cliches and...marital counseling. No seriously, there is a whole scene that is basically 'How much do I loath thee? Let me count the ways' with a love guru *coughbwahahahacough* in action. Author, you ripped off nearly everything except the Latin Bible? *nods* I can respect the art that is this...masterpiece. *cough* Still, this is a mass of words written by an otaku that may not be understood by those not initiated to the deep and not-at-all-subtle mysteries of the anime fan community. I'd recommend it if your taste or lack thereof, hah, conforms to the above. (This reviewer is of course, a person of impeccable taste, yes, no joke, no really.) Oh yeah, this was supposed to be the first sentence of this very serious review: The main character is Irium Glice and frankly, his life sucks.

5 years ago

Okay, this is awesome! Kudos to the author for an amazing piece. For a fellow anime lover like myself, I felt really happy reading all those anime references from FMAB to Jojo- it made me realize that the author knows his animes. And the comedy in this is pure gold and that's another thing that I appreciate. Overall, great job Abhay-kun.

5 years ago

I love good books and don't like nitpicking on things that I have fun reading. Therefore, if there are any flaws in this book, I'm just going to go ahead and ignore it. 5/5 from me. Good work, author-san!

5 years ago

This book has great comedy and quite a lot anime references that add a charm to it. I recommend everyone to read it. It deserves to be read by everyone.

5 years ago

For what it's worth, I would say that this book is a great read. Humor is pretty good and the personality of the MC is just so lovable. It reminds me of a lot of good comedy animes I have seen and that's great. Also, the anime references are pretty awesome and create an atmosphere where all this weirdness looks nice. Great read! Keep up the good work as always, author!

5 years ago

Great book with lots of comedy and mystery. Feels unique and charming and i can't strees enough how underrated it is. Big fan of the author!

5 years ago

This started as a comedy but truly has because something more, something greater. Irium is one of the most memorable protagonists I've ever seen. Danny, Roswaisa/Adonia and Dues are good too and it seems like the author has every intention of making the 'doctor' a complex and great villain. Can'tvwait to read more of it! Keep it up, author-san!

5 years ago