Aknin Vielos

"So from what you are telling me, Roswaisa is guaranteed to lose, isn't she?" I ask Danny while running along the road.

"Yes, a higher-class Demon wouldn't lose to a lower-class Angel. She will lose this battle pretty badly actually, if not worse." Danny says with a face that doesn't look like Shinji's or Sonohara's but that of Itachi Uchiha from Naruto. Dead serious, cool looking and focused. What's wrong with him today? No, what's right with him today?

"Anyway Irium, we are going there to help and all but what exactly are we going to do? We are even weaker than Roswaisa." He asks with a doubtful gaze that somehow doesn't lose focus. Who the hell are you, man? What did you do with Danny? Well, whoever you are, you are better than him so it doesn't matter I guess.

"Well, tell me, if the power level of an Emerald Angel is considered 3, what would the power level of a higher-class demon be?" I ask as that question has been bugging me for a while.

"Even among higher-class demons, there are various tiers, but it'd range from 5-10." Danny answers in a serious voice.

Damn! Things are looking really bad. Even if the Demoness that Roswaisa went to fight is of the lowest tier possible, she'd still be much, much stronger than Roswaisa.

"And … what would yours and my power level be?" I ask half-heartedly not really wanting to hear the truth that would come as the answer.

"Well, I'd be 0.0005 and you'd be about 10% of that." Danny answers with a little exasperation in his voice, which is justified after seeing our odds here.

"Our chances to win really look bleak, don't they?"

"Wait! Win?" He returns to the idiotic Sonohara face as he stares at me.

"Yeah," I only smile in response and say, "Win."


I lie on the ground of a public park, trying to get up but am unable to. It has barely been a minute since our fight started, and I'm already unable to get up. This is how much of a difference is present between me and her. But how? How is there so much of a difference in power between us? In just what tier is this demoness?

"Just who are you?" I ask still trying desperately to get up as the demoness casually walks towards me.

"I am Aknin Vielos, the second-in-command to the demon general Rain Green." She states and that is when I realize why there is such a difference between us. Rain Green, 'the sister of the devil', as people call her is someone who can wipe out all the Angels and many minor Archangels in one swoop. That is how terrifying she is. And this demoness is the second-in-command to her, so obviously she is leagues above me.

"Any more questions before I end you?" Aknin looks at me with a cold, emotionless expression as she asks that and,

"Well, if you are feeling generous enough to answer my question, then tell me … why are you doing this? What is your goal?" I ask her the most important question of all while trying my best to not try anything foolish just because she is standing close to me right now.

"My goal, you ask? It is quite simple." She says so with the same expression and then continues, "My goal is to kill you and your future husband, so I can remove the possibility of our race's end coming anytime soon."


Race's end? The Demon Race's end? That's not even remotely possible. What in the world is she talking about?

"I guess you wouldn't really know it but there has been a premonition. It says that all Demons will die, brought down by the two of you."

That's absurd, plain absurd!

"It sounded really absurd and unreal but the person who did that premonition had never been wrong once in all his lifetime. So we can't just ignore the possibility." Her expression and voice don't change at all as she continues, "This is a safety measure against that possibility."

She raises her leg and aims it so she hits directly at my head.

"Don't worry! I will make this quick for you." Her voice holding no consolation, her words do nothing but mock me.

Tsk! don't underestimate me that much, Demoness!

"Frost Rain!"

I shout as a rain of icicles start attacking her at a speed of Mach 2, a speed even she can't escape in time. In order to stay safe, she holds my body up and tries to use me as a meat-shield against the incoming attacks, too bad she doesn't realize that they would bend and hit her anyway.

"Tsk! What the hell is going on here?" she says in an annoyed voice.

"It's called turning the tables, bitch!" I say as I kick her right leg from mine leaving it in frost. This is a technique called 'Frost Class.' (And no, I don't actually need to yell the name of my attacks to use them. That time was just me displaying my anger … and maybe trying to act a little cool too.)

"Turn the tables? Don't mock me, foolish Angel!" She yells in anger and throws me away. I turn to look at her to see what she is trying to do and find that she has joined her hands and is now chanting something. This is happening while the icicles continue to hit her and her minor reactions of 'Tsk!' and 'Ah!' tell that they are hurting her too.

But what exactly does she have up her sleeve that can turn this around? I'm sure someone as powerful as her has many ways to counter my Frost Rain. So, I should start preparing the next attack now. And I would have done that if I had more than a couple of seconds to do it.

"Take that, you Angelic scum!" she yells at me with her eyes ablaze as she starts taking the icicles without any resistance and without any reaction. The icicles are still hitting her but it looks like they don't even put an itch on her body.

"This is one of my abilities called 'Heat Variation' and it allows me to completely melt those icicles and evaporate the water formed from it within a nanosecond of the time after it so much as touches my body." She explains in an angry voice, "And believe me, Angel, this is far from one of my most powerful abilities."

It's pretty clear what she is trying to say here.

"If you have a shred of intelligence in you, give up!" she commands in a thundering tone. But, I am not someone who'd be intimidated by just that.

"Suck it, bitch!" I say words that an Angel should probably never say but, does that truly matter?

"Fine then." She says as she raises a hand and a fireball the size of her palm forms on it. "You'll have a painful death."

She releases the fireball and it flies toward me with speed so fast that my broken, beaten-up muscles have no way of dodging. I guess that's it. I should give up … … … or not.

I had closed my eyes seeing the coming death but when nothing happened to me, I opened my eyes and looked in front of me, where a boy with oval-shaped-blue-colored-eyes with an oval face and malicious grin on his face stands, unhurt, after taking the coming inferno directly.

"What the-" I wonder how but,

"You shouldn't have started the party without me, bitch!" he says while looking at Aknin, "Now you have made me angry, and that's bad, really bad."
