
After a while of having been beaten down by Roswaisa, Danny has been able to regain enough energy to sit up and tell us everything that happened. And on hearing all of that,

"How the heck were you able to escape from that bitch?" I ask with an astonished face not wanting to believe in the possibility of Sonohara rip-off having some kind of special ability. I mean, that, if true, would turn him from Sonohara rip-off to a sucky anime protagonist. That's dangerous for me.

"Well, I just used a bit of magic ability I knew called Phantasma Division. It separates the soul of a person from their body." He says something so EPIC in a plain, matter-of-fact tone. What's wrong with him? That ability is freaking epic. We just jumped from anime to Doctor Strange there. But then he continues, "Sadly, a human like me can't use it very well. A person only remains in that state of having their soul separated for a second."

Oh, that's balances it out I guess.

"Oh course! Phantasma Division is a dark-type ability that even Angels have a lot of trouble in doing." She says while puffing her chests with pride so to tell us that she can do it. Well, what the hell even is dark-type? Are we turning from Doctor Strange to Pokémon now?

"In any case, that bitch is freaking dangerous. She is probably on par with Roswaisa in terms of power." He says with a despaired face, the kind that Shinji Matou has when he gets his ass handed to him. Well, I guess you can't change too much from your basic human nature (which for him is to be a Shinji rip-off).

"Hmph!" However, to the despaired face of the scared Danny, Roswaisa gives an insulted reaction and says, "You have some nerve to just assume some bitch of a demoness would be on the same level as me."

Well, she's confident, if nothing else. To be honest though, an Emerald Angel would probably be quite a powerhouse, since it's the highest tier for Angels and all. But,

"You don't understand, Roswaisa. She … that Aknin Vielos is a higher-level demon." He says while looking at Roswaisa with the same despaired expression as before. Hearing that, even Roswaisa becomes lost for words. And so, I have to ask,

"Mind explaining the 'higher-level demon' part?" as I say that, Danny turns to me and says,

"Well, Angels have two categories actually. Lesser Angels are what we have made a habit of calling just 'Angels' while the higher ones are called Archangels. To be precise, Roswaisa here is a member of the highest tier of the lesser Angels, Emerald."

Okay, that's easy to understand at least.

"When it comes to demons, they have a similar structure where, lower-level demons are equivalent of Angels and higher-level ones are equivalent of Archangels."

I see. So that's how it is.

"So basically, if Roswaisa fights that demon, it'll be like going up against an Archangel for her?" I ask in a questioning voice just for the sake of clarification.

"Yes." Danny answers and as he does that, I turn to Roswaisa who has been thinking what she should do with a hand on her chin. Then, she turns back to look at Danny and asks,

"Danny, do you have any idea why Aknin Vielos is here?" she asks in a plain voice, which I'm sure at this point is a façade.

"I'm sorry, but I don't. All I got was a warning that she is dangerous, and I can vouch for the credibility of it." He looks down as he says that, probably because of disappointment.


"What are you going to do, Roswaisa?" I ask as I turn to her. She looks to be deep in thought; quite unexpectedly though, I can see a resolve in her eyes. Then,

"Well, I've decided." She says as she starts walking out the living room from the door that had been broken a while ago. "I'll have to put a stop to that demon's goals, whatsoever they may be."

That's brave, and also kinda foolish.

"How exactly are you going to do that?" I ask with doubt and sarcasm mixed in my voice but,

"No idea, but I'm going to do it." She answers with an unwavering resolve.

And before either I or Danny could say anything anymore, she spreads her angelic wings and takes off.


I land at the roof of a building high-enough for me to get a good view of the entire city. I can't pinpoint that demoness from here but I can sense her aura and find out the area she is in right now.

Before I actually start trying to find her aura though, I take a moment to breathe. Truth be told, I'm nervous as hell right now. This demoness is no doubt stronger than me. There's no way for a Demon or Angel of higher-class to be weaker than one of lower-class. But still, I can't let that be any excuse for me to let destruction happen to this city or its residents.

"Yes, I have to stop her." I say so to steal my resolve and finally start the process of searching for her aura. And I realize how foolish I was to not have taken into account that possibility that she would be searching for my aura the same way and will get an idea of where I am from it.

"Found you!" her voice rings in my ears as she looks at me from the bottom of the building and smiles maliciously.

"Hey bitch! You are gonna die today!" she says while spreading her black wings and starts to fly.

Tsk! I am not ready to fight yet and I have no strategy to escape either. The best thing to do right now is try to get away as much as I can and (hopefully) lose her. And so, I start flying but,

"Oh, what's wrong, little angel?" she says mockingly, "Is that speed all you can manage?"

And as she says that, she readies a punch which I don't even get enough time to try to evade and as her fist clashes with my cheeks, I find myself being thrown half the city away.

What the heck! I knew she'd be powerful, but this is just absurd! I have no chance of beating her!
