Hidden Ability

I and Danny barely make it in time only to see Roswaisa getting utterly destroyed by Aknin Vielos. For whatever reason though, when she was already on the ground seeming to be unable to move, Aknin Vielos wasn't trying to kill her but talk. Is she one of those evil-comic-book villains who will reveal their whole plan at the end so they can be defeated by the time the story ends? No, if that were the case, she should be revealing her plans to the protagonist (#me), not that Angel.

"Danny, do as I say." I say in a rushed voice but Danny understands my panic and gets ready to obey.

Right now, we are on a road where people are on both sides. From what I know, they can't see Angels and Demons (goddamn cliché) so they don't know that two of them are fighting in the middle of the road. But if WE do something right now, they will know and so,

"That ability of yours called Phantasma something, use it on me." I tell him but,

"What? What are you going to do with that?" Danny asks me with a surprised face.

"Since I am weaker than that demon, your ability should be more affective on me, wouldn't it?" I ask with a smile akin to that of a genius MC, like Ikta Solork from Alderamin on the Sky. Well, most people haven't seen it so I can just ask natural and it'd look like my new cool look. Which is why author, you shouldn't have made that reference already!

"Yes, I think you'd be thrown out of your body for, like, 5 minutes or so." Danny says with the surprise not going away, but now, even I am surprised.

"Oh Yato! (Yato is a God, the only God I believe in. Suck it, every other God!) That's a lot." Five minutes could be enough to completely destroy me to be honest. But well, I can't be too safe here. "I'm going to leave the job of taking care of my body for these five minutes to you."

Seeing the resolve in my eyes, he agrees. (If it wasn't resolve he saw, it probably was the urgency to save Roswaisa, but let's pretend that's not the case, okay? Okay.)

"Fine then, be ready!" He says as he puts a hand on my shoulder and says, "Aschente!" (What the hell! Is this No Game No Life now?)

But anyway, I (my soul) gets thrown out of my body and as I turn back, I see a really handsome guy fallen to the ground in the arms of a Sonohara rip-off.

EW! That's creepy. You better not do anything to me, you sleazy comic-relief-character-san. But ignoring that, I turn my attention to the things happening in front of me.

"Here goes nothing!" I say a bit excitedly and just when Aknin throws a fireball at Roswaisa, I jump in between.

And then the fireball obviously hits me directly and … it gets absorbed by me. Well, that was my intention and I succeeded.

"You shouldn't have started the party without me, bitch!" I say while looking at Aknin Vielos, "Now you have made me angry, and that's bad, really bad."

After my heroic entrance though, no reaction comes from either side for about 10 seconds.

Couple of bitches!

"But … how?" a female voice of an Angel comes from behind me.

"What's wrong, Roswaisa?" I say in a teasing voice, "Falling in love with me all over again?"

"Yah!" She says, which brings me near death and then realizes what she just said and grows all flustered, "Wait! What!? I was never in love with you! And I am not falling in love with you now either!"

"Y-yeah!" I say a bit relieved. "That's how it should be."

"That's enough." Says the Demoness and charges another fireball at us, this time even larger. Roswaisa panics and tries to move me away but I step forward and take it head-on, again nullifying it completely.

"How can you possibly do something like that?" Aknin Vielos asks with an angry voice. The only answer I can give is,

"Roswaisa, RUN!" I shout, turn back and start running away with the Angel following right behind me. As we run, she huffs and asks,

"What did you do there anyway!?"

"Well, it's simple." I say puffing my chest with pride just like she always does (Hahahahaha! Flexing on you hard right now, woman!) I am in my soul form right now and since I am energy and any absurd power you guys have is all energy, I figured that fireball will just be absorbed by me and further grow my energy, which I believe happened as I feel kinda stronger."

"U-Uh! I see." She says with a finger on her chin. "But who told you about all magic being just energy?"

"Oh that? I just tricked the author into telling me about his other story, 'A High Kick's Harlot Ream' or something like that, and the whole power system there seemed to be energy so I figured he would have done something similar here."

Hahahahaha! Flexing on you too right now, author!

"You just based it off of that?" she says as if it was something pretty illogical of me to do.

"Roswaisa! You'll never understand the power of a protagonist. The thing with my character is, if that wasn't how it worked, the author still couldn't kill me off, so he'd need to change the laws of the world to make that how it works." That is my hidden ability, known by many (isn't that hypocritical though) as the greatest power of all time, 'Plot Armor.'

"Where the hell do you think you two are going?" Her voice finally comes and I jump as a chill runs down our spines. There's no point in asking what she was doing all this time while we are talking and had consequently lowered our pace, that is how stories are written, okay? Get used to it if you aren't already.

"You may be able to absorb energy, kid," she says with her eyes opened wide and not blinking a bit, painting the image of a predator looking at its prey, "But you have a time limit yourself, and it is about to expire."

Yes, that's true. And the problem is that I have no idea what I am going to do after this time-limit is expired, which will happen in … 60 seconds.
