Prologue (2nd)

Yeah, so that all happened a month ago. I met an Angel and got to know about Angels and Demons being real. Furthermore, I learned about magic. And then I found that Danny is actually a real nice dude. I also accidentally triggered an otome game flag and ended up 'in a relationship' with Roswaisa. Then came Aknin Vielos, and everything went downhill. I tried to come up with a strategy and I did. And I brutally failed at calculating things. That caused the death of my to-be-wife. And it all took place in mere three days.

What a joke!

Now that a month has passed and I'm looking at it from a different mindset than before, I can only say this – "Wow, author! You are, like, Ozyllus. You are our god and you are also an asshole."

Anyway, there is a reason for a second prologue to be here. It's because the story did not end. If you remember, I said that this story is of the week before the summer vacations. We only covered three days. We are yet to cover the rest of the four days. The much crazier four days.

If, on the first three days, we were in the world of My Hero Academia, in the next three days, we straight up migrated to Tokyo Ghoul. And I now realize that's a terrible comparison because of both the shows not being remotely alike but hey, blame the author, not me! He is the one who couldn't think of anything better.

I mean, I could just say that we were in the normal episodes of Gintama and then an arc started but I know most of the public don't watch Gintama. Only men (and women) of culture, watch Gintama. And I don't understand why the author wrote that with a grin when he hasn't watched a single episode of it for three months.

Anyway, I am not in the mood to kill the author the right now so I'll let it go. But yeah, watch Gintama!

That all said and done though, if you have read the previous volume (I don't know why you'd be here if you haven't), it won't be that hard for you to guess the state of mind I was in back then.

If I were to give an estimate, I made like 79 anime references in those four days. A mere 79. Yes, I was in depression, and that number is the proof of that as usually, I'd go up to like 180 or something in 4 days. Well, it's not like I'm in much better of a state right now either but we need to ignore that to make the story move forward. Therefore, I'd be applying my ability 'Plot Convenience' to the fullest.

But while I do that, let me tell you an interesting story.

There was once a god who was not worshipped. He tried to make people worship him by doing even the smallest of favors anyone ever asked of him but he remained an unpopular god.

Fun fact: That god is worshipped by actual people who should look at him as a fictional character but not by fictional people who should look at him as a god.

And so, his situation didn't get much better. Do you know why that was? It was because author of that story got health problems. I hope you are well now and never fall sick again in your entire life, Adachitoka-sensei. Please keep on writing Noragami!

Anyway, the reason I brought up Noragami is so I can tell all of you who are dying on half-naked Angels and Demons with big boobs; THAT is how a deity should actually be. They should wear a tracksuit and put their advertisements on walls like Graffiti. They should also not fulfill a high school girl's wish for the sake of keeping her as the heroine in the story.

Thank you for existing, Yato! I will pray to you for the rest of my life! You are a real deity!

And that is exactly how a real deity should be. A real deity shouldn't end up in a forced relationship of a spouse with you. They shouldn't try to act like a tsundere. They shouldn't try to take everything on by themselves. They shouldn't try to fight a monster head-on for the sake of others. They shouldn't try to die on you and lie to you before dying to keep your heart.

I realize now that Yato does most of those things. Well, at least he doesn't have C-Cups. That'd be just plain weird, the type of weird that I'm sure we'll see in some anime someday. Or, is there already one with that kind of 'plot'? No, please don't answer that question.

Knock! Knock!

Okay, so, do I need to explain those two words? Fine, fine, I guess it's the job of the protagonists to explain all the most boring things and leave the interesting exposition to other characters. Damn! I haven't hated being a protagonist ever in my entire life, but I might just start doing so. Anyway, what happened just now is that I heard someone knocking at the door to my house but as I was busy explaining things to you guys, the knocker (bring Oxford's dictionary and add that new meaning to the word) got anxious and irritated and broke down the damn door.

Then, the knocker comes to me and looks at me. As he sees that I'm fine, he sighs in relief. This man who just killed my door, again, is Danny.

"I was getting worried there because you weren't answering." He says in a relieved voice.

"What now?" I plainly ask him.

I ask him because I know the reason he has come here.

"Now, we move out!" He says with a smirk. That makes me wonder how he can possibly resemble Shinji or Sonohara ever in his life.

Then his gaze falls on the television that I had left on (why else did you think I was suddenly recommending people to watch Gintama) and sees the figure of a particular ninja lady, to which,

"AHM!!" he clears his throat and looks away, trying to hide his thoughts from me. That makes me wonder how he can possibly not resemble Shinji or Sonohara ever in his life.

"Well," I say as I stand and turn the TV off, "I am ready to move out when you are."

I say in a lethargic voice as I go and face the mirror I had brought to this room recently. In it, I see the reflection of an oval-blue-eyed individual with oval-face and button-nose looking drowsily at his own reflection and also his kinda long black hair and ivory skin look brilliant in his black, noble attire that suits his name, Irium.

How did we reach this point? That story is now to be told.
