Sara's Testimony (Part 2)

A beautiful, average-heighted pale woman with black wings, a black tail and white hair appeared out of nowhere and stopped the two bullets heading towards us. The suddenness of it left the two of us in shock. And in that shock, we saw as that woman single-handedly knocked out all the lackeys Don had left behind.

Then, she turned to us. Her emerald-almond eyes and beautiful straight nose – I swear, she was totally the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life. I mean, I felt charmed by her when I had only seen her from the back but after seeing her face, it felt so, like, so enchanted and so …  *coughs*

Anyway, with a single touch, she healed us back to health. I mean, I am no fool. I know magic exists. I may not be able to do it myself but I work for Remedy Corp., an organization known for having some of the best mages in the world. But still, with a single touch, even the most amazing mages can't do that.

So, well, where were we … right, uh, when that woman healed us completely and asked us why we were being attacked, I told her my side of the story, which was obviously only as far as my knowledge of all that went. She was left in the same confusion as I was through all that. Then, Cartel told his side.

"I knew some kind of drug shipment was arriving and I thought if I tell the cops about it, I could get some people at higher positions arrested and replace them."

"What!?" I was surprised. Of course I was. He was being so meek up until that point that I had thought he was actually innocent. "So you really did snitch!?"

Snitching is a common term for 'selling information to an enemy'. And well, I wouldn't call the cops our enemies but Remedy Corp. does have secrets they don't want the police to know … and they also do some illegal things like, you know, the one he just mentioned – shipping drugs.

"O-of course I snitched. Why else would I be there with you?" He said in a sardonic voice, infuriating me further.

"And I thought you were being played by someone."

SLAP! Obviously, I slapped him.

"And what do you mean 'with me'? I was there because of you."

SLAP! Obviously, I slapped him again.

"You two can fight some other time." Then the mysterious woman who had saved us broke our 'conversation' and said, "I need to get you two to safety first."


She introduced herself as a Demigod named Roswaisa. At first, we had thought that she was lying about being a Demigod but ignored it. But later, because of what she did, we realized that she was a real Demigod. Anyway, as she said she would, she took us to a safe place, which, after consulting both of us and hearing our ideas, she decided the safest place for us to hide will be by her side.

"Are you serious? The cops work for Remedy?" She looked disappointed as she asked that while we walked down a street.

"Yeah, most do. The ones I went to didn't though. But I don't think they can really keep us safe from Remedy either." Cartel said so.

"Well, I guess I had to meet the Remedy Corporation head anyway. I might as well protect you by keeping you two near me."

"Yeah, b-but, are you sure about this?" I asked, a bit nervous because of everything that had happened. "You are going to take on all the people in that Remedy Corp. building by yourself?"

"I don't need to take the entire thing down by myself. I just need the leader." She said and stopped as we had reached the Remedy Corp. state office. That was the place where both me and Cartel worked.

And then, Roswaisa, casually stretched her arms and legs and then her back. She flapped her wings once and the speed she started flying with after that was something that I had never seen anyone before reach. Within a couple of seconds, she was floating next to the highest floor of the office building, which was 40. Then, she broke in through the glass and soon, came down with a man whose shirt collar was hanging from her hands. That was our boss, the man with the highest authority in this state office.

"Now, I believe you are called the Chief of Staff or something?" She said with a terrifying and yet charming smile, "You are to take me to where the shipment of those drugs that is about to come is headed towards."

"Fuck you!"

KICK! One kick from her sent the man flying at a tree and probably ended up breaking his back because of it. Then, Roswaisa sighed and said, "Have it your way!"

She made a gun-sign out of her right hand and pointed it at the building. Then she shot the gun and the whole building just started to evaporate. Soon, the whole building was gone.

Seeing all that, "Wh-what happened to all the people inside?" I asked so.

She pointed behind me, causing me to turn and look behind me. There – I saw literally everyone who was inside safe and sound … and confused. Roswaisa then picked the Chief of Staff up and flew off saying, "Those people won't hurt you anymore. I made arrangements for it. So, you can just return to your lives or do whatever! Goodbye!"

Seeing her off left a bitter feeling in my mouth. In fact, I was sadder by her leaving than I was surprised at the events that had taken place in such a short amount of time.

And then, Cartel laughed. "Well, I guess she got the message in time."

"Huh!?" I looked at him suspiciously as I didn't understand what he meant.

He then said, "Oh, it not much. I just prayed to Dues ex machina yesterday and wished for her to send some help to save me and stop the drug shipment. You see, I never really trusted the cops will be able to do anything."

I was baffled. I could just have passed it off as him lying to give a good image but one thing didn't fit. "But why would you pray to Dues ex machina? She is not a goddess."

"Well," Cartel said with a creepy smile, "now she is."

"…" I was unable to respond, thinking he was nuts or something.

Then, he looked at me and said, "You were always nice to me, Miss Sara. Thanks for that! And goodbye!" He walked off and soon disappeared from my sight. I was more worried about my other colleagues so I didn't follow him. And that's the end of that.


"Then you came and started questioning me about all this and I-"

"Yeah, whatever! I got what I wanted." The blue-haired, beige-skinned man said and started talking to himself, "So Dues sent Roswaisa to help because that Cartel guy prayed to her. Well, that makes sense but, how did he know what had really happened? From the descriptions I have gotten of him from literally everyone, he doesn't seem like someone who would know things that are this level of otherworldly."

He keeps contemplating as he leaves the room.

"So, like, can I leave?" I ask seeing him leave the room.

"Sure, you have told me everything you knew. So I have no reason to keep you here any longer." He says, seemingly uninterested. But, there's just this one thing that I want to know from him before I leave.

"Well, uh, Mister Danny, was it?" He nods so I continue, "Do you, like, know Miss Roswaisa?"

"I do." He replies plainly.

"Could you find a way for me to meet her again?"


"Well, it's, uhm, like this, actually, … even though she is a girl and I am a girl and she even looks younger than me, I felt so sad when she left. And I was also really charmed by her with just a glance of her. It's possible that … that I … I, uh, … may have-"

THUD! –came the voice of the door knocking on its handle … and there was no longer anyone in the room but me.

"Well, that's just mean."
