A Lethal Ability


And with just that, the guns started being emptied. The bullets kept flying off at just one target. The firing did not stop even when that target was down. The world kept twisting more and more as the scenery turned crimson.

"No!" That man vocalized his inquisition, "Why … did you … do that?"

Even with a breaking voice like that, he asked. And the answer came in a broken voice as well.

"Just … doing my … job … boss." Trevor fell to the ground, covered in crimson, deep crimson.


Just like Tamers, Corporis was another class of mages. Their specialty, which had given them that name, was that they used magic to make their physical abilities better. Things like super-speed, super-strength or an indestructible body; they were all Corporis-class mage-craft.

However, Trevor wasn't just a simple Corporis-class mage. He was gifted in every sense of the way. Despite specializing in it, he had never been limited to Corporis-class. He could use some less powerful cards that Tamers used or even use some abilities that fell in no class at all. He could use them if he had clearly seen them once before. And he had clearly seen someone use that ability, so he could use it too.

It was an ability that lets a person accumulate something in particular (damage in that case), even something that is not being given to them, and then give back all of it. Against one person, it wasn't much. But against 50 gunmen, it was too much. He had accumulated all the bullets those 50 men had fired into him and then countered it so as to make all 50 of them suffer the same pain. Obviously, all of them died.

By the way, that person he had learned that ability from, the person who showed him the ability that caused his death, it was none other than me.


The man in black suit and pants fell to the ground after being hit with a fireball. He didn't survive very long after that. And so, the only person left alive was that man, his daughter, the Demoness that looked identical to his daughter and a Corporis-class mage who was somehow hanging onto life despite knowing he wouldn't survive very long. He was using all the mana stored inside himself to prolong his life just enough to tell his group's leader something.

"Boss … you … free … yet?" He asked as he knew that man would have killed the guy in black suit first.

"Y-y-yeah! What is it, T-Trevor?" He asked in a voice that was shaking, though not as much as his hands were.

"That … ability … of yours … is … pretty … cool … you know." He said while blood gushed out of his wounds.


"What … was it … called?" Trevor asked.

"…" hands were shaking and voice wasn't coming out of his throat, despite him wanting to.

"Well … whatever … it was … doesn't … really … matter." Trevor said, "It's … pretty damn … awesome. So,"


"SO" He tried to raise his voice to make the man shut up knowing that it would cause him to feel more pain, "don't … blame … y-yourself … for … showing it … to me."


A voice of a man falling to his knees came and his sub-audible cries reached Trevor's ears.

"If … I … didn't know … it … I … would've … used … some other … ability … I … knew … and the … result … probably … be … the same."Trevor said, trying his best to convey that to that man even as he was at death's door. "M-more … importantly … it's … not finished. They'd … still … come … after … you."


"You … are … Remedy's … enemy … now. So … run … run … run … so far … they … can't … reach you." He kept on talking despite it hurting every fiber in his body, "Pretty sure … Grey … and Jessica … will … help."

"Trevor!" That man said as his hands finally stopped shaking.

"Y-yeah … what?" Trevor asked.

"You've done enough and … you've said enough." That man told him, "It's okay now. Everything is okay now."

He finally found the courage to say what he needed to, and so the struggle of the struggler ended with a smile as he stopped prolonging it and let go of his life.


An ability that lets the user accumulate damage and give it back – it was a very lethal ability for both the user and his opponents. In fighting with mage-craft, one can accumulate their inner mana and release it with full force to make it into a weapon that could even tear off concrete roads and kill Angels or Demons. That was how it was generally used.

However, I had made it a little more diverse. I had gone into the roots of the ability, understood them and started bending them in ways so I could use them for different purposes.

For example, I could accumulate the image of a place in my head and then show it to other people to let them see something they had never even seen before. I could use it to show illusions pretty easily. For example, I could make it so two people could not see me even as they looked right at me.

I could also accumulate a feeling and make others feel it when I want to. For example, I could make it so people, even as they looked at me refusing to treat a patient, would not feel disgusted but goofy.

Even more ironically though, I could accumulate memories into my head and then show it to others. For example, I could show this entire story to an Angel who doesn't understand anything.

One characteristic of this ability is that it freezes the blood for a just a minute second and then releases it. This causes the blood to run very rapidly for just a little while, almost as if it is burning. This is why the ability has been classified as a mix of ice and fire elements.

Someone once said the act of releasing the blood as the accumulated 'something' is released like the frost that the blood had formed into singing a requiem for the time it had lost in being that frost. Whatever poetic meaning that person had, the ability thenceforth was named 'Frost Requiem'.

By controlling it through the roots rather than the steps that books would teach one, I had turned that into 'Absolute Frost Requiem'.

It is the one and only accomplishment of my life that didn't turn into a failure.
