Irium, Danny And Roswaisa (Part 1)

"So, that is what happened, huh?" I say in a plain voice.

"Y-yeah!" The Angel in front of me says while nodding nervously. "Do you …"

"I don't remember a bit of it." I tell both of them.

And it's the truth. I can't remember my supposed siblings, or my foster parents. I can't remember any of it. If all of the things Roswaisa just told me are true then, that man trying to make me forget about it all worked, I guess. If it's not true, it's still somehow compelling to think about. A mother, a father, three elder siblings – that's quite a family.

"Are you … okay?" Danny asks nervously.

"What does it look like?"

"Well, it doesn't look like you are." He says and sighs. "Looks like our plan will need to be changed once again, huh?"

Well, looks like it.

"What plan, are you two talking about?" Roswaisa asks curiously.

"Hah!" I sigh and look at Danny. He just nods, and so I continue, "Since you know all this much, I guess you should be told the rest."

Who knows? Maybe, the knowledge of something like this happening can even change it from happening. But regardless of that,

"In 2020, you are summoned by Danny … for a stupid reason, and then you are summoned by me … for a stupider reason." I say, "However, a Demoness named Aknin Vielos comes and tries to kill you and me. We fight her, and almost get her. But, in the end, she prevails and kills you. But for some reason, she leaves me alive. And so, here we are – trying to change the future."

Her eyes widen in surprise for just a moment but it soon dissipates and it is replaced by a smile, for whatever reason.

"So you came to save me. That's so sweet. Thank you!" She says with her eyes closed and her face tilting to the side like some sort of anime girl.

Shit! This is too much. I was not ready for this. The Roswaisa I knew was a worse person than this.

"Roswaisa," I say.

"Yes?" she speaks with the same expression.

Oh man! One of us is going to have diabetes because of this Angel.

"Can you help us find the, uh, doctor?" I say a bit awkwardly. I don't really feel any sort of familial love towards him but knowing that he might be my old man is still enough to make me feel awkward.

"But," she opens her eyes and makes the face like that of an airhead Waifu, "But why do you want to find him?"

"Right," I turn to Danny and ask, "Why do we want to find him?"

"I don't know. You are the one who said that." He says with a bit of a smug expression, probably a glitch in his character or something.

"Well," I contemplate.

I mean, it just felt right to try to find him. Now that she has asked it, I can't really find any good reasons to want to find him. And that reminds me, wasn't our original plan to find Adonia? We obviously can't risk creating a paradox by going about it with Roswaisa. But still, isn't that still the best plan? We can just separate from Roswaisa and find Adonia and get on with it. Shouldn't that work?

In order to figure out what we should do next, I take a look at both people in front of me.

Roswaisa blinks a couple of times as I look at her while she is pressing her lips with her, well, lips. Cute, but not helpful!

Danny looks at me as if a baseball team captain would look at his pitcher right when the last pitch of the game is about to be thrown. Cool, but also not helpful!

Wait! Did I just call Danny cool? Oh crap! What am I doing?

"Hah!" Danny sighs and says, "It seems like another one of his useless monologues are going on."

Nothing is useless, Danny, nothing is. That's basic philosophy.

"Does he always do this kind of stuff?" Roswaisa asks with a tilting gaze at Danny.

"Yeah! It's a bit of a habit of his. He thinks he's the protagonist of some web novel that shares his name and tries to act all cool and stuff, even though he's quite weak and pathetic."

Weak and pathetic only means you have room to grow, i.e., character development. That's also basic philosophy.

"That's quite a weird habit." Roswaisa says awkwardly.

Weirdness, in today's era, translates to greatness. That's another basic philosophy.

"I know, right?" Danny says with a smile, "In fact, I bet he's trying to make himself feel better right now by remembering anything remotely philosophic that justifies his weaknesses."

"Well, he's … what can I say, an interesting person?" She says with a smile as she glances at me.

"Yes, I guess. I can give him that much." Danny says while nodding and glances at me.

"Hah!" I sigh and say, "All the while you were wasting time talking non-sense, I was brainstorming to find a way to get us out of this problem."

Of course that's a pack of lies. I say in a sweet and inaudible voice to my own brain.

"Of course that's a pack of lies." Danny says in a sweet and audible voice to Roswaisa.

"Shut up!" I yell. For some reason, it felt like the voice that came out of my throat was feminine or something. But, can't be. I mean, I am the manliest man I know after all, my voice couldn't become feminine for any reason whatsoever. Anyway, I continue, "And so, as I was saying, I was brainstorming, and so I have found a possible solution to our problems."

"And what's that?" Danny asks.

"Before that," I put up a hand to stop him and turn to Roswaisa, "Did the doctor request you to learn Absolute Frost Requiem?"

She nods with her hands tightened into a fist and brought in front of her breasts. What is she? Just what troupe of anime girl is she?

"In that case, we'll help you master it." I answer.

From what I know, Frost Requiem will help her become an Emerald Angel, which she was when we summoned her. But, we need her to go at least one step above that – into the realm of higher-class Angels. And so, we need her to learn Absolute Frost Requiem, a much better ability I presume. Besides, the doctor said he will find a way to make her stronger too so there might be something he'd do that helps us.

"That's right." I say, "He isn't our enemy, not right now anyway."