
"A lie … about loving her?" Danny stares at me with an astonished face.

"Yes. And the reason for telling her that lie was making the outcome we are seeing right now come true." I say as I continue to stare out at the sky, "And because of that, we got rid of a Demoness that we couldn't even put a scratch on before now."

"Yeah, but …" he trails off for a reason that I very well understand. However, there is a big difference between understanding and relating. I do understand his thought his process in thinking that what I did was wrong but I do not relate or agree to it at all.

"Look in front of you!" I tell him, and he turns his gaze back to the front.

The road has been broken so much it doesn't even look like there ever was a road there. The buildings and sidewalks on both sides are charred black. Many people suffered injuries, however, no one died … is my estimate, at the very least. All in all, the picture in front of our eyes looks like a big black ball of smoke was dropped here that also caused burn effect.

"We would have been a part of this destruction if I hadn't said that." I say as I raise both my hands to my shoulder-length. "And I didn't want to be a friend who gets you charred black and injured right after making you do the worst part of the plan."

Till two days ago, I didn't even think of this man as a friend. But he, for whatever reason, was willing to play decoy for me and Roswaisa. That tells me how good of a person Danny truly is. He's basically the Masaomi Kida to my Mikado Ryugamine.

"Hah!" After all that, Danny sighs. "If that's how you decided to deal with the situation, then that's that. I can't really go in the past and change anything even if I don't approve of that tactic. But, what now?"

What now that all that is over and I'll have to either tell Roswaisa the truth or start playing the part even if I don't want to? That is what Danny seems to be asking of me right now.

"Now, nothing." And so, I reply.

Now that all that is over, I would do nothing. I would do absolutely nothing. Everything will return to normal and it will be like this all never happened.

Yes, that's how it'll be. You know how I'll make that happen?

Plot Armor? No.

Plot Convenience? No.

Their Ultimate Combination? No.

It's simply by being honest. All I'll have to do is apologize. And with that, everything will be back to normal. That's not because I am a master at apologies or anything. It's because Roswaisa is just that good of a person, or Angel.


Emerald Angel Roswaisa now walks the floors of earth, marching towards two particular men. That Angel is me. I have just now killed a higher-class Demon named Aknin Vielos. This is undoubtedly the greatest achievement of my life, for which I'll definitely earn a rank-up to the higher-class Angels. This had been my dream ever since I was summoned for the first request, no, ever since I became capable of being summoned for requests. And now, unexpectedly, in my third summoning that would have killed me had I failed to finish it, I have earned that rank-up. Well, it's still not certain if I have earned it or not, but if this doesn't give me a rank-up then it'll be near impossible to get it.

"I …" and as I think, or tries to think about my almost certain rank-up, I say, "… feel nothing."

I find it quite surprising myself that I feel absolutely nothing at this achievement of mine. Is this because of what Irium said earlier? Is this because he said that he loved me? I think that because, well, that is the only thought in my mind right now.

"What should I do?" I wonder. I walk. I feel nothing. I walk. I wonder, "What should I say?"

What should I tell him? 'No, I don't love you. I'm sorry but I don't feel the same about you.' Or, should I make excuses like, 'I like someone else' or 'I don't think we can be a thing.' Or, should I start lying to keep his heart and tell him, 'I feel the same about you, let's become a couple.' No matter what comes to mind, it just doesn't feel like the right response to give.

What should I say? I just keep on wondering. I have no clue at all. At this point in time, what am I supposed to say? I wonder that as I walk through the broken and charred road that has become like that as a result of my Frost Requiem.

Normally, people can't see Angels, Demons or such. However, if they get affected by them, they can see it. Now that so many people have been affected by my Frost Requiem, they all can see me. And as they see me, they look at me in plain surprise as I am a woman who is walking in fancy clothes like what you'd see characters in Anime wear, and to top it all off, she is also walking right in the middle of the road that has been part of a disaster just now. I can see some of them yelling for me to get to the sidelines. However, I don't comply and keep on walking in the middle. All my thoughts are focused on one and only one thing, "How should I answer?"

That question has completely taken over my thought process. And then, I find blood spilling from my mouth. In addition to that, my eyes that were focused on the ground just a second ago now can't help but look at the sky as if my head has been made to shift in that direction. And I feel like not just my head, but the portion of my body above my stomach has been shifted at an angle towards the y-axis. As for my stomach, it feels like there is a small hole in it and through that hole, the cause of it passes through. That cause of the hole is probably something quite thin, like a long object of finger-width.

"How should you answer? Let me help you with that question." The voice of the Demoness I believed I had killed comes and continues on to say, "There. You don't need to answer now."
