Role Given By Fate

"Why did you listen to that serial killer in the first place?" I ask Aknin who is being held captive by her foot drowning in the floor as if it's quicksand.

"I felt compelled to." She clicks her tongue in irritation on remembering it, "I don't know how he did it but he overpowered my senses and made me follow his suggestion."

Wait! What!?

I always knew he was a conniving bastard but, he is powerful enough to overpower a Demon's senses. And no mere demon either, it was Aknin, one of the most powerful demons out there. Even if it was hypnotism, how could it be this powerful?

"Don't ask me about that." she says before I even ask a word, "I don't know the answer."

It is clear that she is frustrated by the fact that she was overpowered by his hypnosis, and even more frustrated by the fact that she had no clue about how his powers got so insane.

"Whatever happened, that bastard manipulated me into leaving Irium alive for the moment." She says with clear anger at her own actions.

I can understand his motives a bit. Having the demon race annihilated would be good for sinners like him. After all, it is only because demons exist that sinners have to fear death. If they stop existing, then wouldn't hell become an empty playground for them?

"The look on your face," Aknin scowls at me as she says, "It tells me you know how the end of our race will be bad for the world."

"Yes, that I do." I say quite plainly.

"Then why are you trying to let it happen? Why are you stopping me?" Aknin asks with a yell.

I don't answer.

"Tsk! Is it just because of the prophecy?" And so, she continues, "Is it just because you can't have one of your prophecies turned wrong."

"Well, that wouldn't concern me all that much." I am not really impressed by that deduction of hers, and I think she would be able to pick it up from my voice and expression.

"Tsk! Then why?" she says while writhing in anger, "Is Roswaisa so dear to you?"

What a joke!

"Of course not, Aknin. I would, in fact, love to see that bitch die." I say plainly, "And before this becomes your next guess, it isn't because I don't want her to die before she is fated to either."

Aknin sighs in exasperation and looks at me with contempt as she says, "Then what the hell is it for?"

"It's because of your race." I answer calmly and truthfully. "Your race, the demon race, has grown dysfunctional."

Her surprise on hearing so soon turns into anger. But before she lashes out or anything, I continue, "The demon race is supposed to be the top of the evil. They are supposed to be the most heinous race in existence."

Yes, they were meant to be that way.

"But, with time, your race has stopped being completely evil. You have learned things like respect, compassion and so on."

"That's not …"

"HOW IS IT NOT TRUE!?" I yell in anger. "You yourself respect your superior, Rain Green. Do you not?"

Respect is a positive emotion. It is not something that a demon should have. Yet, they are many demons who respect those demons that have superior strength to them. That's not how it is supposed to be. Demons are meant to feel jealousy and start hating those who are more powerful than them. They are meant to greed over that power and try to take it by the most heinous methods possible. But, that's not how it goes with them in the present. That's not how demons act these days.

"Even if your race exists, you aren't much of a punishment for the sinners who end up in hell to be honest."

The race that has all the negative emotions, the race meant to take them out on sinners and make them repent for their actions, is now nothing more than a cartoon. They can't do a single thing. They are incompetent. They are foolish. They are hypocrites. And so, they are unnecessary.

"No way!" she looks at me in shock as she says, "You aren't trying to …"

"Yes, I am." I say with a calm voice. "The moment the prophecy of your doom came to mind, I decided that this was it. I would do all in my power to make sure your race dies."

After all, it's not like they are needed anymore, not in the state that they are anyway.

"And after you are all dead and hell is free of your existence,"

After that,

"I'll rebuild you."

"You can't do that!!!" she looks at me in horror as she says so. But, she is wrong.

"I CAN do that. I can't create demons but I can help those races in hell weaker than demons to grow stronger and slowly but steadily replace you all."

She becomes unable to respond to me.

"I'll turn hell back to how it was supposed to be." I say as I look directly into her eyes. And then, "But that's not where I'll stop."

I say with contempt, "The Angels aren't pure either. And so, they would later need to get the same treatment."

And so, when that happens, everything will again become fine. Everything will turn to how it was always supposed to be.

"When all of that is done, I will control the new Angels and new Demons." I say calmly, "And then I can make sure that things never get this out-of-hand in the future."

"It seems to me like …" She says in a horrified voice, "You are trying to become the one who controls both heaven and hell."

Well, is that so?

"Tsk!" she clicks her tongue and continues, "It sounds to me like you are trying to become god."


"You are trying to control both heaven and hell. Do you realize …"

"While that isn't my intention," I cut her off once again as I say, "if what is required in order to save Heaven and Hell is for me to become god, then I will become god. I have no objections to that."

After all, only someone like me who truly understands everything can dawn that role when times like now arise. Why would I possibly refuse the opportunity fate has given me?

"Yes, I suppose you really are right." I look directly into her eyes as I say, "In order to correct everything, I'll become god."
