Prelude To The Journey

A month ago, it started. And within a mere six days, it was over. That's it.

Six days are all it took for my life to change forever.

I got to know that Angels and Demons exist, or, existed. I got to know that magic exists. I got to know that Danny, who became a friend over time, is a mage. I got to know the memories I had of my father leaving me with debt and my mother dying when I was five were fake. I got to remember my real memories, at least, up to a certain point. I got to even meet my father and an AI version of my eldest sister. Obviously, one can't forget that I got forced into a relationship with Roswaisa (though, now that they are all gone, probably nobody cares about that stupid rule and our stupid relationship anymore).

But, without a doubt, the most impactful thing that happened in those six days was Dues' plan coming to success. By the time anyone figured out her plans, it was already too late. And so, she ended up killing all the Angels and Demons in the universe. Well, save for one that is. She said that she made sure Roswaisa survived by changing her core structure a little. I have no idea what that would mean but at least I know that she survived.

Dues allowed us to see Roswaisa to convince us that she really is alive. However, she does not allow us to actually meet her. Ever since she let us see her to know she is alive, we have had no contact with her. We have literally no idea how she is. Though, Dues did say that she has no intentions of harming her in any way, so that's a relief.

Back when Dues appeared in front of us after destroying the entire Angel and Demon race, I said she was twisted and misguided and whatnot. But, upon hearing so, Dues said something pretty interesting. She said that I only think like that because I have seen a very limited part of the world. She said it's because I am ignorant. She said that if I see what she had seen, I would agree that she did the right thing.

I'm not going to lie, she does have a point. I haven't seen a lot of things, especially when compared to a deity living for thousands of years. What she says is definitely a possibility.

I would like to hope the possibility does not come true. But, as hard as it may be to accept, denying the possibility won't get me anywhere either.

So, there was no choice but to accept her offer.

"If you really want to prove me wrong, then see all that there is in this world to see. Go to every corner where life exists in both realities and see for yourself what I have seen. And then, if you can still say that I was wrong in what I did, then I swear it on my name that I will go back in time and stop myself from doing it."

That is what she told me. While she said 'everything there is in the world to see', I sincerely believe she had much more than just a world in mind. Anyway, when she said all of that, every method of reading a person I know of told me that she was serious about that deal. It told me that she would really change the past if I say, after seeing everything she has seen, that she was wrong.

And so, "What do you say? Want to have a dance with darkness?"

When she offered me that chance, I knew I had to take it. And I did.

So here we are.

25 days later. Getting ready to head out on the first of the many places Dues has told me to go to. The reasons we waited three weeks were numerous.

First of all, because I had regained my memories, I wanted to reconnect with Grey and Jessica, whom I used to think of as some mafia lords, but we actually only acting the part of it while trying to look over me like guardians.

Second, I wanted to mentally prepare myself, which involved two things, letting the reality of what had happened sink in and, become ready to accept any level of crazy as I have no idea what kind of places we are going to have to visit.

Third, I wanted to talk things over with Danny and see if I can learn any kind of mage-craft. Things had gone too fast to do so before but I can't deny that if I am going to live among people like these, I'll need to learn their tricks.

Unfortunately, that didn't turn out very well. I seem to have no capability for mage-craft. It's something that came up before in sis' … Nee-san's Game of Words.

But anyway, that being as it may, I questioned if there was any other way to make myself stronger, to have better defense against mages. Grey, Jessica and Danny – all gave the same answer – become a body-builder.

I, of course, also gave the same reply to all of them – NO!

Brute strength is not my thing. I have tried getting ripped before, it didn't work out. That said and done though, we decided that if no other idea came to mind by today (the day we are to set off), I would have to become a brute force fighter. Fortunately though, an idea did come to me. If I want to live equally with these wackos with wacky powers, I … need to become BATMAN!

Yeah, that didn't work out.

Anyway, the next approach I tried was becoming Lelouch. I brainstormed for many days trying to come up with solutions to every imaginary problem Grey, Jessica or Danny could think of.

Yeah, that didn't work out either.

What am I supposed to do? I am not some ultra-dark badass who knows 127 martial arts and I am not so ridiculously smart that I can take over the world with my intelligence either. I am left with no choice, or rather; I WAS left with no choice.

And then HE showed up. HE who should have come much earlier. HE who should have stopped this from happening. HE who had the power to do that. But he didn't.

Only after the destruction had happened, he – God – came to me offering a hand.
