End Of The Beginning (Part 4)

And so it's over.

Angels are dead.

Demons are dead.

My entire family that was left alive is dead.

If there is one exception to all this, it would probably be Roswaisa. Maybe Dues found a way for her to survive. I hope so.

But, in any case, this world no longer has the races that symbolize good and evil. The system is broken. And Dues ex machina will use it to her advantage and become god. She wouldn't literally become god, but in name and in fame, she will be considered the most powerful person in the world, and perhaps the god.

"Damnit!" Danny yells, "What the hell are we supposed to do now!?"

"I have no idea." I yell, "So stop shouting in my ears!"

We are at a loss we may never recover from. From a material standpoint, we are both still fine. We can return to our lives and pretend none of this ever happened. But, that is just not realistically possible. Neither of us can ever forget these past few days and the cataclysmic event of Angels and Demons dying.



Blank. That's pretty much it. There's nothing but a blank in front of us, and we have nothing to fill in this blank.

"Well, what can we do-"

Danny is cut-off by the sudden emergence of a presence whose pressure alone threatens to tear our limbs apart. We turn back to look at the presence – and we find no one. The presence and the pressure emanating from it are still there. But, whose presence is it? The answer to that question is nowhere to be found.

"W-Who's there?" Danny finally summons enough courage to ask.

"…" But no answer comes back, much to our annoyance.

"Show yourself!" I yell.

"…" Yet, no answer comes back.

We are left to wonder what is going on. And we try to think of things. A minute passes, two minutes pass, 5 minutes pass, 10 minutes pass and there is neither an answer nor any theory that comes to our mind that can give us any idea of what's going on.

But, just as we are about to start walking away from the presence,


"Wh-who is that?" Danny questions.

"No idea." I answer.

We immediately start walking away from the presence. But, it doesn't seem to be going away, as if it is following us.


The shrieking laugh continues, sending shivers down our spines many a times.

"Does that voice … sound familiar to you?" I ask, as I feel like I have heard it somewhere before.

"Well … now that you say it, it actually does." Danny says with a surprised expression.


"Tsk!" Danny clicks his tongue as he says with an angry face, "It's her voice. It's Dues' voice."

Yes, I think so too. It does sound like her.

"Well, well, took you long enough to figure out." She says and then again starts laughing uncontrollably, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

"Wh-where the heck are you!?" Danny yells in anger.

"Calm down, Danny. There's no reason to wear such an angry façade." She says, "If you are trying to see a god, then shouldn't you look above?"

As soon as we hear that, we turn our eyes upwards, and there – still in the air as if standing on an invisible plain – Dues ex machina remains and looks down at us with a mocking smile.

"You bitch!" Danny clicks his tongue as he sees her.

"Calling your goddess a bitch!? How rude!" She mocks us, knowing there is nothing we can do about it.

Tightening our fists, clicks our tongues, scowling at her – at the end of the day, none of this does any good. The reality of the situation remains that she won and we lost, completely.

"By the way, you two," She says with a grin, "Wouldn't you like to meet your friend?"

"Huh!?" Both of us react with that and so,

"HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!" She laughs like a maniac again and says, "Now that is just a priceless expression."

"Stop spouting BS and tell us what you meant when you asked about meeting our friend." I yell at her.

"HAH!" She loudly sighs (probably deliberately) and says, "I meant Roswaisa. She is still alive, you know?"

"What!?" Danny expresses the surprise we both feel as he asks, "How?"

"Oh! I just changed her core structure a little to make it so that she can survive even though no other Angel or Demon can. You know, it's like a reward for her hard work in being my puppet."

Needless to say, she starts laughing like a maniac once again.

"…" I am left speechless, and so is Danny. Neither of us can think of anything to say. I am happy to hear that at least she is still alive but, is that really good news? She will have to live with the knowledge that Angels and Demons were wiped out by her hands. So, is her being alive really something to be glad about? Isn't a life of guilt and self-hatred awaiting her?

"I can tell what you two are worried about from your faces." Dues says with a mocking smile, "Such futile thoughts!"

"You shut up!" Danny yells, "You can never understand anything about humans. So just shut your mouth!"

"Perhaps I can't understand anything about humans. And there is no need for me to." She says, "After all, I am a god. Things like understanding the stupidity of your race is beneath me."

"You-" stopping Danny's retort with one hand outstretched, she says,

"But, since you are so determined to prove that what I did was wrong, I will give you a chance to prove it."

"… What does that mean?" I ask.

"It's simple." Dues says, "I have seen every single race, every single city, every single tradition, literally everything that both realities have to offer."



"What I did was because I saw all of it and judged this to be the best path to take?" She says with a calm expression, "If you deny me without seeing everything I have seen, then you are just arrogant and delusional hypocrites."

That, begrudgingly, is a sound argument.

"If you really want to prove me wrong, then see all that there is in this world to see." She says, "Go to every corner where life exists in both realities and see for yourself what I have seen. And then, if you can still say that I was wrong in what I did, then I swear it on my name that I will go back in time stop myself from doing it."

Is she for real?

"So," she looks at me as she asks, "What do you say? Want to have a dance with darkness?"
