The Demon Commander

"You sure about this, this is really the place we are looking for?" I ask with my hands folded.

"Yes, Sir Azazel. This is the place you'll find Dues ex machina at." Jessica says as she looks at the empty garage in front of the car we are in.

"I know it sounds unbelievable but you will find her lair beneath this garage." Grey adds.

"Okay, fine. How do we get 'beneath' this garage?" I ask with my hands still folded.

"Well, that we do not know." Jessica says. And Grey nods to it.

"Well, Azazel, what do you think?" The Demoness sitting beside me in the back seat of the car, Rain Green, asks.

"I think they are right." I answer casually, "She really is down there."

Rain seems surprised as she hears that and Jessica and Grey smile slightly upon it. Well, it's not like it's my personal intuition at work that's making me say that, I was just told by 'him' to trust these two even if they say something stupid. I am just deciding to follow his advice.

"If that is so," Rain says as she leans back a little, "Let's check the place out. What's the worst that could happen?"

I agree with a nod and so, the two of us step out of the car.

"Will it really be okay with just the two of you?" Jessica asks with a concerned expression.

"Yeah, I mean, we could help if you want us to. We are pretty capable Tamers, you know." Grey offers, also with a concerned expression.

"No, we'll be fine." I tell them. "In fact, the two of us combined … we are probably too much for Dues to handle."

As I say that, I point to the Demoness who has already stepped inside the garage and has already given up on finding a way down.

"Hah! To hell with it!" She says as she smashes her foot on the floor – breaking it into pieces and opening the way down.

"You see?" I say as we all look at that, "We know a thing or two about being powerful."



Not going to lie, hearing that laugh is kinda vexing me.

"Aknin," and so I ask, "Why in the world are you laughing right now?"

"Oh please, like you don't know you are about to fail in all of your plans." She says with a smirk, "That voice of something rocky breaking just now, it's going to come again, and again, and again until they are here. And once they are here, you are done."

"Hmm …" I can only wonder where she gets so much confidence in those half-asses, but well, "If you really think a couple of Demons can defeat me, think again."

And then the voice of something breaking comes again, just like Aknin said it would. And well, I had no doubt it would. I know the commander of this little 'rat' in my cage well enough to tell that she will just break through the floors to reach here.

"Rain Green, huh? And she's not alone. Azazel is with him. Everything said and done though, while I can defeat both of them, it will still be a hassle to deal with them right now." I say and turn around.

"Getting scared?" Aknin tries to taunt me.

"Nope," I just calmly reply, "I just have more important things to do in my life than fight."

As I say that, I pick up a green crystal, a piece in the puzzle that is too crucial to be left behind.

"You can run right now, bitch, but not forever." Aknin says, "We'll get you. And when we do, you are going down."

Taunting is all Aknin Vielos can do as I start leaving and she is unable to stop me because of being held captive by concrete, like she has been for a while.

A voice of floor breaking comes once again, which means there's only one more floor left for her to break before she reaches here. Well, better scram!


With the fourth and final floor out of the way, we reach what is supposed to be Dues' Lair. As soon as we do that, we find Aknin Vielos being held captive by … uh, floors?

"What the hell is going on, Aknin?" Rain asks in a commanding voice.

"She trapped my foot in the concrete by turning the concrete into quicksand or something like that. I can't break out no matter how much I try." She answers.

"And where is she?" I ask.

"She just ran away, jumped into a teleportation portal."


"Aknin, break out of there." Rain says in irritation after hearing that.

"I can't. I have tried but …"

"Break out of there on your own or I'll make you do it." Rain says in a really cold voice.

Well, this is going to get ugly.

"AAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Aknin screams as she falls out of the 'cage' she was trapped in, by having a little more than the part of her feet trapped in concrete - shredded from the rest of the body.

"Was that really necessary, Rain?" I ask.

"No worries. She'll regenerate." She just plainly dismisses my concerns with that.

"Well, I am going to go up to Jessica and Grey to discuss where Dues might be headed." I say with a smile, "When you are done, come join us."

Rain smiles back in agreement to the plan, and so I hurry out of there. Don't want to accidentally get hurt or anything trying to stop her.

The few sounds I hear before reaching the surface – let's just say they weren't very pleasant.

In any case, let's leave the sadist boss and her poor little subordinate alone, shall we?
