King Of Hell And Queen Of Time

"Are your guests gone, sire?" A servant of the place asks me.

"Yes, they are." I say as I have seen off the two humans who had paid hell a visit, though not of their own volition. I took the liberty of dropping them out just where their Angel friend would be. That should let them have an easier time figuring things out. And now that all is over and done with, I ask the servant, "What's the status?"

"All of the members you requested are ready and awaiting your orders, sire." He answers me.

"I see." I turn around and start walking, "Then there is no point in making them wait any longer, is there?"


"Have you finally given, Demoness?" I ask the Aknin, who had been trying to break free of the hold of the concrete that had trapped her this entire time, but now seems to have stopped trying to do that.

"Tsk!" She is, obviously, irritated about it though. I can understand. Being stripped away of your freedom to move while listening to someone you are not fond of ranting in front of you is not exactly a very good feeling. Still, I can't let her out as I too am not very fond of this Demoness who only knows how to do things by violence.

"Well, you'll need to stay like that for a while, Aknin. I can't be bothered to fight you at the moment." So, I tell her that. However,

"Do you think you can get away with this, bitch?" Aknin says as she looks at me with eyes burning with hatred.

"Oh my! Why such hatred!?" I question her mockingly.

"Tsk!" Aknin's eyebrows furrow as she says, "Lucifer is not going to let you do whatever the heck you want, you bitch!"

"Lucifer, huh? That guy, huh? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" I laugh upon hearing that. How can I not laugh on that? She thinks Lucifer will stop me? How foolish! "Lucifer will never be able to do anything to me. Never."

"Oh? And why is that?" She asks as if she thinks I am only acting and my words have no value. I do feel bad and also kinda excited to see the expression she'll have on her face in a few seconds.

"Lucifer once made a vow very few know of." I tell her, "He vowed that he will never use violence against someone who is not denizen of Hell."

"W-What!?" Her face contorts in disbelief and,

"I am not a denizen of Hell, so I am safe from his 'wrath'." I continue without caring about her feeling, or maybe because I care too much about them and want to crush them further, "And every other Demon is weaker than me."

I casually caress her cheeks as I say, "So, your hopes are doomed, Demoness."

I won't lie. It feels great to see the shock and despair on Aknin's face. It's so refreshing. A Demon, a true demon, a true creature of evil, wouldn't have this kind of expression on their face. A real Demon would be jealous of the power I hold and would be trying to devise a plan to take all this power from me. But she, she is not like that. She is despaired because she is worried about her comrades in Hell, about Hell and maybe even a bit about Heaven. She is a flawed Demon, and a perfect example of why I am needed to bring them all down.

"Well, enough chatter." I say. "I need to go now – to obtain the piece of the puzzle I still lack, all thanks to your interruptions."


In the room I step in, there are already three people – all of them Demons. Aside from one of them who is my helper, two of them are here for the mission I am to give them.

"Are you serious about this, Lucifer?" One of the two, a handsome round-faced man with blonde-hair and blue-eyes and slightly long hair with a tall stature asks me that. He is one of the most capable Demons in Hell, and is known far and wide as Azazel.

"I would like to ask the same thing." The other of the two, a beautiful diamond-faced woman with deep crimson-hair and red eyes and hair reaching half way through her back with a tall stature seconds that question. She is also one of most capable Demons in Hell and the superior of the Demoness who stupidly let herself become a hostage of Dues in trying to attack her alone. She is known as Rain Green.

"I am very serious about this." I tell them, fair and square. "I want you two to get Dues ex machina for me."



They both look like they are contemplating, which makes me smile a bit. "You two both know about my vow to never use violence against those that aren't denizens of Hell, right? Unfortunately, Dues is one of them. So, I'll have to leave this job to the two of you."

"Hmm … while taking out that bitch will be my pleasure, it's not going to be easy. She's ridiculously powerful, especially on Earth." Azazel says.

"Yeah, that's something I can't brush off either." Rain says so with folded arms, and then adds, "Not to mention, finding her would be a task in itself."

"Well, while you two will need to fight her mostly on your own with maybe a little help at best, finding her won't be your burden." I tell them. "I have already arranged for people to take you to her base."

"Is that so?" Azazel asks, not especially impressed but interested nonetheless, "And who are these people?"

"Hmm …" I deliberately trail off and point towards a door to the room, the door that they both are sitting diagonally to. And, I urge, "Why don't you two come in and introduce yourselves?"

As soon as I do that, a man and a woman enter the room. Both humans bowed to us and,

"I am Grey." The man says.

"I am Jessica." The woman says. And then, she continues, "The leader of a group we both were once a part of had given us a mission to protect his only remaining child."

She stops, with her hands shaking and her biting her lips. So, Grey continued past that, "We failed that mission because of Dues ex machina."

He too stops, but only for a moment, as he then says, "But, even though we failed, we uncovered all of Dues' plans and hideouts even aside from the lair we already knew about."



"…" The three of us listen to them without interrupting.

And seeing that, the two of them say in coalition, "Please allow us to help you get there so you can make her repent for all the sins that she has committed."


A second passed, two passed, ten passed. But just when it starts to seem like no one will say anything, Azazel laughs.

"Hahahahaha!" He stands up and walks to stand in front of them as he says, "Making her repent, huh? That sounds fun."
