A Not-So-Happy Reunion

Two men, all of a sudden, come out of a portal right on the roof I and the doctor had our whole conversation with. To add to that, these two are the ones that had met me earlier, the two that the doctor said are the only two people I can depend upon or want to help me or something along those lines.

"What the-" One the two men reacts with that while the other sighs as they see me.

"Hello, Angel-san. Please tell me if you want to kill me or not." then the one who sighed says that, which I don't know why he does.

"Kill … you?" I ask with my hands at my chin as I lean on the railings of the roof I had been on all this time, "Why would I do that?"

Now that I think about it, there was something about the doctor telling me to kill the two of them. But, that's not the most important thing here. "More importantly though, there's something that doctor wanted me to ask."

The one who had sighed upon seeing me, looks like he'd rather not hear the question. But, I have to ask it.

"Let's see, uh, yeah," Also, it kinda seems like he is the one the doctor wanted me to ask as, "You are more handsome."

For a moment, it seems like his lips gain a smile.

"So, what's your name?" I ask him then.

Instead of answering though, he starts looking at me with a deadpan expression.

"Well," No way am I letting him get out of this though. I need to know the answer.

"Irium Glice."

He says. He says that and, all of a sudden, some pieces fall into place, causing every other to fly off in the distance.

"No way!" I say as I hear that. He's Irium Glice? That can't be right. That has to be a coincidence, right?


"No way!"

-is her reaction after hearing my name. Well, that's kinda rude.

"You are … Irium Glice?"

"I most certainly am." It's a bit awkward talking to this woman, kinda sad too. But, what is going in her mind has all of my attention right now.

"You … aren't from the future, are you?"

"Eh?" Danny looks at me in a bit of an awkward surprise and I return the favor. Did the doctor tell her about that? He probably did, how else would she know? And I am guessing he also told her my name. But, that still doesn't explain her shocked face upon hearing my name.

"Yeah, we both are from the future, the year 2020 to be more precise." I say, trying to act as calm as I possibly can.

With a troubled expression, she asks, "I-I see. How old are you?"

Why? You don't want to accidentally confess your love to someone who is younger than you or something? Ha, I wish!

"I'm 17." I respond, keeping all those thoughts in my mind and only revealing the relevant information.

"I … see. According to maturity, you'll be equivalent to an 85 year old Angel then." She says while holding her chin and staring at the ground.

If we are going by that though, then it'd be more like 88. Well, whatever!

"Hey, uh," she hesitates for whatever reason.

"Yeah, what?" I urge her to go on. I am genuinely interested in knowing what has thrown her in such a situation that she has had this troubled expression the entire time. Is the confession finally going to come or something?

"Your mother died when you were a 5-year-old and your father left you when you were 10." She says all of sudden, not facing me but the ground.


"You live on rent in a house owned by a mafia lord and you plan to someday pay everything your father had taken from the lord back and be freed of the debt." She continued as I do not interrupt.


"I … am wrong, aren't I?" She asks me after saying all of that.


"Answer me, please!" Her voice soft and expression troubled, she raises this question to me.

"You are wrong about the part that I aim to pay that moron anything, but everything else is true." I say, trying my best to not let the conversation become gloomy. Safe to say – that I brutally failed at doing that because of my own frustrations, "Who told you all this, Ms. Roswaisa?"

"Well, uh,"

"It was that doctor who summoned you here?" I ask with a questioning gaze.

"Y-yes!" she replied, looking a bit sad and troubled as she had been for the past few minutes or so.

I see. That guy knows a lot about me, doesn't he? I already knew I can't trust that guy but I now feel like I need to meet him and talk to him, about things that even I don't understand about myself.

"Ms. Roswaisa, why were you asking all of this? What did the doctor tell you about me?" I ask.

"Well, uh …" she hesitates yet again, but she won't be able to not answer, not when I am staring on her to make sure she knows all of her moves are being recorded and there's no escape. The only possible escape is –

"You two, come on now,"

"Shut up, Danny!"

- this guy interrupting the situation thinking it's getting out-of-hand. But, as you can see, I can shut him up pretty easily.

"Ms. Roswaisa, answer!" I tell her, almost as if I am commanding her to do so. And so,

"I … don't think telling you would be a good idea." She says.

"Let me be the judge of that." I say.

"Well, he's … your … father." She tells me.

"That's ridiculous." I tell her.

"It sounds ridiculous to you … because your memories have been tampered with." She says.

"…" I remain silent for just a while. But, just as she is about to say something like 'don't do anything rash' or 'don't feel bad', I stop her with, "Tell me everything that he told you."

And with a dejected and sad expression, she fulfills my request.
