
"Ha?" The Demoness who shared her face was surprised as she heard her request.

"You heard me." Grimma repeated herself just to make it clear that she was not joking around, "Destroy the Remedy Corporation!"

"…" The Demoness Priscina stood there in surprise for a whole 10 seconds before, "Hahahahaha!!!" she started laughing like a maniac.

"Tsk!" Grimma clicked her tongue, not liking that reaction. But,

"I didn't know I was such an interesting person before." Priscina said while holding her stomach, "Alright! Let's do that. Let's destroy the Remedy Corporation."

Grimma said, "Well, we leave for that tomorrow morning. For now, don't come in front of my family."

Priscina raised her hands and nodded while trying to keep her laughter in check.


The fact that becoming a Demoness was her fate was already enough to tell how incompetent of a parent I had been. However, I have to commend Grimma for her resolve. She could also see from her own eyes what her future was and still did not falter in going through with her plans. She wasn't just smart, she was courageous too – I'll give her that.


The two 'assassins' had stopped in a backwater alley and were not moving from there for a whole ten minutes. They weren't really doing anything there, just standing and wasting time. Grey and Jessica kept close-by but were getting more and more bothered by the fact that their targets aren't moving. Trevor felt this too as he kept watch on all four of them. And so, their leader gave a command that would relieve them of that anxiety they were feeling.

"Get them!" He told them.

"Are you sure, boss!?" Trevor asked in surprise, "This will fail our entire mission."

"Our mission is failing anyway, Trevor."


"The reason those two stopped there is without a doubt because they realized they were being tailed, they are probably trying to think of something that could help them get away from us. The longer we wait, the more our chances of failure increase." So he said.

There was also the fact that Grey and Jessica getting more and more nervous could sabotage the mission but he didn't feel like that was something Trevor needed to know.

Anyway, on his command, Grey and Jessica slowly approached the two assassins. But,

"Hey, morons!" One of the assassins turned around and said, "Bet you think you are so smart tailing us like that, huh!?"

Grey, Jessica and Trevor collectively sighed as they heard that.

"This guy talks less like an assassin and more like a punk." Trevor remarked.

"Yeah! Isn't he just like you are when you are mad?" Jessica asked Trevor with a smile.

"Yes, yes indeed-" Grey said but,

"Cut your comedy routine and get those two already." Trevor said, not wanting to argue on that subject.

And so, Grey and Jessica got into battle stances, which basically meant that they both took out their deck of cards.

"What the hell!" one of the assassins said, "Are you trying to play poker with us or something!?"

Grey and Jessica looked at each other, then looked back at the two and said with cheerful faces, "No."

Out of a card in Grey's hand came out a monster regarded as one of the fastest mythological creatures – Manticore. And seeing that monstrosity with the head of a man, body of a lion, tail of a scorpion and wings like that a giant bat or like that of a demon, the two assassins were left unable to say anything.

And then, out of a card in Jessica's hand also came out a monster regarded as one of the fastest mythological creatures – Raijū. With a body like that of a white and blue wolf and lightning coursing through his muscles, this monstrosity from Japanese mythology was almost as terrifying as the Manticore, from just the appearance.


Tamers – the type of mages who use monster summoning cards as their main weapon. That is who Danny is, and that is who Grey and Jessica were. It is said that 30% of the world's mages are Tamers, though back then, it used to be somewhere around 35%. It is even believed that back in some time like 1856, Tamers were the 95% of mages in the world. Number of Tamers has decrease more and more over-time because of various advancements in the world. Regardless of that, they are still considered one of the most formidable-type of mages in the world, and if you were to take Grey and/or Jessica as an example, Tamers definitely deserve that reputation.


"How did it go, Trevor?" their leader asked.

"It went well, almost too well." He replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Both Grey and Jessica summoned really fast creatures to make sure the two assassins can't get away but the two didn't even put up a fight. They went down like they had given up. Furthermore, seeing the two creatures, they reacted like they could not believe what they were seeing, like they were some random people who didn't even knew that magic exists." Trevor explained what he understood from seeing their reaction.

"… I see." Their leader said as he pondered, "If they didn't even knew about magic though, it wouldn't be possible to make them search for a mage. Which could mean …"

He trailed off, but it was enough for Trevor to realize what he was trying to say.

"I'll check." Trevor replied.

And as he said that, he also put a foot on the railing of the building he was on and pushed himself off of it, which resulted into him jumping off the roof directly on top of that alley and then down from it.

Clap! Clap!

Grey and Jessica cheerfully clapped as they saw it.

"Keep it down, morons!" Trevor yelled at them and went to the two assassins who were lying on the floor unconscious.

This was the most important part of the plan in case things went south. If the four couldn't find the person they are looking for by following these two, they were to take them down and let Trevor search through their memories for any clues, as that was something he specialized at. And he used his specialty as he put two fingers on the foreheads of both 'assassins'.

"Shit!" He exclaimed.

"What!? Weren't we supposed to keep it down!?" Jessica asked while pouting.

"Yeah! Keep it down!" Grey said while pouting too.

"We were played." Trevor said, ignoring those two. "Dues ... that bitch played us!"
