Looking At The Mirror

It had been three and a half years since we adopted those four children. In the descending order of age, they were Grimma, Jason, Kylie and … Irium.

Grimma and Jason never told us their real family names, and so we gave the four my family name. We named them all Glice.

And with that, the six of us who formed the Glice family lived happily … for those three and a half years at least.


As she looked at her three siblings, Grimma flashed a bright smile and said, "I promise that everything will be okay."

They didn't respond, just stared at her in confusion and anxiety. And so, with the smile unwavering, she told them to go back to their rooms and closed the door to her room.

"I promise …"

After being left alone in her room, she mumbled so and looked back at the floor. On that floor, there was a magic circle. And there are only two things a magic circle is used for in this world – one, to summon a Diamond-level Angel; and two, to summon a Demon of ranking equivalent to Diamond-level Angels.

"Ye, Yun, Yish, Le, Lin." She mumbled to herself, "These are the five levels of lower-ranking Demons, and in that ascending order of power, with the exception of Yish and Le having equivalent power."

It was pretty much the carbon copy of the hierarchy of Angels. Or, were they the copy of Demons' hierarchy? No, it wasn't the time to dwell on things like that. And so, she brought her focus back to summoning.

Out of the five levels of Demons, what she was aiming to summon, or rather, the only one she could summon and not get hurt – was a Ye-level Demon.

"Let's get started then." She said to herself as she started the summoning process. Because she had no catalysts, she couldn't tell which demon exactly will be summoned by her. It was probably going to be some random Ye Demon. Or, so she thought.


I had never summoned an Angel or a Demon back then. All I had was book knowledge of how it is done. So, it is quite remarkable that Grimma was able to pull off a summoning.

That said though, that big brain of hers was going to become a problem soon enough.


"Boss! These two are heading out!" Grey said as if he's muttering to himself in order to not look suspicious. His voice, obviously, travels through the Bluetooth to all the other members. And as they all listen,

"Got it! Keep an eye on them!" Their leader said.

Grey replied with an "Affirmative" and got on the move while trying to look as casual about it as possible. Jessica soon got up too but instead of going together with Grey, she started following them from a different angle. Needless to say, it was all because they didn't wanted to look suspicious.

Trevor, keeping an eye on them with his binoculars, also started to keep an eye on his two comrades down there doing the tailing just to make sure they remain safe. And as for their leader, he was at stand by and awaiting any developments in the situation.


We were great at working together and we had a heck of a lot of confidence in our combined strength. Maybe, that is why we never realized that we were being so easily fooled into following two idiots who were being paid to distract us from our goal. There were never any assassins sent there by anyone in Remedy. Those two were just two morons who didn't even know about the world of magic, foolishly working for money. Needless to say, the one who paid them to do that work was Dues ex machina.

Throughout years, no, throughout centuries, Dues had built up an image of a deity uninterested in human affairs. She was only interested in the affairs of Heaven and Hell, nothing to do with those of Earth. That was the image we had of her. That's the image everyone had of her. And so, when she plainly lied about there being assassins sent here, none of us thought there was any reason to doubt her. None of us were skeptical, and that cost us.


Black and sharp wings spreading from the back, brown-hair and cute features like that of a teenage girl and a height of about 5'3. Additionally, the cloth worn was nothing but a plain, light brown frock. So were the characteristics of the Demon that was summoned by Grimma. In other words,

"Why … do you look … just like me?" the demon looked exactly like her, as if she was looking at a mirror.

"I'm Priscina, a Demon whose past is you." The Demoness replied in a bone-chilling voice.

"You died some time from now and were then turned into a Demon. That is who I am." Her face contorting into a grin, "Any more questions, Grimma?"

Grimma was left bereft of words as she saw that. Seeing that, Priscina just grinned more and more and asked, "Now, I don't remember everything of my past. I don't remember why I had tried to summon a Demon at this point in time. Could you remind me, Grimma?"

"…" Grimma was still too shocked of what she was seeing to answer any questions Priscina asked.

"Hah!" Seeing that, Priscina sighed and, "I can't believe my past self was so pathetic."

"Tsk!" Hearing that, Grimma's blood boiled a little. And as that brought her back to reality, she remembered what she had to do and why she summoned a Demon. So,

"Demoness Pris-sinna, was it?"

Narrowing her eyebrows at the wrong pronunciation of her name, Priscina said, "Why are you humans so stupid? It's Priscina, pronounced pri-sin-a."

Grimma sighed and composed herself as she said, "Demoness Priscina then, I have a request for you."

"Now that's obvious as you wouldn't summon a Demon for any other reason." Priscina said in a mocking voice.

Ignoring that though, Grimma continued, "I want you to destroy Remedy Corporation."
