Ridiculous Developments

As I am busy cursing the readers for being heartless and thinking I am a tsundere, some 6 feet tall man suddenly barges in the clinic.

"Doctor SAAAB!!!!" he yells, to which of course,

"What is it!?" the doctor replies furiously, "can't you see I'm giving a lady some company here."

Okay so, Adonia (or Roswaisa) maybe the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on, that freaking doesn't mean you can stop everything else to just look at her, especially if you are a doctor. And I guess Danny shares my thoughts.

"Hey doc," he says as he puts his hand on the doctor's shoulder and look at him like a psycho anime character when their inner psycho is about to burst forth does as he says, "Do your damn job!"

The intensity in the air right now! The monumental scene that is happening in front of me! The epic new Danny moment that is going on in front of my eyes! That moment, THIS moment …

"Guards, throw this guy out!" … ends with the doctor saying that.

"AARREE DOCTOR SAAAB, MERI BAAAT SUNOOO!!!" the guy who had barged in earlier yells something in his language that I can't really interpret but I can kinda guess what he is saying – something like 'listen to me'.

"HAH!!!" the doctor sighs exasperatedly as he says, "Bark, commoner!"

What follows after that is a bunch of lines in whatever the regional or national language here is and I don't quite know what any of that meant. Well, there's also my wi- I mean, Adonia.

"What are they saying!?" I ask while looking at her as I see the doctor conversing with that man after having gotten a little away from us.

"I can't hear clearly but," she says with a nervous face, "It looks like that guy, you remember this guy?"

This 6-feet-giant that makes me look like a baby carrot in front of an elder carrot, yeah, I remember him. He's the one who was shouting in the lobby alongside his 'elder' brother.

After getting a nod from me, she continues, "It seems like he had a fight with his brother and his brother, now, is in a critical state."

What kind of stupidity is that!?

"We should probably go take a look." Adonia says with her arms tightened into fists and,

"Of course, Madame!" Danny agrees to her and they start dragging me with them as they run towards the lobby without giving me the time to think anything.

Seriously, what is with these two, Naruto and Sakura, to my Sasuke? Why have both of them lost their minds and sanity to leave me with the only one who has it? I mean, you guys do know when your friends are stupid; you'll end up going through 500 chapters of BS before actually having redemption and will end up becoming a hated character, right? Since I wouldn't let something like that happen to me, it can only mean that this book is going to bomb against Naruto lovers. Oh boy, the conspiracies and idiosyncrasies of the market, it's better to start raising a Yandere Demon Lord than be involved with this.


Having come out of the place we were in and seeing the elder brother fallen on the ground like someone hit him with an iron axe, we can only contemplate what to do next. Soon after, in anger, the doctor comes and,

"Let me take a look at the patient!" he says as he makes the crows around the lying elder brother move away and goes on to check the guy's pulses. "No, sorry, this guy is dead."


All of sudden, the younger brother slaps the doctor.

"If you are a doctor, then save him." for the first time, I see him talking in English and it had to be this line of all things.

"How dare you-" the doctor tries to retort but,


He gets it on the other side as well.

"If you want to live, then save him." for the second time, I see him talking in English and it had to be this line of all things.

"You piece of-"


"If you are a human, then save him."



"If you are …"


And so, that brings us to the situation where instead of any type of 'saving' happening for the elder brother, those idiots are just fighting.

"Well, let's go do something or Adonia will do something stupid." I say to Danny as we have decided to help them (read the goddamn last chapter in case you don't remember).

"One thing before that though," he says as he takes out a deck or cards. "While I would prefer to not use these against ordinary people, I can't just have them do whatever they want to me, can I now?"

That reminds me though,

"By the way, why were you in the clinic? Who had hit you so much?" I find it absolutely stunning that this man was able to find someone to hit him already. He is quite the talented masochist.

"Oh, that. There was a guy who wanted to become my student or something." He says with an uninterested face.

"I see. Where's he now?" I ask with a more than interested face.

"Lying upside-down on top of a well!" he says.

"SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" an unknown voice comes just then. Hearing it, Danny points and says,

"You heard that voice the author just put in for the sake of convenience? That is the voice of that stupid brat!" Danny says, smirking like an evil villain. Or, you can just say he is smirking like Megumin was in that one smug meme face that got so popular it made her the 'best girl' according to the viewers.

"Well, that's a disturbing sight to imagine, so let's just not." I say and start heading in. now that I have had some fresh air, I think I can go and destroy a few people with my awesomeness.

"Folks!" I yell to grab all their attention. "Cease your mundane squabbles!"

They all stand silent in awe (not pity, not at all) of my awesomeness (no one pities me for saying that, okay?).

"If you want to fight, I'll give you something better to fight over."
