A Chat

"Pretty vague! Everything seems pretty vague!" Lucifer says after going through all the details of our situation. And well, that remark pretty much sums it up anyway, the situation that is.

"First of all," he says in a contemplating voice, "The doctor definitely has something more up his sleeve than he lets you guys see."

Yeah, that's obvious. He said his goal is to end the demons because that will turn hell in a safe haven for people like him but that can't be all of it, can it?.

"To prepare a paradise that he can't visit until his death would be foolish. It basically means that he doesn't have any connection with life and would want to die as soon as his plan is complete." While he is still smiling, Lucifer does have a serious demeanor as he says all this.

"Hmm, I get your point." Danny says, "But I don't see how he couldn't actually be planning that. I mean, how can we know that he has any attachment to life at all?"

"There is something that you two might have failed to notice." He says as he looks at us intensely so as to make us remember ourselves. However, before we can, he starts speaking again, "For whatever reason, he decided that he would act grumpy and not operate on the elder of the two brothers back in the clinic, didn't he?"

Oh yeah, he did. Why though? The childish reason he gave for having been disturbed while he was in Adonia's company doesn't make sense at all. What real reason did he have for doing that?

"And, another thing to remember is that the diversion that the whole commotion between him and the younger brother caused is what possibly led to Adonia's disappearance."

When you put it that way, that commotion may have been his goal. And if he's trying to say that the doctor had an accomplice who kidnapped Adonia when all the commotion was going on (as he couldn't have done it while arguing with the younger brother), that fruit-seller comes to mind as a suspect. However, Lucifer's intentions in bringing up this topic seem to be something else entirely.

"Do you two believe it would have taken someone like him, someone who can disappear from your sight in an instant, a whole commotion to make a woman with no special powers disappear?"

Valid point. The commotion may have been the time he used to make Adonia disappear but that doesn't mean that was his intention. He wouldn't need such a thing as a commotion after all.

"When a doctor operates, they put themselves at risk too." Lucifer says all of sudden.

"Huh?" Danny looks in surprise at his statement.

"A virus or bacteria can enter their skin and can lead to all sorts of problem after all. Just because they can put a mask on their face doesn't mean they are safe. Furthermore, there wasn't even the system of masks back in 1856 on Earth, was it?"

No, there wasn't. Meaning, if a doctor operates on a patient who has a harmful virus or bacteria or some other kind of microbe, there's a chance that the doctor himself will catch it.

"A real doctor would be ready for it, but can a serial killer pretending to be a doctor be ready for it?" Lucifer raises the question. "Unless he is ready to die, he can't be ready for it, can he?"

I get what he is saying. And it all makes sense too. But,

"What if the only reason he was not willing to die was because demons still exist and hell isn't a paradise like he wants it to be?" I ask, not question, as if I already know Lucifer will be able to figure it all out.

"If so, why would he possibly tell you all of his plans?"



Yato damnit! We are here because we fell into one of his traps. What if this outcome of sitting here and talking to Lucifer was something he wanted to create? What if the only reason he told us all of his plans was to make us think what we are thinking right now?

Holy shit! He's almost like Ethan Kales, just a shorter and fatter version of him.

"Now all of this leads us to one question – did he tell us his real plans or some carefully planned lies?" Danny says in a pondering voice. "I bet he told us his real plans."

"Oh?" Lucifer finds himself surprised, "How can you be so sure?"

"It just … didn't feel like he was lying."

And I get what Danny is trying to say, so I extrapolate for him, "The excitement and smile he had while telling us all that, like he's some shitty anime villain orgasming on the thoughts of his sick plan succeeding, it truly didn't felt like he was lying."

"I … see." Lucifer says with a deadpan expression. "But if that is the case and it also is a fact that he send you here, everything that you have figured out is probably within his calculations too."

Fair point.

"Leaving the doctor aside then, you have any idea about how we should go about saving Roswaisa slash Adonia?" Danny asks.

"I have no idea." Lucifer says with a look of disappointment at himself.

I say, "Maybe kissing Adonia would work."

"Huh!?" "Huh!?"

Well, not that I am surprised that the genius of my mind goes above even Lucifer's head, I do need to explain this in more detail, don't I?

"Me kissing Roswaisa was what forced her to be in a relationship with me, wasn't it? Maybe kissing Adonia will do something."

"Right, so where were we, Lucifer?" Danny says with a smile.

"We were discussing about how you guys can save that girl, right?" Lucifer says with a smile.

Ignoring me, huh? Well, if my genius truly can't be understood by those of this generation, how can someone as old as Lucifer understand it then? Of course, it's impossible. So, might as well give up on the idea.

"Adonia doesn't know about magic, does she?" Then a thought comes to my mind and I immediately ask that question.

"No, she doesn't." Danny replies.

"What if she learns about magic, no, not just that; what if she learns magic?"

Both of them stand up in surprise.

"That would make her a stronger human than before and maybe that would end up making her a stronger Angel than before too."

If she is stronger than before after all, she stands a better chance at beating Aknin Vielos. It's kinda simple, and also kinda stupid, but doesn't it make sense?
