
"Look man, I don't know which interpretation of the mythology you believe in but Lucifer is one of the friendliest deities in existence." He says it like it's a matter of fact.

What the hell is going on here!?

"Besides," he continues, "Instead of arguing to each other about things like these, we should be discussing the situation with him."

"What situation!?"

"There's only one situation." He yells at me as he stands up. "Lucifer!"

"Yes!" a humble reply comes to Danny's yelling voice.

"Apparently, there has been a prophecy about this dude and an Angel named Roswaisa killing you all."

"Ah yes, I know about that." he replies with a calm smile, like it's the most natural thing to do.

"Because of that prophecy, a really powerful Demoness killed Roswaisa."

"Oh, that's sad." Nothing Danny tells him fazes him at all.

"Now we are trying to save Roswaisa even though we don't know how, and I know we sound like a couple of idiots but believe me, we are serious about saving her!" After Danny yells all that, Lucifer calmly smiles and says,

"I see. Do you want my help with that?"

"Of course we do, man. That's the point I was getting at." Danny smiles like an idiot as he tells him that. In return, the king of the demons – smiles like an idiot too and gives Danny a thumbs-up.

Hearing all that, I can only wonder – Can this novel get any stupider? Is there still some level of stupidity left to be reached?

Yes, this truly is the biggest mystery of the story.


"You raise serial killers?"

"Yes, that is what I have been doing throughout many time-periods." He strokes his mustache as he continues, "Raising these devastatingly horrible human beings was my life's purpose. At least, I believed it was. And that belief was enough for me."

This … isn't getting anywhere.

"Tell me, once and for all, what is your plan?"


"Don't give me that surprised reaction, I can't read minds but I can tell you are just making it up." Because he has already shown how good he is with reading minds, I don't think there's any way he couldn't have seen my question coming.

"After I learn Absolute Frost Requiem, after I, let's suppose for a moment, kill that man as you want me to, what then? What is your end goal here?"

"Ah well, I suppose there isn't much to lose in telling you." He says while looking at the sky as if he's bored.


"So who was this Demoness that killed that Angel Roswaisa?" Lucifer asks as he takes a sip from his cup of tea.

"It was Aknin Vielos. Know her?" Danny answers as he takes a sip from his cup of tea.

"But of course, Aknin has some really big achievements to her name. How can I not know her?" Lucifer repeats the previous process.

"Figures!" Danny does so too.

"Stop! Please, stop!" I stand up and say, "You two are making my head spin!"

"Why? Was the tea not to your liking?" Lucifer asks like he doesn't understand anything at all.

"The tea doesn't matter, there's something more important to discuss here."

"Is that so? Well, go on." He says with a smile as he sips his tea once again.

"Even after knowing that your race will be destroyed by me and Roswaisa, you are still willing to help us out? Why!?" I pretty much start yelling at him all these words, but he doesn't seem to mind much.

"First tell me, Mr. Glice," he then asks,


"Was this prophecy done by Dues ex machina?" for a moment, a hint of darkness comes to his face but soon disappears.

"Yes!" Danny answers.

While I wasn't sure about this before, I had suspected it would be someone like her who can send a person back to the past, who would have done prophecies like that. It seems like Danny knew about it though and didn't tell me, probably thinking it is obvious or something.

"I see. Then you have your answer." He leans back in his chair as he says that, "I refuse to believe anything that abhorrent creature says. No prophecy of hers will I ever put any salt in."

"Wait! Seriously?" That's great to hear but, "Aknin said that your race has ignored many prophecies by her and that you have suffered a lot because of it."

"That is just her being a child." Lucifer says, his expression growing darker and more serious with every word he says. "With Dues' prophecies, it's not a matter of accuracy or anything like that. It's a matter of her foolish pride."

"Huh!?" "Huh!?"

Not only me but Danny too finds himself surprised at that.

"That woman plots and manipulates the situation to create the results her 'prophecies' foretell. She is nothing more than a fraud trying to equal god."



"While our race has indeed suffered, it has not been repercussions of ignoring her prophecies, it has merely been repercussions of ignoring her."

"I … see." Danny says with a shocked expression, "Are you telling me that-"

"Yes, I am." He stands up and looks in our eyes as he says, "I no longer have any intentions of ignoring her. In fact, I was just about to head out on a mission to capture her myself."

"HAH!!!?" Danny stands up in a hurry as he hears that, "Are you sure? You'll need to go to Earth to do that."

"Yes, you needn't worry about me, my friend." he takes a long breath and asks, "In any case though, what help did you need from me on your endeavor?"

"Oh, that. Well, I was wondering if you could help us figure out what exactly we need to do to save Roswaisa." Danny says a bit nervously, "Playing with time isn't a very good idea and we both know it but we need to do it regardless. Therefore, if someone as smart as you were to help us in figuring out what exactly we are supposed to do, we might not mess up too bad."

Seeing Danny's awkward smile, Lucifer sighs and smiles like he was doing before I brought up the subject of Dues' prophecy, "Sure, I'd help."
