
It ended up taking more time than we would have wanted to spend but here we are, at Meerut. And as we look at this new city we are in, we realize something. We realize that -

"Well, it's a pretty normal city."

"Yeah! There's nothing to really comment about." Danny says.

"Well, let's move on."

Nodding to my suggestion, Danny takes the lead as we start heading into the city. If we would have never travelled back in time, we would currently be on a Thursday class. No, there aren't any special classes on Thursday or anything like that. It's just so annoying that those moderates of the alliance formed between Women's Heart Group and that other group I forgot the name of try to lecture me the whole day about rejecting women without breaking their hearts or whatever.


"Yeah, what?"

"If you are just dissing the alliance for all the lecturing they give you on Thursdays, you should probably know that it was all your bad karma of rejecting women again and again that led you in this mess."

"Oh, is that so?" I ask with a condescending look, "And how are these two things connected at all?"

"They aren't connected though logic." He says while trying to flick the long hair that he doesn't even have, "They are connected through ... WRITING!"

"Oh!" So he is basically saying that I am being put through character writing where I have to face hardships and become a better person than I was before. If I had been a better person before, I wouldn't be put through all these hardships.

I see! I see! Author-san, go die in a hellfire!

"Ignoring that though, let's get back to the topic." I say while trying my best to ignore my thoughts about killing the author.

"Oh, is the story getting more serious again!" He asks with a smile that he tries to hide as he looks at me.

Oh boy! Look at the poor fellow getting so happy because he thinks he'll become useful again. Well, if I say he wouldn't be useful, the author will probably find a way to make him useful just to mock me. Therefore, I'll have to resist the urge to comment on all that and continue with the progression of the story.

"How are we going to find Ros-I mean, Adonia?"

Because both of them now exist in this time-period, mistakenly calling one by the other's name would be something I'll have to look out for. In a crucial moment, a little error like this can become a big deal.

"Well, it's not going to be easy but we do have a few leads." Danny says with a smile.

"Would you mind explaining what these leads are?" I ask casually.

"First of all, there is the fact that …" he starts trying to think of something.


"Well you know there's the thing that …" he again starts trying to think of something.


"Well, there's, you know …"

Yare yare! We are doomed.


"Any progress so far?" I hear the voice of the doctor, the suddenness of which surprises me. However, he seems to be in a good mood, enough of a good mood for him to be smiling at least.

"Well," I say casually, "I can't grasp everything as of yet but I have made some progress with it."

"That's great news!" The doctor says with a big smile. Looking at him right now might make any Angel's heart melt and would make him/her want to give their best. So, how can I be an exception?

"That's good to hear." I return his smile. "While it may take a little while, I think I can master Absolute Frost Requiem."

He nods with a smile and says, "Yes, yes. However, you shouldn't rush. It's better to first learn Frost Requiem. It is a pretty powerful ability in and of itself."

I nod as I do know that Frost Requiem, even by itself, is a very powerful ability. I had been taught about it in Heaven before.

"Is something the matter, Ms. Roswaisa?" The doctor asks with a curious gaze as he sees me smiling.

"Oh well, it's just that …" I trail off, not wanting to tell anyone about this because of embarrassment.

"Go on, miss. Don't be shy." He urges me to go on. And so I, after taking a long breath, do so.

"Becoming a higher-class Angel had always been a dream of mine." I look away as I say this, "Even with just Frost Requiem, I can probably rise to a much higher-ranking among the lower-class Angels. After learning Absolute Frost Requiem, my power should be enough to reach the higher-class."

It is a bit of an awkward thing to say but getting summoned here as my first summoning request was probably the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I'm so grateful for this.

"I see. That's delightful to hear, miss."

The doctor then turns back and looks at the road. We are currently on the roof of a palace-like-structure you can say. We are only above two floors but these floors are super high. It feels like I'm sitting on top of a 4-floor building. Though to be fair, there are places in Heaven too where the floors are this high but I have never been inside one of them so this is a first for me.

"Ms. Roswaisa," he calls out to me and says, "How's this view?"

"Well, it's a great view." I do honestly think it is. You can see people walking down the streets from here and it makes you feel like you are on some kind of tower and gazing down at people from there. Only that this place has more room to be in than any tower generally offers.

"Can I assume you like the city of Meerut?" he asks.

"Yes, I do." I say while tilting my head, wondering why he asked something like this but,

"I see." His voice grows cold all of sudden as he asks, "What if this city gets covered in red?"
