Higher One

"You are being summoned …" A coarse voice says to which,

"I am being summoned! Oh no! This is my last chance! I'm so nervous!" I start panicking and looking in all directions (I don't know why).

"Calm down, Angel Roswaisa!" The coarse voice that can't be classified as a man's or a woman's continues as I had disturbed it before it finished, "You aren't being summoned to Earth. You are being summoned to the court of the Higher One."

"Higher One! Oh god! That might even be worse!" I start panicking yet again looking in all direction (again, why? I don't what's wrong with me and every other character that starts looking in all directions when panicking).

"Anyway, you must hurry and appear before the Higher One." the coarse voice of Command, the deity responsible for delivering messages, commands and all such things to various Angels and Archangels says as his voice shows me the urgency of the situation. After telling me all that though, Command leaves, as he always does.


Why am I being summoned to the court of the Higher One? The Higher One is a deity who commands all Angels and Archangels. People on earth generally refer to him as the God. So, why am I being summoned to his court? Oh man, I am getting so nervous!


I finally, after having mentally prepared myself as much as I can, step in the courtroom of the Higher One. Though to call this place a courtroom might give a wrong impression as this place is basically 'unexplainable awkwardness' materialized into a room.

It is a dark room with stars and galaxies visible making it look like I am floating in space when the exit/entrance closes up. Here, one can hear the voice of the Higher One. All Angels and Archangels, when they are born, are placed here for the Higher One to bestow upon the powers they deserve, but after that, very few are ever needed to enter here. This is my first time entering here too if I don't count the mandatory birth time.

"Tell me your classifications." An unexplainably melodious voice rings in my ear, the voice of the only deity that lives here, the deity above all.

"Y-yes, I-I …" I stop and try to collect myself. I swallow my saliva once and take a deep breath. After that, I continue,

"I'm the Angel named Roswaisa.

My rank is Emerald.

I am multi-talented as far as elemental magic goes, by which, I mean that I can do every elemental magic to an excellent extent.

My special power is called 'Frost Requiem', which is a mix of Fire and Ice elements.

So far, I have been summoned two times on Earth. I … failed both the times to fulfill the summoner's request."

I tell him the six things that make what one can call my Profile in Heaven. Name. Rank. Talent in Magic. Special Power. Total no. of times summoned. Total no. of successes and failures.

I have no idea what the Higher One is going to say and the more he stays silent, the more nervous I become. Please say something, Higher One, even it's a pervy joke. On second thought, no, the god making a pervy joke would be too much to handle.

"I see. Angel Roswaisa, the reason I called you here is related to your last summon on Earth." Finally, the Higher One speaks, only to make me more nervous by giving minimal details. What's wrong with these deities and the way they talk? It's like they talk for the sake of creating suspense.

"H-Hai! What is it, Higher One?" I ask meekly, trying to stop my body from shaking.

"From what I can gather, you kissed someone."


"W-Well, I-I suppose … Hahaha … it just … happened … somehow." I try to come up with an excuse as to why that happened despite their being no known reason for giving an excuse at this point. Well, what can you say? The author decided I'd be a worrywart when things get like this so I have to panic at literally everything.

"Regardless of how it happened, what's important is that someone kissed you and you kissed them back."

Hey, I was just going with the flow, man. No personal feelings attached there. I mean, he was … pretty hot, and suddenly started kissing me … so I started kissing back.

Oh god! What the hell was my IQ level back then? And then god answers that for me,

"If you didn't have any personal feelings towards him, then you shouldn't have kissed back. Now because you did, you are duty bound to be his future wife."

Ah, I see!

Wait! What! I don't see! I can't see! What the hell! (An angel probably shouldn't say that but who cares? It's not like someone else can read my monologues.)

"It's a rule of the heaven that I don't know who set up but I didn't object back when it was set up and even I can't affect it much because of that. I can't help you in anyway. Be ready to get married to the man you kissed."

What the hell is going on with me! I can't even answer the Higher One because of the anime reaction of freezing solid in time that I have to be in right now.

"Now, it seems your future husband is trying to summon you to Earth!" The Higher One then reveals something that shocks me on the same level as the previous news. "He didn't really need to do that since he would have been brought to Heaven in a few days anyway, but since he is summoning, you must answer."

"Y-yes, Higher One!" I can just meekly spout that. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me?

"Remember that this will be your last chance, don't fail this time or your existence ends." The Higher One tells me so, which only reminds me of how he said he wouldn't get involved with me any further, which I guess was not possible because of that whole 'spouse' thing but still, he is actually summoning me to Earth … to save me from dying? Or something else?

"Before you answer his summons though, Angel Roswaisa," the Higher One again draws my attention with his words and then, "Don't speak 'hell' so much in your mind. It's unbecoming of an Angel."

What the hell!
