
When I open my eyes, I find myself staring at a white ceiling with tube lights at every corner. The next thing I realize is that I am lying on a bed. I try to move but it seems like my hands and legs have not regained their strength yet. What the hell is going on anyway?

"Oh, you're up." So comes the voice of a woman from my right to which I react and see a woman in a white outfit-type dress. Who is she? I don't recognize her.

"That's good." She says and her formal tone of voice sounds kinda nice. She also seems to have a hat or cap on top of her head, which is also of white color. Who is she? I don't recognize her at all.

"How're you feeling?" she continues. I find that her dress only stretches to her knees and she has a black shoe which seems to be a part of some kind of formal dress as well. Who is she? I don't recognize her in the slightest.

"Is your head hurting?" She continues. And as she does, my eyes fall on a sort of bulge above her stomach, actually, two bulges. That's huge, at least DD. Okay, she's the school nurse.


Okay, so passing out like that was pretty pathetic when you think about it, definitely decreased by badass points by, like, 1000. Not to worry though as infinite minus 1000 is still infinite.

"Hah! I'm so cool."

There was once a boy who passed out from the news of having his future spouse decided and still thought he was cool. That boy was me.

Ignoring the author's assholiness (an official word from now on) in writing the last paragraph though, I'm in a bit of a pickle here.

Regardless of the fact that Roswaisa's the hottest woman I've ever laid eyes on, regardless of the fact that kissing her felt like I was in heaven, regardless of the fact that having an Angel as a wife would bring me infinite benefits, I can't have her as my future spouse.

I know I sound like a bloody idiot that every freaking male weeb who has never had a single 3-D girlfriend in his life would be out to kill by this point; I still can't have her as my future spouse.

Why does it feel like my IQ is decreasing with every paragraph? That's not the case, is it?

Anyway, I need to go and summon that Angel and divorce her, before things get anymore out of hand.


I look at the pentagonal magical symbol I made at the center of my house, using freaking chalk. There is an emerald kept at its middle and broken glass pieces kept at the five ends of the pentagonal shape.

"Hey Irium, you alright now?" A familiar Shinji's voice comes as the door of my living room, which was half a day old by this point, dies.

I run to the telephone and dial the emergency number of the police station.

"Hey, stop that. I'm not a burglar. I'm Danny." The familiar Shinji spouts.

"What's the difference between the two?" I ask while looking at him.

"That's mean, Irium! By the way, I see you drew the circle for summoning an Emerald Angel." He says in an excited voice as he sees the pentagon on the ground.

"Yeah, that's what I did." I say while putting down the telephone and picking up a small knife, for protection of course.

"By the way, why does it need to be a pentagon? It takes so much damn time to draw one of these." I ask while stretching my hands.

"Oh, it's the hierarchy. Sort of." He says with a smile. Seriously, it doesn't feel right to call him Shinji anymore. He's really become Sonohara. "Angels have a hierarchy based on how powerful they are, which can change when their powers increase or decrease. It goes like this –

Diamond – first and lowest tier – summoning with circle – suppose the power level here is 1

Hessonite – second tier – summoning with triangle – power level is 1.5

Ruby – third tier – summoning with square – power level is 2

Sapphire – also third tier – summoning with square – power level is 2

Ruby and Sapphire Angels vary based on different attributes of their powers. But anyway,

Emerald – fourth tier – summoning with pentagon – power level is 3

And so, as you can see from that, it takes a pentagon to summon any Emerald-level angel."

That's pretty nice; little cliché, sure, but still nice. That said though, there's something that I hope I am misunderstanding because if I am not, it's pretty damn terrifying.

"That Angel was only on her second summoning, and she is already an Emerald?" I ask doubtfully.

"Yes, it looks like you got a monster of a future spouse." He says while laughing like an idiot.

To hell with future spouse, I'm going to end this drama as soon as I summon her.

"Anyway, if I want to summon exactly her, I need to put something associated with her with me. That's what you said, isn't it?"

"Yup. That's how it goes."

Wow! You really ripped off from Fate, didn't you author-san? Regardless, I need to summon her and to do that; I need to have something associated with her with me right now. And that something is,

"Seriously man, that's gross." Former Shinji, of all people, calls me gross. I am certain now that this woman will lead me to doom.

"Don't look at me like I have some weird fetish about this thing. I just found it while cleaning the house and decided to use it." I explain as I hold a feather of that Angel's wings.

"You clean the house?" Former Shinji looks in disbelief as he says.

Yeah, former Shinji, I clean the house. You know why? Because some people, like me, do have to work for themselves, bloody spoiled brat!

"Well, that was unexpected." He turns to look at the pentagon and wipes off the look of disbelief from his face as he says, "Anyway, you should start. I'll be here to guide you so you should start chanting the spells I told you about before."

"No thanks! It'll be much safer for me to do this alone."

I say that with a façade of a smile and kick former Shinji out from the door he came in.

"Hey, don't be so mean! Remember who explained everything to you last night and told you how to summon her when you had no way to know by yourselves and were des-" Former Shinji gets a kick on his mouth as he falls in the lawn.

"That's enough! I had to do all that because she didn't erase my memories and it was weighing on my consciousness." I say with hands on my back.

"That's a lie and you know it." He says in a blaming tone. "She had left a pill that I told you will erase your memories of the event if you take it but you didn't and decided to hel-" he gets another kick on his face.

Suck it! Former Shinji! None of that ever happened. No! No! Not at all! It's not like I'm doing this for that Angel-girl or anything, b-baka!

Yeah, well! Now that that's taken care of, time to start the summoning process.

"[Insert infinite Latin words that the author is too ignorant to know the meaning of]."
