
Instead of slowing down, this quake seems to be rising in intensity. All the people around us seem to be panicking as well. We know for certain this isn't a coincidence but that fruit-seller is responsible for whatever is going on. That said though, that much is all we know.

"Hey Danny, don't you have any card that can help in this situation?" I ask as I turn around to look at him.

"I do." He says as he takes it out in his hand, "And here it goes."

What comes out of the card is a monster with three heads, appearance like that of a dog or wolf, and looking like it wants to devour life. Looking at it, I can tell what it is. And knowing that is more terrifying than this earthquake.

"You have a Cerberus in your deck of cards!?" I ask a question I know the answer of very well.

"As you can plainly see, I do." He says with a bit of an awkward smile.

Holy shit! This guy is more powerful than I could have ever given him credit for. That all said though,

"What is a Cerberus going to do in this situation though?" I ask him.

"He is a hound of Hades, or simply a hound of hell. Now tell me, what are hounds good at?" He looks at me with a grin as he asks.

Well, I get it. This Cerberus is going to sniff out that fruit-seller. Danny is betting on the probability of the guy who started this whole mess to know a way to stop it. That isn't a half-bad plan to be honest. It basically is what any Pokémon trainer would do in a situation like this. The only thing is – this Cerberus is too damn fierce and bloodthirsty to be called a Pokémon. I am worried it'd kill the fruit-seller as soon as it finds him, not even waiting for us to get there.

"Now go!" Regardless of my worries though, I won't stupidly go and stop Danny from sending this Cerberus to sniff out that guy. What other plan do we have aside from this after all?


"Who are you talking about?" I yell at him, unable to contain myself any longer.

"Calm down, Ms. Roswaisa." The doctor merely smiles with calmness visible on his face, calmness that makes my blood boil even further. "You have already met them actually."

"What!? I have met them!?" His next statement leaves me surprised. And in my surprise, I move a step back. As I do that, all of sudden I feel a really dark presence nearby. And soon enough, the cause of it becomes apparent as a Cerberus flies off in the air, lands on a roof and then jumps off from it.

"Oh my!" the doctor says as he looks at that, "To think that they would send a Cerberus to hunt for him, it seems like the two of them are pulling all stops, aren't they?"

Two? Is he talking about the ones he just said are the only people I can rely on? If he is, then,

"Ah!" the scene of the two men walking into the chamber and looking at me as if they knew me and were surprised to see me flashes before my eyes. "Those two?"

"Yes, yes, those very two people." As this doctor can read my minds, it is safe to say that he knows exactly who I am thinking of. Then, the people I can rely on, they really were those two. And now that I know that … what am I supposed to do?

"Now that you have heard all this, do you consider me a bad person, Ms. Roswaisa?" he asks all of a sudden.

"Huh?" not the suddenness of the question though, it is the uncanny nature of it that leaves me unable to answer right off the bat.

"I do only want you to learn that ability and then try to kill one of the two of them, Irium." He says as his visage loses its fake smile and, "Doing that will ensure that the future will be bright for me. I will be fulfilled by that."

"Tsk!" What am I supposed to do? What, in heaven's name, am I supposed to do?


Following the hound has been difficult, to say the least. We have to make sure we don't let the continuously shaking earth cause us to bump into something that can hurt us. So, our speed has been slow. However, in Danny's words, there's no reason to worry because he can sense the direction as well as distance between him and Cerberus. Therefore, no matter how far we get from the creature, we can always catch up.

I haven't told him though that I am worried that his Cerberus will attack that fruit-seller. It is probably something he has thought of before summoning that creature because, believe it or not, he thinks when he really needs to.

"Irium," he says as he looks back at me, "Why do I feel like I was being looked down on again within your monologues?"

"Just your imagination." I tell him. And, it's not a lie of course. I wasn't looking down on him at all. I was just speaking (or thinking) a fact. "Anyway, how far is it?"

"Well, Cerberus …" he suddenly stops and turns ahead, his expression changing colors and his teeth gritting against each other, "After taking the right on the next cut-point, we'll have to run 100 meters more."

"Okay, and?"

"And then we'll find the guy we are looking for."

I … see. So that means that this change happened because his Cerberus stopped, probably because he found the guy we are looking for.

"You ready?" he asks as he looks back at me. I just plainly nod. And so he says, "Let's go get that guy!"

He yells so as he takes a right, followed by me without a second's delay. But, as soon as we take that right, we find ourselves in a place that is definitely not where we were before.

"What the hell!?"

Danny says with a shocked expression, and I just stare at the scenery before me in awe and terror.

Rocky walls like that of cave with hotbeds of steaming water running everywhere, and lava flowing down from the top of a cliff in a distance as if it's a waterfall, but lava edition.

"Looking at this, we are either in a volcano," I say, "or hell."
