"I didn't give the prophecy I gave for you to be able to change it." I say with a smile, no, a grin, "The demon race IS going to die, and they are going to be the ones to kill all of you."

Because her legs are now taken hold of by the floors, she can't move any closer to me. She does still try though, and fails miserably.

"This isn't going to end well for you." She says angrily to which,

"Tell me something," I ask with a straight face, "Why did you leave the job unfinished anyway?"

She looks away and clicks her tongue on hearing that. Why though?

"If you had killed Irium earlier, you wouldn't need to be so troubled right now." I say plainly. "You are the one who left the job unfinished and made it possible for this to even happen."

And why did she do that? Why did she leave Irium after she had already killed Roswaisa? I am pretty sure she could have easily killed him, especially with Roswaisa gone.

"I …" she says, or at least tries to but soon trails off and doesn't show any intention to continue. She instead presses her lips as a sign of saying she would not say any further.

"So be it." And so I decide to stop asking as well and leave her where she is as I casually move away and sit on the stage. "Whether you tell me or not will not change what has already happened after all."

"I should have never …" She then says suddenly, "… listened to that man."

I just quietly stare at her as I hear her say that. My emotions are not very easily discernable in my original form because of my face being just bones. Right now, I am glad that is the case as I can't contain my surprise at hearing her say that.

"After killing Roswaisa," she continues in an agitated voice, "I saw HIM appearing before me and telling me to let Irium go for that day. He said it would be best for everyone if I do that."

If she is talking about the man I think she is talking about, then this is bad. This is really bad. If HE is involved in this whole mess, then I have made an error in judgment, an error that could destroy all my plans, everything.


Whether I have my eyes closed or opened, all I can see is – dark. Only blackness comes into my sight. Nothing is visible. I have no idea why though. There isn't a blindfold over me, and I can feel the sun's rays falling on my face so there's light in the place where I am as well. However, I can't see any of it. And then,

"How is it going, Emerald Angel Roswaisa?" I hear a menacing voice of a man, probably in his forties, ask someone that question. Then, "Oh, I am sorry. You don't even know who this Emerald Angel Roswaisa is, do you?"

He laughs as he says that. What's the deal here? Is he talking to me? It feels like it, especially because I can only feel the presence of the two of us here. But then, who is this Roswaisa?

"Allow me to correct myself." he says while he keeps chuckling a little and, "How is it going, Adonia Evans?"

He takes my name, which suggests that he definitely is talking to me. But, who is Roswaisa? Who is he? And what exactly is he asking me anyway? 'How is it going?' I am unable to see and have no idea why, plus I am alone with a man I don't know in a place that I don't know, how do you expect me to feel?

"There's no need to get so worked up." He says in a gleeful voice, "I was just asking a basic question."

I don't get it. I am pretty sure my I didn't let the anxiety and fear appear on my face. Then what is he talking about when he says I am getting worked up?

"Oh, that?" his voice remains like before as he answers my query, "I can read minds."

He says. And just for him to say that is proof enough that it is true. How else would he have known I was thinking that anyway?

"That's right, miss, it's the truth." His voice finally changes, now growing plainer as he continues, "Now let's get down to business, shall we?"

From everything that I can feel so far, from his voice's intensity to the little sound of his footsteps, he would be about 5 meters away from me. And now, after he mentions about getting down to business, he moves even further away.

"I would want you to kill someone for me." he says in a plain voice.

"W-what?" I hear him clearly but still ask that. And so, he repeats himself,

"I want you to kill someone, and that someone is Irium Glice." He says, "While he will be killed sooner or later anyway, it's much better if you do it."

A bit of glee returns to his voice as he says that and I find it utterly disgusting that that is the case. However,

"I won't force you to do so of course, just know that if you don't do it with your own hands," he says in a voice that clearly shows that he is enjoying himself, "you'll have to see someone else doing it in front of your eyes."

I … am left unable to reply to that, so he continues on,

"Either of two works for me."

And on,

"It's just that - YOU killing him is much more fun."

And on,

"Well, I might disappear now."

And finally with that, his voice stops coming. And just as it does, a shine so bright enters my eyes that I am unable to see. After a few seconds, after calming down a little, I try to open my eyes once again. And this time, as my eyelashes part ways, I become able to see everything clearly like I always do.

"W-what was that all about!?"

And so I wonder that to myself as there's no one there to answer.
