Angelic And Demonic

"Roswaisa!? Is-is that you?" A surprised and familiar voice comes from behind. I turn to look and can't help but smile as I face the man who the voice belongs to.

"Why are you so surprised to see me, Danny?" I ask, "I think Dues did tell you that I am safe, didn't she?"

"Y-yes, she did. But still, I was worried what's going on that she isn't allowing either of us to see you." He says, looking rather delighted.

"Actually, it was me who had asked her to not let either of you meet me." I say.

"Huh? Why?"

"I was afraid it would cause an adverse effect on my condition, because of everything that was going on with me."

Seeing his worried expression, I realize I might have made that sound worse than it was. And looking at my appearance might be increasing his worry too.

"What was-"

I cut him off because I knew what he was going to ask, "You don't need to worry about that. It was nothing bad."

"I … see. Still, I want to know. What was going on with you?" He presses the matter, and I don't see any reason to not tell him, so,

"Tell me Danny, do I sound like a sweet, little, moral Jesus to you?" I inquire.

"Ah!" His surprised expression tells me he has realized what I meant.

"Do I sound like the Adonia Evans version of me or the one you met in 1856? Or … do I sound like …" I deliberately trail off knowing that he knows the answer.

"You sound like the Roswaisa we met in 2020." He says.

I nod with a smile and don't say anything, giving him some time to put all the pieces together. He doesn't take too long though. "Does that mean that you remembered everything from the previous timeline?"

"Yes." I say. "In this past month, I have had one bolt of memory after another flow into my mind. And by now, I have remembered all of it."

During that time, if I had met either of them, it could have had some adverse affect as they were the ones who were most important in those memories I was regaining (alongside Aknin Vielos but she is already dead).

"I-I see." He seems at a loss for what to say, probably because he has too much to say and is having a hard time deciding what to say first. So, I might as well help him a bit.

"You probably want to tell me about the developments that have happened with you guys in these past few weeks." I assume that would be one of the most important things in his mind so, "I already know."

"You … do?"

"Yeah, I know Irium is going on those adventures Dues has planned for him. I know you are busy taking care of Glice and that Dues wants to take over the realm. I also know two friends of Kaylith's are busy taking care of their shops as well as Irium's house now. Anything else?"

"No, not really. That's pretty much all there is to our status report." He says jokingly, causing me to smile.

"So, you'd probably want to know what exactly Dues did to me?" I say in a questioning tone. He nods, and so I answer, "She, as you may have been told, did some changes to my core structure. I am no longer an Angel, nor am I a Demon. But, I am a bit of both."

"A bit of both?"

"Yes." I take a breath and make my wings spread wide to show him what I mean. Seeing my wings, he is left stunned. "As you can see, my once white wings have now become completely black."

They still look like an Angel's wings (plain and soft). They haven't become rough and crooked like a Demon's wings. However, their color has become black like that of a Demon. And then there's this thing I didn't have before.

"I had heard some Demons had this but I never thought I'd see it on my back someday." I say as I look at the deep black anthropomorphic feature that some humans seem to admire.

"You have a tail now?" He asks a stupid question like that when he sees it.

"Yes, tail IS what people call this thing." I say, a bit embarrassed about the whole ordeal.

After staying silent for a moment staring at my tail, he moves his gaze away when I move my tail behind me. "I-I see. So you right now have gained capabilities of both Angels and Demons." Then he continues, "So now you have become an existence that can survive even when Angels and Demons can't?"

"Yes, precisely." I say. "You know the Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen relation that exists for humans like you as well as plants? It was something like that. A particular mana compound was required to be inhaled by Angels for them to live and it was exhaled by Demons and vice-versa. Dues eliminated those two compounds from the universe so they both died. But, she modified me in a way that my needs for both of those compounds are nullified by each other."

"I see." He is troubled after hearing all this, which is quite understandable to be honest. I don't like my body being tampered with like that either. But well, at least it saved my life.

"Anyway, as you can see," I say with an awkward smile, "that all has caused some rather significant changes in my appearance."

My wings are black and I have a tail of the same color. But, that's not all.

My beauty was earlier enhanced by the virtue of an Angel. That still exists but, now it has also been enhanced by the vice of a Demon. In other words, upon seeing me, it wouldn't just be admiration that a person would feel now. It would also be jealousy and lust.

My hair color has changed from red to white, with some red strands still there.

My eyes, previously simple green, have now become alluring like an emerald. And I meant that literally. If one stares directly into them, they'd look just like an emerald to them.

My porcelain skin is still porcelain, but just a little less pale.

All in all, my appearance now has become a mix of Angelic charm and Demonic allure.

"Dues said that what I have become now – a mix of Angel and Demon – can be referred to as a Demigod."
