Too Full Of Yourself

Why does everybody these days have deals or offers for me? Dues, then Cartel, and now this sad excuse for a dark elf too.

"What is it?" Since I have found the previous two deals very beneficial in one way or another, I decide to hear out this deal of his as well.

"Join us."

… Well, that's not a very enticing offer in any possible way but,

"In exchange,"

Maybe I can get a great benefit out of it-

"We will offer you everything that you could ever desire."

"Money, wealth, property, women,"

Your first and second are basically the same damn thing and the third kinda comes automatically with the first one. As for the third, even without the blessing that had made my life hell, I am still the most handsome man I know (aside from, maybe, God; but let's pretend he doesn't exist), so that's the last thing I would ever 'desire'. Henceforth,

"No." –is my answer to his frankly stupid deal.

"And why is that?" The fat elf asks with genuine confusion.

��That's because there is only one thing that I truly desire, and you don't have the power to give me that."

"Well," he asks with curiosity welling up his eyes, "at least tell me what it is."

"I want the past to be changed so that Angels and Demons would still be alive in present." I state plainly. "You think you can do that?"

"…" Speechless as obviously the answer is a 'no', the Jom-kun starts looking at me with somewhat wary looks now. "W-why do you want that?"

"Why the hell should I tell you when it wouldn't really make a difference by doing so?" I ask, irritated at the tone this fat idiot has had since the start. Even though he is the leader of a band of mercenaries, he is acting like he's the king of the universe or something, even saying stuff like he'll give me anything I'd ever desire.

"Well, if that's all," I say, "I would like to get going now."

I have a lot of things to do, which I am hoping would be far better than talking to this Jom-e-wah.

"Now that's going to be a problem." Jom interrupts as I start turning around. "See, if you had joined us, we could have told Cartel that there was no reason to kill you anymore that you are on our side and henceforth, you would have become able to roam about freely, for the most part at least. But now that-"

"Shut it!"

Now that I have said no to his deal, he'll have to do what he was paid to do and that doesn't involve letting me go – or some other blabber like that. I really don't have the patience to deal with this idiot right now.

"I think it should have become obvious already but I am stronger than your entire band of mercenaries. You'll all get slaughtered if you try to stop me."

Jom takes a few glances at the terrified wizards all keeping their distance from me and nods. "True, they won't stand a chance. But, what about me?"

"You are too full of yourself if you think you can defeat me." I state plainly.

"I could the same to you." He throws back at me. And that is why he'll lose. He thinks I am acting arrogant. Well, I guess he thinks I am like him then. Fortunately, I am not. I am the type of guy who would arrogant to distract the enemy from the fact that I am trapping them up. And when the trap is done,

"Mind repeating that after this?" I ask as chains form out of rocks and cover the hand, and the muddy ground covers the legs, of Jom-e-wah.

"Still think you have got the upper hand?" I taunt him to see if he pulls something stupid. And he does.

"Yes, I do." He mockingly yells as he throws a dagger at me. Obviously, the dagger doesn't reach me. How would it when the ground is in my control and would even change shape to that of a soldier to protect me from projectile like this.

Okay, I might have overstated that a bit. I turned the ground into that soldier-shaped figure myself so it wasn't that cool.

Still, I totally overpower this guy. I hope it's clear to him now.

"It's not over yet!" He yells and tries to flex his muscles as much as he can to break free of the shackles I have pinned on him. This might get dragged out like this so,

"H-how the hell did you break them!?" I ask that with a fake horrified expression as I let him out of all those shackles, making sure to make it look like he broke them.

"Ha!" He mockingly laughs as he says, "They were not even a challenge."

Of course they weren't. I need to put in some effort to make it a challenge, which I didn't think there was any need to do back there.

"Now, let me show you what real power means!" After spouting that hilariously cliché line, Jom-e-wah charges at me with all of his strength. With that much force into it, a punch could potentially kill me. But, it still can't do much to a hard rock.

"What the-" He is left astonished as a rock as big as him and harder than his fists can break comes between me and him and protects me. To add salt to his injury, it comes right out of the ground and so, he does not see it coming at all and is unable to stop himself from crashing into it.

"Shit!" He curses as he rubs his knuckles (which he hit the rock with) with his other hand. I do not let it end there though as,

"Time for you to show your running skills!" I start making the rock fly right at him. Seeing it approaching, he starts stepping back at first before it transforms into turning and running away as fast as he can. He knows as well as I do that a dark elf's body, even if it is a large dark elf, is not capable of withstanding a rapidly approaching rock of that size.

So, all I have to do is make sure the rock suddenly gets faster and does hit him.
