
A night after having slaughtered all those wizards and seen Sung Li die, I arrive at a village. Since rumors about me would obviously be spreading around, I try my best to disguise myself. However, it all ends up being meaningless when I realize that the whole village is abandoned. There is not a single soul living here anymore. As to what caused this, I have no clue. Whatever it was though, it would be something I would have trouble dealing with.

If I hadn't met Cartel, I would have used this place as a hideout for a few time and then moved on. But since I am trying to stir up trouble, I can look at this as an opportunity. I need to investigate what happened here first.

"Okay so, where do I start?"

Talking to myself doesn't help (surprisingly) and I end up deciding to go from one side to the other like a baby investigating a crime scene.

That being said though, it turns out to be a good decision. Going around the village this way makes it easier to investigate as the village (or the side I entered from at least) starts off with less damaged parts of the village and then, as I proceed, the place looks more and more damaged.

On the other end of the village, the place is a complete mess.

If I would have to give an estimate based on this, some scuffle started in the middle and it led to the people scuffling coming to the other side of the village and ending up fighting. Of course, that's just a rough estimate and could, in fact, be completely wrong.

I mean, if this was one and a half months ago, I would have said that this is exactly what happened because I, the protagonist, have drawn this estimate. But, having realized over the course of these past 40-50 days that the author cares more about making fun of me than he cares about the quality of the book, I wouldn't be so sure of myself anymore.

"Of course, even if my estimation is correct, I don't know much about anything.

From the looks of things, I doubt this would have been anything more than a normal village. So, who did this? Did monsters attack the village? Did other Frosts do this? Or is there a third part involved?

A thought flashes across my mind, a thought that I immediately start to deny.

"Cartel wouldn't do something like-"

But even as I try to, my tongue stops.

What evidence do I have that tells me he is not responsible for this? Just how can I put him off the hook like this? Just because we are working together doesn't mean we have the same limits and methods. His may consider something like this totally okay. So, I can't deny the possibility of this being his doing.

Still, I also can't just consider this IS his doing. Need to keep my mind open and working.

My words get stuck in my throat and my investigation comes to a sudden halt. All the possibilities in my mind fade to the rear and the survival instinct comes to the forefront. My limbs then start moving and my eyes start wandering all over the place.

Something just happened. But, what?

As if to answer my question, my back started burning. I turn without stopping the running, or without even being able to stop it, and see an arrow stuck to my back. It has pierced right through my skin and has placed itself comfortably within my flesh. Blood is flowing out like its water and just looking at it makes me feel weak and at a loss for blood.

I couldn't actually be at a loss for blood, can I? No, I can't; not this soon, and not with this type of wound. It should take more time. It's probably some psychological condition that's making me feel so weak. But, knowing that doesn't help me much as the strides of my legs still slow down and every time I try to move something consciously, it starts to feel like even the smallest of touch will tear me apart.

Goddamnit! Why now of all times?

I can just feel my legs wobbling and I can tell that I am going to fall down in the next moment. Yet, I am not able to do anything.

When on the ground, I feel the actual pain from the wound starting to burn even more. It could be because of the coldness of the ground that is getting to the wound a little. It could also be because of some late-acting chemical mixed with the arrow.

Either case, I have to get up. I need to get up. Nothing will be solved by lying like this.

And so, I try my best. I put all my strength in my arms, which makes them feel like they are on the verge of being blasted, try to get up. In this state though, my arms have little to no strength left in them. Even in addition to the psychological condition, I think their strength is actually fading more and more as the time passes.

I never knew blood would affect my psyche like this but well, it does.

I never knew I would be attacked out of nowhere like this but well, it has happened.

There's lot of other things I can add to that list but I think that's enough to describe the predicament I'm in. As for the ones who have put me in this predicament, they finally show themselves when they are sure that I can't harm them in any way.

There are two of them in fact.

And – the ones responsible for this – these two aren't Frosts, not by a long shot. Taking away from my geek knowledge, the two people who have appeared before me with big, condescending smirks on their faces are what we refer to as 'Dark Elves'.
