
The year was 1948 it was a warm summer afternoon, the sky was orange as the sun started to set behind the mountains. Under the big oak tree sat a little red head girl crying with her hands holding her knees to her chest she sat there and cried. Off to her left two bodies were laying lifeless on the ground. In between the crying you could hear her wispier to her self.

"W-why, why they d-don't deserve this," she cried out.

" You know what they did, the deserved it your not to blame," a voice reassured to her in a soft comforting tone.

"w-who said that where are you," she replied wide eyed and started to look around.

"why I'm you and your me," the voice replied, "I'm in your head but if you want to see me" the voice said as a shadow like outline of a person formed over the corps.

"Y-your me," she said confused "w-wait if that's true then y-you caused this." she stated backing away from the figure confused and scared.

"Well technically yes, i did help you rid your self from these distractions," It said floating over the corps as it approached closer to her. "But you enjoyed it all all of it, all i did was give you a little push and you did the rest on your own terms." grinning the figure exclaimed before disappearing leaving amber alone on the hill top with the two bodies.