Five years have pasted since the unsolved Eclipse family murder, the only survivor was a Twelve year old girl named Amber. Due to the tragic event Amber was admitted to a mental ward, after five years of rehab they released her believing that she could re enter society. The now 17 year old girl is being taken under the custody of her grand parents witch live in cottage high up in the mountains where she will then live out the rest of her childhood. Waiting out side the mental hospital were her grand parents Saturn and Lee Eclipse, both surprising good looking for their old age Saturn wore sweat pants and a old raggy button up shirt and he supported his body with a cane that had a crow skull for a head. While Lee wore a pair of faded skinny jeans and a gray sweat shirt that was being held together by random stitching here and there along with a pair of knee high leather boots. Lee ran up to amber and greeted her with a bear hug. *dang how can a old cracker like her be so strong* Amber thought while she tried to escape her grandmothers death grip.
"Pa pa get mum off me," Amber wheezed out a cry for help.
"Now Lee lets not have to take your only granddaughter to another hospital after getting her out of this one." Saturn said resting a hand on lee's shoulder.
" But sat it been so long just look at how big she's grown." Lee whined as she let go of Amber.
" Aw mum, i'm not that big," Amber protested blushing red in embarrassment. " I'm still the scrawny little match of fire."
"That's right my little ember now lets go eat," Lee said rushing towards the car, "i call shotgun."
*Letting out a quiet sigh Saturn walk towards the car to join Lee.* "its like i'm watching a five year old." He mutters to himself just loud enough for Amber to hear.
Grinning a little at the comment Amber fallow her grand father to the car and took a seat right behind the drivers seat, she noticed that Lee was barley able to stay in her seat due to excitement, while Saturn tried his best not to get in a crash from Lee acting like a little puppy.
"I can't wait to do all fun crafts with my little match and other things like um," Lee tried to think of more things to say, "More fun stuff yea." She said full of excitement.
" I can't wait for you to stop blocking my mirror, " Saturn barked at Lee " If ya want to play with her first we have to get home in one piece."
For once in a long time Amber felt a warm feeling inside and was truly happy. The car ride was long mostly due to Saturn refusing to use any main roads, so Amber soon dosed off in the back while Lee continued to babble on random nonsense.
"Oh why hello there *my little match*." A voice mocked, "So quick question, how long til ya get us back throw in that crack house of a hospital, hmmm just wondering."
"Leave me alone you never done me any good," Amber yelled into the darkness.
"On the contrary dear, I would love to meet your family why don't you introduce me to them.... oh wait they know about your 'black outs' already darn i guess i can't." the darkness mocked while materializing into the shadow of a man before Amber.
"Course they know and they already know what to do if it happens again, but it wont I will make sure of it." she declared standing inches from the shadow staring into where the eyes would be.
"Pfff Amber, Amber, Amber," the shadow replied with a chuckle. "You forget your not in control, I am so don't get to cocky or else." The shadow snapped at her now with glowing purple eyes. "Do I need to remind you how weak you are."
"Ghhh n-no s-stop." Amber pleaded as she struggled to speak her eyes glazing over in a purple haze and her red hair started to turn black.
"That's what i thought," the shadow said now the eyes that once burned purple faded away and Amber fell to her knees gasping for air. "Now be a good pet for me and soon I will reward you." the shadow said vanishing, leaving Amber alone in her dream.
"Ghaaa! " Amber screamed as she jolted awake nearly causing Saturn and Lee to jump out of their seats.
"Amber sweet heart don't do that please I almost had a heart attack," Saturn stated taking a few breaths in.
"Are you ok my match?" Lee asked looking back at her. "Don't worry we're home now, I can cook you something to make you feel better."
"Y-yea i'm fine mum thank you." Amber stuttered trying to process what just took place inside her head. Shaking her head and clearing her thought. "I would love something to eat." she exclaimed.
"Oh boy what should I make then hmm," Lee started to ramble again but it didn't affect Amber in fact she liked hear others talk even if its nonsense. As they pulled into the drive way Amber look out the window to see the old two story log cabin. Made from faded red oak with a birch porch and a black slate tile roofing. It was a warm and welcoming sight to see compared to where she had be residing for the past five years. She also noticed the old willow tree not far from the house over looking a small pond with a swing hanging from it. She remember how many days she would just sit on the swing and watch the frogs and turtles swim and play in the pond.
"Wow i forgot how nice this place is," Amber said bewildered and lost in nostalgia.
"Thank you Amber at least someone else has good taste." Saturn joked looking at Lee.
"Ugh what ever lets head in I cant wait to cook for my little match." Lee said rolling her eyes as she exited the car.
Amber and her new family walked into the house together all smiling and happy to be together, but as Amber walked in swore she saw something standing at the end of the drive way like a figure out of the corner of her eye. But she shook her head and told herself she was seeing things. But what ever it was amber saw was more real than she nor her grandparent could ever image.